Shepherd Smith Edward & Kantas LLP: Did Bankoh Financial Advisors Commit Broker Negligence When They Sold Northstar (Bermuda) Products To Customers?

Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LLP



HOUSTON, Sept. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) sold investment and insurance products

primarily to foreign nationals looking for a safe haven for their assets. This

investor goal of wanting to take on little to no risk, along with having

certain financial protections, makes it even more puzzling as to why Bankoh

Investment Services would market and sell Northstar (Bermuda) annuity-like and

other products to customers when there were safer, better protected comparable

ones located in the United States that they could have recommended instead.


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Many of the Bankoh Investment Services customers we have spoken to told our

FINRA law firm that their Bankoh brokers never fully apprised them of the risks

involved in investing in these offshore-based annuities and they did not find

out that Northstar (Bermuda) was undergoing financial problems until it was too

late. Such omissions by brokerage firms is negligence and may be grounds for a

FINRA lawsuit to pursue damages.


All of these investors are requesting up to six- to seven- figures in financial

recovery. Many of them worked with Bankoh Investment Services broker Yoko




What Can You Do If You Suffered Significant Investor Losses While Working with


You want to work with expert FINRA securities arbitration lawyers who know how

to determine whether you have grounds for a securities fraud lawsuit and have a

track record of financial recovery in these types of cases. Shepherd Smith

Edwards and Kantas is representing Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda)

investors in FINRA arbitration against Bankoh Investment Services. Many of

these claimants are foreign nationals from Japan, including older investors,

who entrusted Bankoh to take care of their retirement funds and other assets.


We have recovered many millions of dollars for our clients. This includes full

or partial financial recovery in more than 90% of the investor claims we have



What Will It Cost You To Retain The Services of Our Seasoned FINRA Attorneys?

If we work together, any payment to us will be on a contingency basis. This

means legal fees will be due to Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas only if we

win damages for you, with fees to come out of the award and never from your own



Contact us online (

or call our +1(866) 901-4162 today.


Media Contact:

Kirk Smith

+1 713-819-1585


SOURCE: Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LLP




