Collaboratively Developing Transmission, Computing, and Storage Power to Stride Towards the Intelligent World




SHENZHEN, China, April 24, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On April 20th, Huawei held the Striding Towards the Intelligent World Session

at Global Analyst Summit 2023. Peng Song, Huawei's President of ICT Strategy &

Marketing, delivered the keynote speech titled Striding Towards the Intelligent

World Through Continuous Innovation. The session attracted analysts, experts,

scholars, and journalists from around the world.


In his speech, Peng pointed out that the digital economy is becoming a main

driver of global economic growth, and that digital technologies are being

applied in diverse production scenarios across a wide range of industries. This

makes data a new factor of production, and is driving significant leaps in

social productivity. Peng said that as digital infrastructure is critical for

the success of the digital economy, Huawei is committed to collaboratively

developing transmission, computing, and storage power to improve the efficiency

of data collection, transmission, computing, storage, and analysis, in order to

improve digital productivity and boost the digital economy.


Peng also talked about how Huawei is working to build leading digital

infrastructure. First, Huawei is building leading transmission facilities

supported by the more advanced 5.5G, F5.5G, and Net5.5G technologies, in order

to support IoT services that connect hundreds of billions of things and deliver

a 10 Gbps user experience. Second, Huawei is continuing to develop solid

computing infrastructure to facilitate breakthroughs in diverse computing

fields, such as general-purpose computing and AI computing. Third, Huawei is

building reliable storage facilities to ensure more data can be stored, quickly

transmitted, and efficiently used. "Moving forward, we will continue innovating

to help customers build leading digital infrastructure, accelerating our

journey towards the intelligent world," said Peng.


Wang Zhiqin, Vice President of the China Academy of Information and

Communications Technology (CAICT), introduced the ICT industry's top 10 trends

in 2023. Sun Zhengyun, Vice President and Secretary-General of the China Energy

Research Society, talked about how power grid enterprises can go digital to

support China's carbon peak and carbon neutrality strategy.Li Fuchang, Director

of the Wireless Technology Research Center of China Unicom Research Institute,

shared updates on China Unicom's recent research and exploration into 5.5G.

Feng Dan, Changjiang Distinguished Professor and Dean of the School of Computer

Science and Technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, talked

about the development trends of diskless data center architecture and near-data



SOURCE: Huawei


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Peng Song giving a keynote speech






