Expo 2025 Osaka, Italy Pavilion opens call for bids online

General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka

Expo 2025 Osaka, Italy Pavilion opens call for bids online


Offers to be presented by May 4, theme 'Art Regenerates Life'


ROME, Apr. 12, 2023 /ANSA=KYODO JBN


The international call for tenders to design and build the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka, which will open in Japan on April 13, 2025 and run until October 13, 2025, was launched on 5 April.    'Designing Future Society for Our Lives' is the theme of the upcoming Expo 2025 Osaka, which places the human being at the centre of development and innovation with the goal of creating a major event centered on the humanism of life sciences, economic and social policies, technologies and the digitization of learning systems and information and communication.

The theme of the Italian Pavilion is 'Art Regenerates Life'.

    "We want to bring to Osaka Italian know-how and Italian art, interpreted in its many declensions and in the broadest possible sense, as a creative human action, the result of inspiration, the bearer not only of innovation but also of fundamental values for the future of human and social relations," said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani.

    "The uniqueness of this proposal lies in Italy's millennial vocation to bring about through art - also understood as science, technology and philosophy as well as the new frontiers of design and digital - the emancipation of man and his ability to regenerate himself in order to face the future challenges affecting our society," continued the minister.

    "Italy and Japan continue to experience shared crucial historical moments and challenges, such as the rapid ageing of the population, the effects of the pandemic and of digitalization of social relations among the younger generations, and the scarcity of resources. At the same time, our peoples are known around the world for the innovative solutions with which they have tackled difficult historical moments, for their respect for the arts, for excelling in the field of technology, and for the love and attention they devote to culture and identity, which are also expressed through their culinary traditions," Tajani included.

    These issues will be addressed by Minister Tajani during his mission to Japan on April 13-18.

    The Italian Pavilion 'Art Regenerates Life' must therefore aim to show how human action and creation can have a positive impact on the lives of people and the planet. The Pavilion, with its interactive installations, must be seen as a multi-sensorial experience combining art, nature and technology. It will describe Italy, presenting a fresh image of the country while at the same time remaining faithful to its deep-rooted identity; the image of a nation that strengthens its cultural heritage and at the same time positions itself at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation.

    The technical specifications for the design and construction should incorporate the requirements stipulated by the Organizer and the BIE, as well as the applicable local rules and regulations, in light of the Design Guidelines drawn up by the Commissioner's Office. The ability to convey the Italian identity, bringing together skills, talents and cultures, will be decisive, since this is a major opportunity for the country for competition in a crucial geographical area such as Asia.

    The bidding process - with an auction base of € 16,250,000.00 and a maximum value of € 24,000,000.00 - has been launched by Invitalia as the Central Contracting Authority on behalf of the General Commissioner for the Italian participation in Expo 2025 Osaka. Bids must be submitted by May 4, 2023.

    The deadline for interested economic operators to request clarifications is Monday April 24, 2023.

    The procedure is scheduled to close in July with the awarding of the contract, which will include the creation and development of the concept and exhibition route, production of the general design (first-level design) and final design (second and final-level design), as well as the construction, routine and special maintenance, with the option of dismantling.

    All other information is contained in the call for tender on the website of the Commissariat General, www.italyexpo2025osaka.it.



Source: General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka



Caption: masterplan of Expo 2025 OSAKA





