Proud Italy first to open Expo worksite' says Meloni

General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka 

ROME, Feb. 7, 2024 /ANSA=KYODO JBN


'It shows the importance we give to Expo 2025 Osaka' - premier


The next Universal Exposition, which will take place in Osaka in 2025, was one of the issues addressed in the bilateral meeting Premier Giorgia Meloni had in Tokyo with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for the handover of the G7 duty presidency.


During the meeting, which the Commissioner General for Italy at Expo, Ambassador Mario Vattani, took part in, Kishida pointed out that on December 19 Italy became the first nation to organize the ceremony for the laying of the first stone of its pavilion at the Expo site, months ahead of other participating countries, thanks to close cooperation with Japanese companies.


The premier said that this effort was characterized by an approach of team work and great confidence, which contributes to transmitting a positive message about Expo and its goals, and is in line with the Italy-Japan strategic partnership that was launched by Premier Meloni in January 2023.


"This path takes us towards Expo 2025 Osaka, an event Italy intends to give a contribution to that is up to the level of the spirit of friendship and cooperation that we are experiencing," Giorgia Meloni stressed during the joint press conference. "I am very proud that Italy was the first nation to start the construction of its pavilion.

"This shows the importance that we give to this event".


Trade between Italy and Japan is today worth 15 billion euros and it is supported by the activities of the Italy Japan Business Group. Aerospace, AI and high technology are some of the sectors of greatest interest in terms of development between Italy and Japan and these issues will be at the centre of Italy's participation in Expo 2025 Osaka, presenting an innovative image of our country.


"The premier's reference to the next Expo, which will be held in Osaka from April 13 to October 13, 2025, shows the importance that the Italian Government attributes to our participation in this event," commented Vattani after meeting Meloni with the heads of some of the most important Japanese companies with economic interests in Italy. "It will be a global showcase, which will give our 'Country System' the opportunity to become better known in the Asia Pacific area. "It's a great opportunity to develop agreements and attract investments”.


The framework agreement signed by the Commissioner General with CRUI – COPER – AFAM of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research is part of this strategy and seeks to promote the excellence of Italian universities and research centres at the international level, both in the artistic and scientific fields, via the creation of activities, projects and programmes that regard the themes of Expo 2025 Osaka.


Source: General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka 






