‘Proud to have created mascot Italia-chan’, Simone Legno

General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka

-‘I hope it will become a beloved character, an Italian symbol’-


ROME, May 22, 2024 /ANSA=KYODO JBN/ --


The designer behind Italy’s mascot for Expo Osaka 2025 ‘Italia-chan’, Simone Legno, says he is very proud to have created the kawaii-style doll.

Legno, founder of pop art brand tokidoki, explained in a video interview that he left Italy many years ago, but being far away has “increasingly strengthened the connection and love” he has for Italy, whose colours and symbols are represented on ‘Italia-chan’ (https://youtu.be/6JfPEa4VMgg).


“Like all Italian children, I had the luck of being surrounded by wonderful art, music, fashion and design that educated me as a man and artist.

“Moreover, our passion, our spirit for adventure and the entrepreneurial creativity typical of Italians have inspired my life and career”, he explained.


“I am always happy to represent my country around the world and thus the opportunity of contributing to this great event of promotion and cultural exchange by creating Italy’s mascot for Expo 2025 Osaka immediately gave me huge enthusiasm and makes me very proud.

“Italia-chan bears the symbols and colours of our Nation, as well as that which will host Expo 2025 Osaka, Japan, a country I love and where I live with my family.


“Throughout my career, Japan has been a source of immense inspiration and I think creativity unites both our cultures.

I hope Italia-chan can become a beloved character, an Italian symbol of union between cultures”, concluded Legno.


During his visit to Rome, the artist went to the European Institute of Design (IED) where he studied.

At IED, Legno met with the Commissioner General for Italy at Expo Osaka 2025 Mario Vattani.


“Rome’s European Institute of Design, which Simone Legno knows well, together with other institutes across Italy, is part of the network of AFAM”, or Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance, “with which the Expo Commissario has signed an agreement to offer students new opportunities of training and cultural exchange”, explained Vattani.

“Promoting young talents is one of our missions in Japan.

“Simone is an example of an Italian creativity that is able to make itself known and appreciated around the world”, said Vattani.



Source: General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka







