Eviosys: Consumers choose metal packaging and tinned food to support sustainability and cost-of-living




PARIS, October 18, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Metal packaging giant, Eviosys [https://www.eviosys.com./], celebrates its

first year as an independent group. After 12 months of accelerated

transformation putting sustainability first, the European leader surveyed 2000

Europeans in the UK, France, Germany and Spain to get the latest information on

consumer priorities in this time of economic uncertainty.


The survey confirms that 72% of consumers will not trade off sustainability

even as inflation worries loom. The new data shows that despite the rising cost

of living, many western Europeans (61%) would still consider paying more for

sustainably packaged products.


Consumers are already changing their behaviours, with 72% saying they won’t

compromise on sustainability and 38% planning a smaller Christmas. Metal

packaging, fully recyclable, helps consumers on both cost of living and

environmental fronts.


The demand for sustainable alternatives


70% of Europeans said they cared about the type of packaging available to them,

and as education around sustainability grows, demand for circular packaging

options will rapidly increase.


Taking actions to propose even more sustainable metal packaging solutions,

Eviosys unveiled its new ESG program, Preserve Together

[https://heyzine.com/flip-book/b183f02148.html]. Preserve Together outlines

ambitious plans to reduce the carbon footprint of products in scopes 1 and 2 by

20% by 2027 (compared to 2020), on the way to Net Zero by 2050.


Cost of living worries


A quarter of people (28%) think buying canned food is an effective way to save

money and 40% say they will buy more tinned food to help weather the

cost-of-living crisis. As food cans can be stored longer, they allow for more

flexible meal organisation avoiding food waste, which both preserves our planet

and consumers’ budget. Without the need for refrigeration, choosing canned food

also helps the full supply chain to save on energy.


Olivier Aubry, Chief Commercial Officer, Eviosys said: “This survey confirms

Eviosys is making the right choices by investing in sustainability,

transforming our company to lead by example, with the dedication of all Eviosys

employees but also in partnership with our customers and suppliers. Consumers

are not abandoning their stances on plastic pollution, climate change and the



Notes to Editors


Survey commissioned by Eviosys and conducted by Focaldata in September 2022.


Eviosys is a leading global supplier of metal packaging, preserving the

products of thousands of consumer brands. Eviosys has the largest manufacturing

footprint in EMEA.


Source: Eviosys




