MWC Barcelona 2023: Huawei Says Industry Cooperation Needed for Accelerating 5G Prosperity




BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Huawei Carrier BG President Li Peng, delivered a keynote speech today at MWC

Barcelona 2023 on reimagining 5G business, reinforcing 5G coverage, and

reinventing 5G technologies. In his speech, Li shared insights into user

experience and recent 5G development. He said that the industry must work

together to accelerate 5G prosperity.


Accelerate 5G prosperity with nonstop innovation


5G has developed rapidly since it entered commercial use three years ago. By

the end of 2022, over 1 billion 5G users had watched high-definition streams of

major international sports events, and more than 10 million households had

access to 5G broadband. "It has taken 5G only three years to achieve the

progress 4G made in five years. From this perspective, 5G has already achieved

success," Li said.


However, 5G coverage is still unbalanced among different regions and countries.

Some consumers are expecting a better 5G experience, while industry

digitalization requires more from 5G. "To achieve greater 5G success, the

industry needs to reimagine 5G business, reinforce 5G coverage, and reinvent 5G

technologies," noted Li.


Reimagine 5G business to drive experience-centric innovation


The true value of 5G is rooted in people's natural desire for better

experiences. A recent survey found that the dopamine human brains produce when

watching a three-minute HD video is equal to the amount produced during a

30-minute run.


As 5G network capabilities improve, users are able to watch videos in higher

definition and from more viewpoints, creating a new standard for

next-generation experiences. 70% of users are already willing to pay for better

5G experiences. This means that carriers can adopt the network-as-a-service

(NaaS) model to foster a more thriving 5G application and content ecosystem.


With stronger network capabilities, carriers will also be able to further

expand the home and SME markets. There are still 200 million copper broadband

lines that are in urgent need of upgrade around the world and more than 60

million SMEs want access to leased line services. One European carrier had

already achieved a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of above 90% and increased its ARPU

by over 60% by providing 5G FWA.


Reinforce 5G coverage to provide better experiences to more users


Deeper 5G coverage is helping carriers better monetize experience. This is well

evidenced by the world's top 20 carriers in 5G network rollout, who achieved

significantly higher ARPU and revenue growth than the global average last year.


Global carriers are thinking more about how to extend 5G coverage from outdoors

to indoors and from urban to suburban and rural areas. By increasing the

coverage of 5G base stations and allowing 5G signals to penetrate more walls

and buildings, they can help more users to enjoy better experiences.


Reinvent 5G technologies for new breakthroughs in network capacity and coverage


Innovation in 5G base station equipment would also be required to provide

deeper coverage. Along this line, in 2022, Huawei launched MetaAAU, its

third-generation AAU for 5G base stations. Compared with its previous

generation counterpart, MetaAAU offers about 30% higher capacity and coverage,

making it a prime choice for carriers pursuing deeper 5G coverage.


This year, Huawei also launched its Meta BladeAAU, allowing for simple

deployment of 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G networks on a single pole.


From 5G to 5.5G: 10-fold capabilities for 100-fold opportunities


Looking ahead to the future, Leading carriers are now working closely with 3GPP

to advance the 5G standard and make the leap to 5.5G.


5.5G will expand on 5G, but will be faster, more automated, and more

intelligent than 5G, and support more frequency bands.


5.5G will deliver 10 times greater network capabilities, which will translate

into 100 times more opportunities. Free-viewpoint video, enterprise

cloudification, mobile private networks, passive IoT, and integrated sensing

and communication will all develop rapidly thanks to these advances in 5G.


At the end of his speech, Li emphasized that all industry partners will need to

work together and innovate nonstop to accelerate this leap in 5G prosperity.


MWC Barcelona 2023 runs from February 27 to March 2 in Barcelona, Spain. Huawei

showcases its products and solutions at stand 1H50 in Fira Gran Via Hall 1.

Together with global operators, industry professionals, and opinion leaders, we

dive into topics such as 5G business success, 5.5G opportunities, green

development, digital transformation, and our vision of using the GUIDE business

blueprint to lay the foundation for 5.5G and build on the success of 5G for

even greater prosperity. For more information, please visit:


SOURCE  Huawei


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Li Peng, President of the Carrier BG, Huawei, delivers a keynote speech at a

GSMA Summit





