Education Cannot Wait Calls for US$1.5 Billion in Urgent Funding to Reach 20 Million Crisis-Impacted Children

Education Cannot Wait



NEW YORK, Sept. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Education Cannot Wait (ECW) (

) called on world leaders to provide US$1.5 billion in urgent funding to

support the UN's global fund for education in emergencies and its strategic

partners in reaching 20 million crisis-impacted children in the next four years.


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ECW's new Case for Investment (

) and 2023-2026 Strategic Plan (

) set out a bold new ambition for the UN's breakthrough global fund, which has

mobilized over US$1 billion and directly supported nearly 7 million children

since its inception in 2016, and an additional 31.2 million with its COVID-19



Recent analysis from ECW indicates that as many as 222 million (

) crisis-impacted girls and boys are in need of urgent education support. More

than 78 million of these children are out of school altogether, with

approximately 120 million not attaining minimum proficiencies in reading or



World leaders, donors and other global advocates are joining ECW's global

#222MillionDreams (

) campaign in lead up to the Fund's High-Level Financing Conference, which will

take place in Geneva in February 2023.


"Despite its vital importance, education in emergencies remains chronically

underfunded while needs are growing," said Ignazio Cassis, President of the

Swiss Confederation, in support of the #222MillionDreams campaign (



With the war in Ukraine, jumps in forced displacement, the specter of famine

across the Sahel and East Africa, and other crises, education in emergencies

funding appeals reached US$2.9 billion in 2021, up from US$1.4 billion the

previous year, according to analysis from ECW's Annual Results Report (



"Our case for investment is our case for humanity. It is our collective plea to

achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and universal human rights," said ECW

Director Yasmine Sherif.


ECW's Case For Investment outlines a value-proposition "to create a world where

all children and adolescents affected by crises can learn free of cost, in

safety and without fear," including important details on the Fund's efforts to

address the climate crisis, engage the private sector, ensure gender equality,

catalyze political support, and enhance flexible and high-impact interventions

to reach those left furthest behind.


"Investing in education is an investment in peace, stability and prosperity.

Indeed, education is our investment in the future," said Alicia Herbert, ECW

Executive Committee Chair.


People looking to make a difference can call for leaders to take action, using

the #222MillionDreams (

) hashtag and by making individual donations (

) to ECW.


SOURCE: Education Cannot Wait


CONTACT: Kent Page,, +1-917-302-1735




