Xinhua Silk Road: Global poetry and prose competition awards ceremony held in E. China to commemorate Laozi

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, March 10, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The awards ceremony of global poetry and prose competition was held on March 2

in Guoyang county of Bozhou city, east China's Anhui province, the birthplace

of Chinese sage Laozi.


Laozi, who was born in 571 B.C., is one of the most prominent ancient Chinese

philosophers, thinkers, writers and historians. He is the founder of Taoism and

the author of Tao Te Ching.


As a part of a series of memorial events for Laozi, marking his 2594th birth

anniversary, the event included sections such as the awards ceremony, art

performance, a forum and a field trip.


Zheng Qin, an official of Guoyang county government, addressed at the awards

ceremony that more poets, writers and friends are welcomed to come to Guoyang

and display the beauty of Guoyang's nature, history, people through works.


"Laozi's words of wisdom are well-remembered, providing inspiration and

guidance to modern-day Chinese. Today's journey to Guoyang, Laozi's hometown,

has brought me new inspirations," said Ye Dan, first prize winner of the poetry



A total of over 6,000 poems and more than 300 proses had been submitted to the

competition. After rounds of evaluation by professional judges, 28 pieces of

works in each category were awarded prizes.


This competition has set a good example of Guoyang's exploration of Laozi

culture, as it has accelerated the development of Laozi culture, expanded the

brand awareness of Laozi culture and enhanced Guoyang's cultural soft power,

said Chen Xianfa, a famous Chinese poet.


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SOURCE: Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Photo taken on March 2, 2023 shows the performance of Guoyang hanqiang, a genre

of traditional narrative singing from Guoyang county of Bozhou city, east

China's Anhui province, at the awards ceremony.




   Caption: Photo taken on March 2, 2023 shows honored guests, officials present awards to

prize winners.





