◎通年では10%超える増収増益    インフォシス2012会計年度決算


◎通年では10%超える増収増益    インフォシス2012会計年度決算

AsiaNet 49005

☆共JBN 外0512(産業、IT)(12・4・16)




【バンガロール(インド)13日PRN=共同JBN】インドのIT企業インフォシス社(Infosys Ltd、ナスダック:INFY)は13日、2012会計年度第4四半期(2012年1-3月期)および通年の決算を発表した。当期の売上高は前期比1・9%減となり、2012会計年度通年のそれは15・8%増となった。










 *取締役会は2012会計年度にADS1株当たり22インドルピーの最終配当およびインフォシス・ビジネス・プロセス・アウトソーシング(Infosys BPO)事業の10年の終了を理由にADS1株当たり10インドルピーの特別配当の支払い(1米ドル当たり50・88インドルピーという市場為替交換率で計算して最終配当は約0・43ドル、特別配当は約0・20ドルに相当)を推奨した。同社の株式登録帳簿および移転帳簿は2012年5月26日から2012年6月9日まで(初日と最終日を含めて閉鎖される。















インフォシスがファラビ・ペトロケミカルズに ビジネス管理ソリューションのMicrosoft Dynamics AXを実装したことは、Microsoft Dynamics 2012の「顧客最優秀賞」授賞計画の一貫としてマイクロソフトから「インダストリー・エクセレンス・アワード」を受賞した。

インフォシスBPOは世界HRD(ヒューマン・リソース・デベロップメント)会議2012で、グローバルHDエクセレンス賞、ファン・アット・ワーク賞、人材採用で模範的な活動を顕彰するRASBIC(Recruiting & Staffing Best In Class Awards)賞、キャリア管理における保持戦略とイノベーションに贈るエンプロイヤー・ブランディング・アワード、年間最優秀の全体的人材管理に贈るSTARニュースタレント・リーダーシップ・アンド・HRアワード、トップ10ベスト・エンプロイヤー・オブ・ザ・イヤー賞など数々の賞を受けている。























当社は今四半期、この分野で12のクライアントを獲得、8社はインフォシス・エッジ(Infosys Edge、商標)で、4社は業界別に的を絞った製品である。

インフォシス・エッジ(商標)はプラットフォーム全般で強い勢いを見せた。アジア、アフリカの19カ国で統合電気通信事業を行っているエアテル社(Airtel)は、インドで初めてのモバイル携帯サービスを始めるために当社と提携した。フィナクル(Finacle、商標)・デジタル・コマース(Digital Commerce)・ソリューションをコアとするインフォシス・ウォレットエッジ(Infosys WalletEdge、商標)プラットフォームは、幅広い顧客による現金を使わない支払いや決済のニーズをサポートし、あらゆるところでモバイル・ウォレット決済サービスを可能にしている。消費者向けパッケージ商品企業は、配送業者と小売店からのデータ集積を改善するためインフォシス・トレードエッジ(Infosys TradeEdge、商標)を選んだ。このプラットフォームは生産計画、配送計画のためこのデータを使用し、サプライチェーンの効率を上げる。

ローン・サービスと不動産ニッチマーケットの1プレーヤーは、ローン・サービスと不動産管理プロセスを合理化して、さまざまな地域の事業運営を統合し事業効率と視認性を上げるため、インフォシス・クレジット・サービシング・プラットフォーム(Infosys Credi Servicing Platform)を選んだ。インフォシス・デジタル・マーケティング・プラットフォームIngfosys Digital Marketing Platform)は、欧州の消費者向け商品大手のため、同社のマーケティングチームがデジタル資産のすべてを作り出し、共有し、再利用できるようにすることによって、デジタル移行イニシアチブを推進している。

当社の業界別特定製品はすべてのセクターで引っ張りだこである。欧州の石油ガス企業は、同社のパイプライン・システムの安全性を維持するため当社を選んだ。当社が提供した製品は、同時に500キロ近くのパイプラインの損害アセスと3D視認性を提供する。中近東の電気通信事業会社は、消費者に複数の機器ですぐ使える体験アプリを提供するため、インフォシス・フリッポ(Infosys Flypo、商標)とエムコネクト(mConnect、商標)を選んだ。



INGベルギー(IBG Blgium)は、コアのバンキング・ソフトウエアを代えるためユニバーサル・バンキング・ソリューションであるフィナクル(商標)を選び、ベネルックス市場におけるインフォシスの実績を拡大した。インフォシスのソリューションは、銀行の従来からのシステムを置き換え、銀行が現在実行中の業務、商品、規制順守に対応できるようカスタム化が可能で将来も使用できる技術を提供している。インドで急伸長している銀行の一つ、コタック・マヒンドラ銀行(Kotak Mahindra Bank)は全335支店へのフィナクル(商標)展開を成功裏に完了した。同銀行はフィナクル(商標)展開後、すでに銀行口座数が44%増となっている。



当社は、アプリケーションを段階的にウィンドウズ・アズール(Windows Azure)に移行しようとする米国の小売大手によって選ばれた。北米外に本拠を持つ1製造業企業は、世界中の何百万もの取引を保存し処理する仲裁プラットフォームの展開を含むビッグデータ処理を、わずかのコストと時間で行うため当社と提携した。










▽インフォシス(Infosys Ltd)について



    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements prepared in

compliance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                                               March 31,2012  March 31,2011


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $4,047         $3,737

    Available-for-sale financial assets                        6                 5

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    68               27

    Trade receivables                                           1,156          1,043

    Unbilled revenue                                               368            279

    Derivative financial instruments                            -              15

    Prepayments and other current assets               300            206

    Total current assets                                        5,945          5,312

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,063          1,086

    Goodwill                                                           195            185

    Intangible assets                                                 34             11

    Available-for-sale financial assets                         2              5

    Deferred income tax assets                                 62             85

    Income tax assets                                             204            223

    Other non-current assets                                   32            103

    Total non-current assets                                1,592          1,698

    Total assets                                                $7,537         $7,010


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                            $9              -

    Trade payables                                                     5             10

    Current income tax liabilities                              207            183

    Client deposits                                                      3              5

    Unearned revenue                                             107            116

    Employee benefit obligations                                98              31

    Provisions                                                          26             20

    Other current liabilities                                      482            451

    Total current liabilities                                       937            816

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                               2              -

    Employee benefit obligations                                  -             58

    Other non-current liabilities                                 22             14

    Total liabilities                                                   961            888


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,396,401 and 571,317,959,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    March 31, 2012 and March 31, 2011,

    respectively                                                       64               64

    Share premium                                                 703              702

    Retained earnings                                            6,509          5,294

    Other components of equity                               (700)            62

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                                6,576          6,122

    Non-controlling interests                                        -              -

    Total equity                                                     6,576          6,122

    Total liabilities and equity                               $7,537         $7,010

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                           Three       Three

                                          months      months      Year ended  Year ended

                                     ended March ended March   March 31,   March 31,

                                          31, 2012    31, 2011          2012        2011

    Revenues                         $1,771       $1,602            $6,994      $6,041

    Cost of sales                      1,041         936                4,118       3,497

    Gross profit                         730          666                2,876       2,544

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing

    expenses                               91            88                  366          332

    Administrative expenses        111         114                  497           433

    Total operating expenses       202         202                  863           765

    Operating profit                     528         464               2,013        1,779

    Other income, net                  131          92                  397          267

    Profit before income taxes      659         556               2,410        2,046

    Income tax expense                196         154                 694          547

    Net profit                             $463        $402            $1,716      $1,499

    Other comprehensive income

    Fair value changes on

    available - for-sale

    financial asset, net of

    tax effect                                    -          (1)               (2)           (2)

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign

    operations                                  244         23            (760)         72

    Total other comprehensive

    income                                     $244         $22       $(762)         $70

    Total comprehensive income      $707        $424        $954      $1,569

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $463        $402      $1,716      $1,499

    Non-controlling interest               -           -           -           -

                                                   $463        $402      $1,716      $1,499

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $707        $424        $954      $1,569

    Non-controlling interest              -           -           -           -

                                                    $707        $424        $954      $1,569

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                                      0.81        0.70        3.00        2.62

    Diluted ($)                                   0.81        0.70        3.00        2.62

    Weighted average equity

    shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                          571,392,171 571,305,965 571,365,494 571,180,050

    Diluted                        571,399,573 571,391,425 571,396,142 571,368,358


    1. The unaudited Consolidated Balance sheets and Consolidated Statements of

Comprehensive Income for the three months and year ended March 31, 2012 has

been taken on record at the Board meeting held on April 13, 2012

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com




Infosys (NASDAQ: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter and Year Ended March 31, 2012


BANGALORE, India, Apr. 13 / PRN=KYODO JBN / -

    Q4 revenues declined by 1.9% sequentially; FY12 revenues grew by 15.8%

    Fiscal 2013 revenues expected to grow by 8.0% to 10.0%


    Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS) for the quarter ended March 31, 2012

    - Revenues were $1,771 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2012; QoQ

decline was 1.9%; YoY growth was 10.5%

    - Net income after tax was $463 million for the quarter ended March 31,

2012; QoQ growth was 1.1%; YoY growth was 15.2%

    - Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) was $0.81 for the quarter

ended March 31, 2012; QoQ growth was 1.3%; YoY growth was 15.7%

    - 52 clients were added during the quarter by Infosys and its subsidiaries

    - Gross addition of 10,676 employees (net addition of 4,906) for the

quarter by Infosys and its subsidiaries

    - 149,994 employees as on March 31, 2012 for Infosys and its subsidiaries

    - The Board of Directors recommended a final dividend of `22 per ADS for

fiscal 2012 and a special dividend of `10per ADS on account of completion of 10

years of Infosys BPO operations (equivalent to final dividend of approximately

$0.43 per ADS and special dividend of 10 years of Infosys BPO operations of

$0.20 per ADS at the prevailing exchange of `50.88per US$). The Register and

Share Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from May 26, 2012 to June 9,

2012 (both days inclusive)

    "The year ahead looks challenging for the IT services industry, with slow

recovery in the global markets," said S. D. Shibulal, CEO and Managing

Director. "We are executing on our Infosys 3.0strategy which is meant to

deliver high quality growth in the medium to long term. We are making

investments and have put in place a structure to deliver on this strategy."

    Business outlook

    The company's outlook (consolidated) for the quarter ending June 30, 2012

and for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013, under IFRS is as follows:

    Outlook under IFRS - consolidated*

    Quarter ending June 30, 2012

    - Revenues are expected to be in the range of $1,771 million and $1,789

million; YoY growth of 6.0% to 7.1%

    - Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) is expected to be $0.73;

YoY growth of 9.0%

    Fiscal year ending March 31, 2013

    - Revenues are expected to be in the range of $7,553 million and $7,692

million; YoY growth of 8.0% to 10.0%

    - Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) is expected to be in the

range of $3.12 to $3.17; YoY growth of 4.0% to 5.7%

    * Exchange rates considered for major global currencies: AUD / USD - 1.04;

GBP / USD - 1.60; Euro / USD - 1.33

    Awards and Recognition

    Infosys was recognized by analysts, industry bodies and other influencers

in the last quarter.

    Business Today, one of India's leading business magazines, recognized

Infosys as the top recruiter out of business schools in India. InStep, our

Global Internship Program, won the National Council for Work Experience Award

2012 for short term work placements in the UK.

    Infosys' implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX at Farabi Petrochemicals,

Saudi Arabia was recognised by Microsoft(R) with the Industry Excellence Award,

as part of the Microsoft Dynamics 2012 Customer Excellence Awards program.

    Infosys BPO won several awards at the World HRD Congress 2012, including

the Global HR Excellence Award, Fun at Work Award, RASBIC Award which

recognizes exemplary practices in innovative acquisition of talent, Employer

Branding Awards for innovation in retention strategy and innovation in career

management, STAR News Talent Leadership and HR Award for best overall talent

management organization of the year and Top 10 Best Employers of the Year Award.

    Consulting and Systems Integration

    We continue to help clients realize business value through business process

and IT transformation. We were chosen by an American public electric and water

utility to help transform its legacy IT applications, thereby enabling greater

efficiency and compliance, and improving its customer and employee

satisfaction. We were engaged by a Middle East gas distributor as a strategic

partner for its customer relationship management implementation, to drive

operational efficiency, faster customer response time and effective governance

through integrated customer operations.

    A U.S. cable multi-system operator selected us as its strategic partner to

create a center of excellence for data integration to address the dynamic needs

of its business users, resulting in cost optimization and faster time to market

for new offerings.

    A U.S. based security systems corporation has engaged us as its single

source IT services provider for global transformation and consolidation of its

Oracle based business applications roadmap over the next five years. This will

include strategic IT planning, change management, package implementation to

streamline and optimize business processes, consolidation and creation of a

scalable application ecosystem to drive reduction in total cost of ownership.

    Business IT Services

    Our IT-enabled business solutions and complementary services help clients

build efficiency into their operations.

    We have been selected by a combination natural gas and electric utilities

to modernize its data center, thereby helping it move to industry standard

infrastructure, and implement robust disaster recovery and operational


    A North American telco chose us for a billing migration program to move

customers from several billing systems onto one integrated system to provide

better customer experience, and reduce costs and errors. A European finance and

insurance company has engaged us to support its global infrastructure services

in order to improve quality of IT infrastructure, reduce costs and time to

market, and establish best practices to be leveraged globally.

    We are working on a multi-year open source adoption program for a

corporation which manufactures and sells machinery and engines, to reduce its

licensing and infrastructure costs.

    Infosys BPO

    Infosys BPO continues to addresses our clients' business challenges,

unlocking business value by applying proven process methodologies, integrated

IT and business process outsourcing solutions. A high-end retailer of apparel,

accessories and jewellery has engaged us to develop a comprehensive business

process value solution to streamline its online digital channel operations. We

have partnered with a corporation which sells, markets and distributes food

products, to optimize its enterprise resource planning roll-out strategy. The

solution includes streamlining the process of maintaining its master database,

delivering clearly defined outcomes with a milestone based roadmap.

    A brewing and soft drinks company selected us for two strategic

transformation initiatives - to drive group wide procurement synergy benefits

for direct material purchases, and to review its entire manufacturing and

distribution footprint, as it consolidates its operations and distribution


    We were also chosen to assist an Australian engineering services firm with

its offshore sourcing strategy, including identifying new sources of supply

globally and enabling the necessary adaptations in the organization's

infrastructure to implement international supply chains.

    Infosys Public Services

    We are partnering with public sector organisations in the U.S. to help them

leverage the potential of technology to drive business value. A Medicaid

managed care organization has engaged us for Medicaid claims processing

services to be delivered from our U.S. BPO center in Atlanta. We are

customizing and testing a new trading partner system for a Blue Cross and Blue

Shield health plan operator to transact with healthcare providers and other

parties in compliance with the U.S. government mandates, and improve partner


    Another Blue Cross and Blue Shield health plan operator implemented our

iTransform(TM) product to fast-track compliance with the U.S. government

International Classification of Diseases revision-10 (ICD-10) mandate and

improve medical coder productivity. A health system provider has selected us to

assess the impact of ICD-10 transition on its financial neutrality, contracts

and clinical documentation.

    Engineering services

    Our engineering and technology services are seeing good traction. A

semi-conductor chip manufacturer, partnered with us to develop and validate a

path breaking Wi-Fi solution, built on a future tablet platform. We are

designing and developing a new wireless medical communication chipset, along

with firmware, pre-compliance testing and prototype development for a medical

device major in collaboration with its eco-system of labs and board

manufacturing partners.

    A provider of industrial productivity solutions has engaged us to improve

the collaboration of its research and development centers across the globe,

reduce time to market and product development costs through a transformational

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) implementation. The marine division of an

independent safety assurance player selected us to develop knowledge based

engineering solutions and tools to monitor the structural health and sea

worthiness of its ships.

    An aircraft manufacturer partnered with us to harmonize its design and PLM

systems to overhaul performance and improve the time to volume for critical

aircraft parts.

    Products, Platforms and Solutions

    Infosys Products and Platforms business continued to gain momentum.

    We had twelve client wins in this category this quarter, eight for Infosys

Edge(TM) and four for our industry-focused products.

    Infosys Edge(TM) saw strong momentum across its platforms. Airtel, an

integrated telecommunications company with operations in 19 countries across

Asia and Africa, partnered with us to build India's first-of-its-kind mobile

wallet service. The Infosys WalletEdge(TM) platform, with Finacle(TM) Digital

Commerce solution at its core, will enable a ubiquitous mobile wallet service

to support cashless payments and settlement needs of diverse customer segments.

A consumer packaged goods company has selected Infosys TradeEdge(TM) to improve

data collection from distributors and retailers. The platform will use this

data to help plan production, distribution and enhance the efficiency of its

supply chain.

    A loan servicing and real estate niche player has chosen Infosys Credit

Servicing Platform to integrate various business operations across geographies,

driving business efficiency and visibility by streamlining loan servicing and

real estate asset management processes. The Infosys Digital Marketing Platform

is driving the digital transformation initiative for a European consumer goods

major, allowing its marketing teams to create, share, and re-use all forms of

digital assets.

    Our industry specific products are seeing traction across sectors. A

European oil and gas company selected us to maintain the integrity of its

pipeline system. The product offered by us will also provide damage assessment

and 3D visualization of close to 500 kms of pipelines. A telecommunications

company in the Middle East has chosen Infosys Flypp(TM) and mConnect(TM) to

offer consumers a host of ready-to-use experiential applications across

multiple devices.


    Finacle(TM), our flagship offering for the banking industry, continued to

grow its business with 14 client wins this quarter. Of these, six were from

Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and eight were from the Asia-Pacific

(APAC) region. 12 client projects went live on Finacle(TM) in the quarter. Of

these, four went live in APAC, six in EMEA and two in the Americas.

    ING Belgium selected Finacle(TM) universal banking solution to transform

its core banking software, expanding Infosys' footprint in the Benelux market.

The solution from Infosys will replace the banks existing legacy systems to

provide future ready technology which can be customized to meet the bank's

on-going operational, product and regulatory requirements. Kotak Mahindra Bank,

one of India's fastest growing banks completed the successful implementation of

Finacle(TM) across its 335 branches. The bank has already seen a 44% increase

in the number of accounts added post the Finacle(TM) implementation.


    We continue to grow our Cloud business and currently have close to 140

engagements and 3,000 experts in our Cloud practice. We are working with over

30 partners as we strengthen our proposition as a Cloud Ecosystem Integrator.

Over the last quarter, we won 15 programs across Cloud services, Big Data and


    We were selected by a retail major in America to migrate its applications

to the Windows Azure platform in a phased manner. A manufacturing company based

out of North America partnered with us for its Big Data journey, including the

implementation of a reconciliation platform to store and process millions of

transactions across the globe, at a fraction of the cost and time.

    A railroad company in North America has selected as the principal partner

for a large technology modernization program to re-host its mainframe

applications on Windows servers on a private Cloud. We have been engaged in a

program to revamp the reservations system of an international hotel chain using

Cloud leveraged Big Data solutions to add agility to its sales and marketing



    Our mobile technology solutions are helping clients realise the potential

of mobility. A resources conglomerate with interests in oil and gas, partnered

with us to build a tablet based business intelligence solution to monitor

energy consumption patterns and aid faster decision making to optimize energy

consumption. An oilfield services company has engaged us to build a mobile

asset tracking solution to monitor and manage heavy equipment deployed on the


    We have created a tablet based sales lead management solution for senior

executives of a Canada based insurer. For an American retailer, we are creating

a gift catalogue application, combining the power of mobile and social media

allowing its customers to choose products and share it as gift wish lists with

their friend circles.

    Process Innovation

    During the fourth quarter, Infosys applied for 38 unique patent

applications in India and the U.S. With this, Infosys has an aggregate of 474

unique patent applications (pending) in India, the U.S. and other

jurisdictions, and has been granted 47 patents by the United States Patent and

Trademark Office and 1 patent by Luxembourg patent office.


    As on March 31, 2012, cash and cash equivalents, including investments in

available-for-sale financial assets and certificates of deposits was $4.1bn

($3.8bnas on March 31, 2011).

    "We had a very difficult quarter with revenues declining sequentially. Our

focus on high quality growth coupled with strong financial discipline helped us

to deliver on EPS guidance in US dollar terms," said V. Balakrishnan, Member of

the Board and Chief Financial Officer. "The global currency market volatility

continues to be a challenge for the industry."

    About Infosys Ltd

    Many of the world's most successful organizations rely on the 150,000

people of Infosys to deliver measurable business value. Infosys provides

business consulting, technology, engineering and outsourcing services to help

clients in over 30 countries build tomorrow's enterprise.

    For more information about Infosys (NASDAQ: INFY), visit


    Safe Harbor

    Certain statements in this release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2011 and on Form 6-K for the quarter ended June 30,

2011September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2011.These filings are available at

http://www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and

oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the

company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports

to shareholders. The company does not undertake to update any forward-looking

statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the company.

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements prepared in

compliance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                                               March 31,2012  March 31,2011


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $4,047         $3,737

    Available-for-sale financial assets                        6                 5

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    68               27

    Trade receivables                                           1,156          1,043

    Unbilled revenue                                               368            279

    Derivative financial instruments                            -              15

    Prepayments and other current assets               300            206

    Total current assets                                        5,945          5,312

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,063          1,086

    Goodwill                                                           195            185

    Intangible assets                                                 34             11

    Available-for-sale financial assets                         2              5

    Deferred income tax assets                                 62             85

    Income tax assets                                             204            223

    Other non-current assets                                   32            103

    Total non-current assets                                1,592          1,698

    Total assets                                                $7,537         $7,010


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                            $9              -

    Trade payables                                                     5             10

    Current income tax liabilities                              207            183

    Client deposits                                                      3              5

    Unearned revenue                                             107            116

    Employee benefit obligations                                98              31

    Provisions                                                          26             20

    Other current liabilities                                      482            451

    Total current liabilities                                       937            816

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                               2              -

    Employee benefit obligations                                  -             58

    Other non-current liabilities                                 22             14

    Total liabilities                                                   961            888


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,396,401 and 571,317,959,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    March 31, 2012 and March 31, 2011,

    respectively                                                       64               64

    Share premium                                                 703              702

    Retained earnings                                            6,509          5,294

    Other components of equity                               (700)            62

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                                6,576          6,122

    Non-controlling interests                                        -              -

    Total equity                                                     6,576          6,122

    Total liabilities and equity                               $7,537         $7,010

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                           Three       Three

                                          months      months      Year ended  Year ended

                                     ended March ended March   March 31,   March 31,

                                          31, 2012    31, 2011          2012        2011

    Revenues                         $1,771       $1,602            $6,994      $6,041

    Cost of sales                      1,041         936                4,118       3,497

    Gross profit                         730          666                2,876       2,544

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing

    expenses                               91            88                  366          332

    Administrative expenses        111         114                  497           433

    Total operating expenses       202         202                  863           765

    Operating profit                     528         464               2,013        1,779

    Other income, net                  131          92                  397          267

    Profit before income taxes      659         556               2,410        2,046

    Income tax expense                196         154                 694          547

    Net profit                             $463        $402            $1,716      $1,499

    Other comprehensive income

    Fair value changes on

    available - for-sale

    financial asset, net of

    tax effect                                    -          (1)               (2)           (2)

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign

    operations                                  244         23            (760)         72

    Total other comprehensive

    income                                     $244         $22       $(762)         $70

    Total comprehensive income      $707        $424        $954      $1,569

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $463        $402      $1,716      $1,499

    Non-controlling interest               -           -           -           -

                                                   $463        $402      $1,716      $1,499

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $707        $424        $954      $1,569

    Non-controlling interest              -           -           -           -

                                                    $707        $424        $954      $1,569

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                                      0.81        0.70        3.00        2.62

    Diluted ($)                                   0.81        0.70        3.00        2.62

    Weighted average equity

    shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                          571,392,171 571,305,965 571,365,494 571,180,050

    Diluted                        571,399,573 571,391,425 571,396,142 571,368,358


    1. The unaudited Consolidated Balance sheets and Consolidated Statements of

Comprehensive Income for the three months and year ended March 31, 2012 has

been taken on record at the Board meeting held on April 13, 2012

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com



    Source: Infosys Ltd

    Source: Infosys Ltd




