"My China Story of Chinese Culture" International Short Video Competition award ceremony held in Jining, Shandong

Xufang International Digital Culture Media



BEIJING, Feb. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


On February 22, the award ceremony of "My China Story of Chinese Culture"

International Short Video Competition and related activities were held in

Jining, Shandong Province, the hometown of Confucius and Mencius.


The event was organized by China International Communications Group (CICG) and

the Information Office of the People's Government of Shandong Province, and

jointly hosted by the Jining Municipal People's Government and Xufang

International Digital Culture Media. It included sections such as the

exhibition of award-winning works, the award ceremony, and the theme tour.

About 150 people participated, including representatives of partner

institutions, award-winning teams, local governments, and cooperation

platforms, as well as expert judges.


"My China Story" International Short Video Competition was initiated by CICG

and has been successfully held four years since it was launched in 2019. The

annual competition aims to encourage domestic and international content

creators, foreign live streamers, self-media teams and individuals to create

multilingual Chinese themed short videos from their unique foreign

perspectives, telling their best experiences of visiting the country. Videos

that tell creators' stories with China or present cultural exchanges between

China and other countries from a third-party perspective are also welcome.

After four years, "My China Story" has become a well-known external

communication activity integrating multilingual short video creation,

topic-of-the-year competition, special topic competition, new media

international communication seminar, and theme exhibition. It aims to build the

most authoritative brand of "China in the lens of foreigners" activity, create

the most open exchange platform for global creators, and facilitate the widest

cooperation among creators and platforms.


"My China Story of Chinese Culture" International Short Video Competition

features four topics: "Stories of Nishan and Shandong", "Cultural

Communication in a Diversified World", "Discovering the Beauty of Culture" and

"A Taste of China". A total of 8,194 short video works from more than 40

countries on five continents were submitted to the competition. We organizers

look forward to more Chinese and foreign creators taking this event as an

opportunity to work together with Chinese and foreign cultural exchange teams

to create more vivid and high-quality short video works.


Contact: Li Dixuan

Tel: 008610-68996991

E-mail: chineseculture@cnmatters.com


Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2007862/xufang_Logo.jpg

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2007863/xufang_short_video_festival.jpg


Source: Xufang International Digital Culture Media





