Jining : Cultural “Creative Transformation and Innovative Development” activating rural revitalization




JINING, China, February 27, 2023, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


In Jining, Shandong Province, China, the rural area is the birthplace of

excellent traditional culture, and Jining relies on the prosperity of the

“Creative Transformation and Innovative Development” to help revitalize the

rural area.


During the Spring Festival of this year, a “family portrait” of 2,200 people

became a hit on the Internet. The photographer was a villager in Houbaligou

Village in Zoucheng City, Shandong Province. Houbaligou Village is located in

Zoucheng, the hometown of Mencius. It used to be a poor and a chaotic village.

Now it has grown into a “national civilized village” and a “Chinese model

village of filial piety”, whereby “the governance of the village is relying on

the filial piety and goodness; the prosperity of the village is relying on the



As a thousand-year-old village, Houbaligou Village has a tradition of filial

piety and goodness in history. Therefore, the teams of Village Party Branch

Committee, Villagers Committee have applied “filial piety” in combination with

the actual situation of the village to guide the villagers to unify their

thoughts and work together, so as to grasp the economic construction. As

“empowering villages through culture”, a culture of filial piety, the red

culture, a culture of unified intentions and volunteer culture with the

characteristics of the Houbaligou Village have taken shape, developing a

backward village in a state of disunity into an advanced village of

civilization, order, harmony and unity. Now the whole village has accumulated

collective assets of more than 6 billion yuan, with an average of four or five

million yuan of original shares per household, and the annual per capita income

of the villagers is 60,000 yuan. It has realized the transformation of a

village with 1,760 original villagers to a larger community with more than

30,000 existing residents. It has also won the honorary titles of “National

Civilized Village” and “China's Beautiful Countryside”.


The Longwan Lake Art Town in Sishui County, Jining City, has continued to

deeply excavate and organize the local excellent traditional culture and

cultural resources of intangible cultural heritage, and built the art granary

of Jiashantou Village and other idle valleys, the Study Base on Confucianism of

East Zhongdu Village, Longwan Lake Cultural and Creative Commercial Street,

Longwan Academy among other projects, gradually forming a tourism complex

integrating study and research, agricultural experience, speciality, handicraft

workshops, leisure and vacation, and ecological tourism. In the process of

development, it has also explored the establishment of the "rural partnership"

mechanism, attracting more than 30 partners such as artists, industry leaders

and inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, and raising more than 200

million yuan in industrial financing to promote the market-oriented operation

of rural industries with talent revitalization.


Here, visitors can shuttle through the Longwan Study to feel the aura of book

culture, or experience the projects of intangible cultural heritage in the

Luban Memory Woodworking Workshop, or walk into the Stone Needle Story and the

creative handwork exhibition halls of Pottery Cube to experience the

inheritance and innovation of local special cultural brands. With cultural

innovation as the grip, Longwan Lake Art Town has opened up a characteristic

road of integrating culture and art, developing the cultural tourism industry

and rural revitalization in a synergistic way.


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Contact Cui Liming

Tel: 0086-17616591036    

E-mail: jnxcbxwfbk@ji.shandong.cn






