Xinhua Silk Road: Refined coffee products injects vitality into Chinese coffee capital Pu'er City

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, April 17, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYDOO JBN/ --


Pu'er City of southwest China's Yunnan Province, located in the golden belt for

coffee planting near the Tropic of Cancer with a vast hot zone area, abundant

precipitation, and suitable ecological environment, is well known as the

Chinese coffee capital.


Statistics show that at present, the coffee planting area in the city reaches

679,000 mu (about 45,266 hectares), which makes the city become a main coffee

producing area with the the highest yield and the best quality in China, and a

main coffee trade distribution center.


In Nandaohe Village, Simao District of the city, Liao Xiugui and his families

together run a coffee estate. Large-scale coffee cultivation carries the

expectation of farmers for wealth.  Through learning advanced cultivation

techniques and management, farmers gradually increase the coffee output and

roll out more refined and exquisite coffee products, Liao said.


Deng Jialu, general manager of Yunnan Simao Beigui Coffee Co., Ltd., is

exploring an innovative mode of deep integration of coffee and tourism in the



"Through the construction of the coffee estate, visitors can not only learn

about coffee cultivation in the field, but also brew a cup of their own coffee,

learning the development of Yunnan coffee," said Deng.


Driven by market consumption, international standards and supportive policies,

a total of eleven coffee enterprises above the designated size have been

developed in the city in the recent years. Coffee beans produced in Tianyu

Coffee Estate in Menglian County of the city were selected by Starbucks and

received good market response.


In September 2020, Pu'er coffee was listed in the first batch of China-EU

agreement on geographical indications, realizing mutual recognition of

geographical indication products between China and Europe and promoting Pu 'er

coffee to the EU market.


In January 2023, the Standardization Administration of China announced that

Pu'er coffee has been approved as the national standard and got approval of its

English version, which will comprehensively improve the coffee quality and

promote coffee products to the international market.


With the opening of China-Laos Railway and the completion of coffee processing

industrial park in the city, Pu'er is likely to become China's first stop for

processing coffee importing from Southeast Asian countries.


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SOURCE:  Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Photo shows that farmers sort harvested coffee fruit at Yatang Valley Coffee

Farm in Pu'er, Yunnan province.






