Changzhou makes efforts to build a new energy capital in the new year

Information Office of Changzhou Municipal People's Government



CHANGZHOU, China, Jan. 31, 2023 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On January 28, Changzhou held a new energy capital construction promotion

conference, with a total investment of over 47 billion yuan, and a total of 15

major new energy industrial projects were signed and settled. At the meeting,

10 important policies were formulated around the four aspects of industrial

development, technological innovation, promotion and application, and

ecological construction, and proposed the following goals: by 2025, the scale

of the new energy industry will exceed one trillion yuan, and the market value

of the new energy of Changzhou sector in the capital market will exceed one

trillion yuan, according to the Information Office of Changzhou Municipal

People's Government.


Chen Jinhu, Secretary of the CPC Changzhou Municipal Committee, said that the

promotion meeting was determined to build a new energy capital that leads the

Yangtze River Delta, radiates the whole country, and has global influence.


As the birthplace of modern industry, Changzhou has always adhered to the

unshakable development philosophy of establishing a city through manufacturing,

strengthening the city through industry, and prospering the city through

high-quality. Changzhou has the most complete industrial system among similar

cities. In 2022, Changzhou added 5 new energy companies with a total of 10

billion. By 2025, the scale of the new energy vehicle and core components

industry will exceed 700 billion yuan, the scale of the photovoltaic industry

will exceed 200 billion yuan, and the scale of the power equipment industry

will exceed 150 billion yuan.


Changzhou currently has R&D platforms such as the Trina Solar State Laboratory

and the Changjiang Triangle Physics Research Center of the CAS; Shangshang

Cable has repeatedly filled the gap in the field of nuclear-grade cables in the

world. Since 2019, the compound annual growth rate of patent applications of

new energy has been 39.7%, ranking among the top in the country.


In 2022, Changzhou attracted 200% more doctoral talents than 2020, and nearly

30% more master's talents. The new energy automobile industry alone has

attracted nearly 6,000 talents.


Chen Jinhu said that the manufacturing industry is Changzhou's feature,

advantage, and competitiveness. Changzhou will support the continuous rise of

the city's energy level with the all-round rise of the capital of new energy,

and demonstrate Changzhou's strengths, value and responsibility.


Source: Information Office of Changzhou Municipal People's Government





