Fuzhou, the ancient city that "soaked in hot springs", is taking on a new look of greenness

Publicity Department of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee



FUZHOU, China, Sept. 19 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On September 17, overseas social media including "Oriental.Paris", "Discovered

Fujian" and "Discovery Fuzhou" published "Green Hot Springs -- An Unknown Facet

of Fuzhou", the latest promotion video of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, according to

the Publicity Department of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee. The video

follows the thread of "hot springs" and presents the new look of the ancient

city of Fuzhou. Breeding green vitality, the hot springs have integrated into

the city. They are flowing and breathing with the city, bursting out tremendous

life force.


Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian Province, has a history of hot spring of

more than 1,700 years. It is known as "the capital of hot springs of China" and

is also regarded as "the city soaked in hot springs". Since ancient times,

countless literati have visited the city and written poems about hot springs.


In Fuzhou, hills and mountains are mostly covered by forest. Hot springs are

reflecting the lush green, and rosy clouds are slowly rising around. They are

full of vitality, and represent a nice portrayal of the harmony between man and

nature. It is a city offers leisure and comfortable life, as well as passion

and enthusiasm. For thousands of years, the quiet flow of hot spring water has

witnessed the landscape changes in the history of Fuzhou city, and nourished

the people living here.


Source: Publicity Department of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=429675


   Caption: Fuzhou, the ancient city that "soaked in hot springs", is taking on a new look

of greenness




