Hundreds of Global Scientists Gather in 2023 Greater Bay Area Science Forum Held in Nansha, Guangzhou

2023 Greater Bay Area Science Forum



GUANGZHOU, China, May 22, 2023 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


The 2023 Greater Bay Area Science Forum (GSF) kicked off on May 21 in Nansha,

Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. With the theme of "Bring Together Wisdom, Bring

Together World", this forum sets 13 sub-forums and has attracted experts in

various fields who held discussions online and offline on scientific frontier

topics such as marine science, nanoscience, high energy physics, advanced

manufacturing, and artificial intelligence, and how to continue to promote the

construction of talent highlands in the GBA and form a high-end science and

technology talent gathering effect.


Bai Chunli, president of the Alliance of International Science Organizations

(ANSO), chairman of the GSF, and academician of the Chinese Academy of

Sciences, said in his speech that the GSF is based on the Bay Area and actively

cooperates with Hong Kong and Macao to play the role of high-end platforms and

communication hubs. He added, the GSF interacts with global scientists,

international scientific organizations, and all sectors of society to explore

global hot issues to promote the exchanges and sharing of scientific

achievements, stimulate the collision of innovative ideas, speed up the

connection of rules, mechanisms, and is committed to forming an open innovation

ecosystem for the construction of the GBA through participating deeply in

global scientific and technological cooperation.


During this forum, the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences

released the "GBA Innovation and Development Patent Index Report (2023)", which

is based on patent data and builds a patent index to reveal the characteristics

and development trends of scientific and technological innovation in the GBA.


The report shows that from 2017 to 2022, the number of invention patent

applications of enterprises in the GBA accounted for 73.44% of the patent

application volume of the GBA, and the amount of invention patent granted of

enterprises accounted for 78.33% of the number of invention patent granted of

the GBA. The application volume of enterprises' PCT accounts for 94.43% of the

volume of PCT application of the GBA.


The patent data quoted by the report shows that the GBA possesses technical

advantages in multiple industries such as new generation of information

technology, new energy vehicles and new materials.


In recent years, with the accelerated construction of the International Science

and Technology Innovation Center of the GBA, the innovation driving force of

the GBA has continued to increase. Wang Yueqin, director of the Department of

Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, said that Guangdong actively

cooperates with Hong Kong and Macao, continuously deepens the connection and

mechanism connection of GBA's scientific and technological innovation rules,

and accelerates the promotion of GBA's science and technology exchanges and

cooperation in terms of factors, platforms, projects, and talents.


As the host place of the GSF, Nansha is eager to promoting scientific and

technological innovation cooperation, sharing the innovation achievements, and

building an open innovation ecology facing the world. Official data shows that

in the field of artificial intelligence and life and health, more than 1,000

companies have gathered in Nansha.


In addition, the joint technology innovation of GBA continues to deepen in

Nansha. After the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

started in Nansha, the Science and Technology Park of Hong Kong University of

Science and Technology and the Nangsha Incubation Base of Hong Kong Science and

Technology Parks have accelerated.


Source: 2023 Greater Bay Area Science Forum





