Global Digital Power Forum 2023: Enabling Operator Success amid the Global Transition to Carbon Neutrality




BARCELONA, Spain, March 1, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Huawei hosted the Global Digital Power Forum at the Mobile World Congress (MWC)

2023. The Forum was themed "Enabling Operator Success amid the Global

Transition to Carbon Neutrality." Operators, industry leaders, and experts from

around the world gathered to exchange their latest insights into the global

energy and ICT industries. They also shared innovative solutions and best

practices for green and low-carbon energy infrastructure, discussing how to

help operators succeed in the pursuit of a greener future.


Charles Yang, President of Global Marketing and Sales Services of Huawei

Digital Power, delivered a speech on "Enabling Operator Success amid the Global

Transition to Carbon Neutrality." He highlighted that despite the global

consensus on green development, operators continue to face challenges.

Operators are still seeing rising electricity costs, difficulties in reducing

carbon emissions, and stagnant growth.


Huawei is committed to integrating digital and power electronics technologies

to help operators succeed in the pursuit of a greener future. According to Mr.

Yang, operators can no longer be just energy consumers, but must also become

producers and enablers amid the global transition to carbon neutrality. Huawei

hopes to support them on this journey.


-Energy consumers: Operators will maximize energy efficiency to reduce energy

consumption by enabling each watt to power more bits. Networks will use

intelligent energy-saving and optimal hibernation technologies to reduce power

consumption. Telecom sites will be simplified from rooms to cabinets or from

cabinets to poles to improve site energy efficiency up to 97%. Data centers

will use free cooling and AI energy efficiency optimization to reduce the PUE

to 1.15.

-Energy producers: Operators will participate in energy generation and

regulation to maximize the value of their infrastructure. They will deploy PV

systems or purchase green energy at telecom sites, data centers, and campuses.

Staggering electricity usage will also reduce electricity costs. Finally, they

will save and make money by using lithium batteries as part of the virtual

power plant (VPP).

-Energy enablers: Operators will use digital technologies such as 5G, AI,

cloud, and loT to enable digital management, intelligent O&M, and a stable

supply of both conventional and renewable energy systems. They will enable

network-wide scheduling and AI-based fault predictions, helping build safe,

stable, and efficient energy supply systems.


Yao Quan, President of Huawei Site Power Facility, delivered a speech on

"Intelligent Site Power: A Key Enabler for Green and Low-Carbon Network." He

explained that operators are reducing carbon emissions and energy expenditures

to meet carbon neutrality targets, shoulder rising energy prices, and keep up

with accelerated 5G network deployment.


However, conventional site power solutions have a high total cost of ownership

(TCO) and carbon emissions. This hinders network evolution and prevents

operators from achieving carbon neutrality. To address these issues, Huawei

proposes intelligent site power solutions that offer 'Intelligent Simplicity',

'Intelligent Green', and 'Intelligent Saving'. By serving as a key enabler for

developing green and low-carbon networks, these intelligent site power

solutions will help operators accelerate the achievement of their carbon

neutrality goals.


Sun Xiaofeng, President of Huawei Data Center Facility and Critical Power

Business Unit, delivered a speech on "Smart DC, Building the Green Future." The

world is going carbon neutral, digital, and intelligent. In this context, data

centers must deliver high energy efficiency, high O&M efficiency, agility, and

availability to support the exponential growth of computing power. He

introduced Huawei's solutions for all sizes of data centers and critical power

supply solutions. These solutions enable green, simple, smart, and reliable

data centers to facilitate low-carbon and intelligent industry development.


Experts also spoke at the forum, sharing their visions on green ICTs in the

energy business. Their presentations are listed in order of appearance.


-Massamba Thioye, Project Executive of the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, shared

his ideas on "Energy Transformation for a Net-Zero World."

-Jose Donoso, Director General of Union Espanola Fotovoltaica (UNEF) and

Chairman of Global Solar Council, shared the "Trends of ICT Industry Use of

Renewable Energy."

-Luis Neves, GeSI CEO, summed up the "Trends of Thousands of Industries under

Energy Transformation."

- Hervé Suquet, SVP of Orange, presented on "Lead the future - Orange Energy


-Anastasios Koumparos, Head of Energy Management, Vantage Towers, gave a speech

on "Towers for Good – Enable a Greener Future."

-Fred Mitchell, Technical Director of K2, shared the "Practice of Building

Green Data Center."

-Seppo Ihalainen, CEO of VerneGlobal Finland, presented their best practice

during the speech on "Towards Zero-Carbon Data Center."


The theme for MWC 2023 is Velocity. Technological progress is accelerating and

carbon neutrality is trending. Huawei will continue to invest in innovation,

integrate digital and power electronics technologies, and work with global

customers and partners to accelerate carbon neutrality. Together, we will help

operators succeed in the pursuit of a greener future.




Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Charles Yang, President of Global Marketing and Sales Services of Huawei

Digital Power






