Expo 2025 Osaka, deadline for bids postponed to May 15

General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka

【ROME, Apr. 25, 2023 /ANSA=KYODO JBN】

Offers must arrive by 15:00 says Italian Commissioner's Office


The Italian General Commissioner's Office at Expo 2025 Osaka and Invitalia have postponed the deadline for bids for the tender to design and build the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka to May 15, 2023, at 15:00, accepting some requests from the interested economic parties and acting on the basis of the wishes expressed by the Expo 2025 Osaka organizers in view of the hope for an improvement in the situation regarding the supply chain of materials.

    Requests for clarification can be made up until May 5, 2023, exclusively via the telematic platform in the designated "Messages" area.



    The bids will be opened on May 15, 2023, at 15:30.

    All the other aspects of the tender, which can be found at the following link, https://ingate.invitalia.it/esop/guest/go/opportunity/detail?opportunityId=9390, remain unchanged.

    This initiative seeks to ensure the maximum level of participation by economic operators in the tender while, at the same time, averting all eventualities that could prevent it from being conducted in an orderly manner. (ANSA).



Source: General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka






