MWC 2023: Huawei Enterprise BG Will Showcase Innovative Products and Solutions for a More Intelligent and Connected World




BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Huawei Enterprise BG — pursuing the mission to lead digital infrastructure

construction, create new value for the industry — showcase innovative products

and solutions at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2023. The BG will work with

more than 2,500 global industry customers, partners, and opinion leaders to

innovate and share experiences in digital transformation to open new

possibilities and build an intelligent world with digital technologies,

creating more business value.


Huawei Enterprise BG has been deeply engaged in industry digital

transformation, digital infrastructure innovation, and partner ecosystems.

During the exhibition, it will showcase star products and leading solutions for

the government and enterprise markets. Each exhibited solution is carefully

tailored to its specific scenario. In parallel, Huawei will also hold the 5th

Industry Digital Transformation Summit.


Develop Solutions for Over 30 Scenarios in 10 Industries, Unleashing Digital



Huawei has been working with partners to develop innovative industry

scenario-based solutions that highlight Huawei's ideas and innovation efforts

in digital technologies, solutions that help customers go digital.


-In terms of public services, Huawei will release the Smart Classroom 2.0

solution, a shining new example of informatization for education.

-In terms of the financial industry, Huawei will release the Financial Digital

Human Solution to accelerate technological innovation and application in six

fields, helping financial customers respond to changes and improve productivity.

-In response to the challenges faced by the future electric power system,

Huawei will release the power distribution IoT, intelligent substation

inspection, wireless campus network, and intelligent wind power network

solutions to support the digital transformation of electric power enterprises.

-To address pain points related to network coverage in mining areas, Huawei has

worked with customers to launch the world's first 5G-oriented intelligent

diamond mine project.


Digital Infrastructure Innovation: Build a Robust Network Foundation for Data

Centers of the Future


Datacom: Huawei aims to build simplified networks with ultimate user experience

for digital office, production, and transformation. It will release 10 star

products and upgrade three solutions:


-Release the new enterprise flagship core switch CloudEngine S16700 and the

industry's first enterprise-class Wi-Fi 7 AP AirEngine 8771-X1T.

-Release CloudEngine 16800-X series, the first data center switch with

diversified computing power.

-Upgrade the cloud campus network CloudCampus 3.0.

-Upgrade Easy CloudFabric data center network solution to take the lead to

achieve L3.5+ autonomous driving.

-Upgrade CloudWAN 3.0 network solution. The new solution with three-layer

simple architecture redefines cloud wide area network for the ultimate

interconnection experience.


Optical: Huawei will release the following products and solutions for the

optical industry:


-The industry's first 50G PON product to build a next-generation campus network

for Wi-Fi 7.

-The industry's first lossless industrial optical network solution for a safe

and reliable communications network.

-The industry's first end-to-end OSU product portfolio for a robust and

reliable industrial optical communication base.


Storage: Huawei will release the OceanStor Dorado 2000 and OceanProtect X3000,

the industry's first entry-level storage portfolios based on an active-active

architecture, for SMEs, allowing them to enjoy simple storage and fast delivery.


Product portfolio: Huawei will also release innovative product portfolios,



-The industry's first multi-layer ransom prevention solution for data centers

with "network-storage collaboration". The solution incorporates two lines of

defense and six layers of protection to guard data security.

-The industry's first centralized disaster recovery product portfolio solution

for data centers with "storage-optical collaboration" that ensures zero

disruption and smooth recovery for critical services.


Partner Ecosystem: Gather and Develop Partners to Build a Sustainable Partner

Ecosystem Together


Huawei and partners will increase investment in joint market development,

enablement, marketing, and more, to attract more capable partners and support

customers' digital success. During the exhibition, Huawei will release the

"Three Trees" talent business model, which aims to train innovative and

application-oriented ICT specialists by building robust talent ecosystems for

teachers and students, lifelong education, and industry practitioners.


In the future, Huawei will continue to lead digital infrastructure innovation,

adapt to changing scenarios, work with partners to facilitate digital

transformation in various industries, and help small- and medium-sized

enterprises go digital and create more business value.


SOURCE:  Huawei


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Huawei Enterprise BG at MWC 2023






