◎イライジャ・ウッドがDJで参加  ブッシュミルズ・ライブに


◎イライジャ・ウッドがDJで参加  ブッシュミルズ・ライブに

AsiaNet 49078

☆共JBN 外0541(産業、酒類)(12・4・24)


◎イライジャ・ウッドがDJで参加  ブッシュミルズ・ライブに


 (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20120423/527005-a

 (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20120423/527005-b

イライジャ・ウッドは、既に参加が決まっているマルチプラチナの売上のバンド、スノウパトロールやイアン・アーチャー、フォイ・バンスを含む参加者リストに加わる。スノウパトロールのこの公演での入場料は、すべてベルファストにある「オー・ヤー音楽センター(Oh Yeah Music Center)」に寄付されることになっている。


イライジャ・ウッドは、同年代の俳優の中で最も才能に恵まれた一人として認められており、最近ピーター・ジャクソン監督の「ホビット」で再びフロド・バギンズの役を務めて撮影を終えている。イライジャ・ウッドはJ.R.R.トールキン原作の映画3部作「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング」で主役のフロドを演じて忘れられない印象を残している。ジャクソン監督の3部作「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/旅の仲間」「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/二つの塔」「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/王の帰還」はすべて映画評論家から高い評価を受けるとともに、映画館でも大ヒット作となった。さらに「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/王の帰還」は作品賞を含め11のアカデミー賞(注)を受賞し、「タイタニック」に並ぶ記録となった。イライジャ・ウッドはまた、レコード・レーベルの「Simian Records」の創立者でもある。






(注)OSCAR(登録商標)、ACADEMY AWARDS(登録商標)は映画芸術科学アカデミー(Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences)の登録商標およびサービスマークである。

Share Bushmills Responsibly


The Bushmills words,1608、the Post Still deviceおよび関連ロゴは商標である。The ‘Old Bushmills Distillery’ Co. Limited 2012


E: neil.brittain@smarts.co.uk

T: +44(0)7779-789-639


Actor Elijah Wood of DJ Wooden Wisdom to Perform at 'Bushmills Live'


BUSHMILLS VILLAGE, Northern Ireland, Apr. 23 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    Bushmills(TM) Irish Whiskey has announced that globally-renowned actor

Elijah Wood will perform a DJ set at 'Bushmills Live' - the festival of

handcrafted whiskey and music taking place at the Old Bushmills Distillery on

the 20th and 21st June.

    (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20120423/527005-a )

    (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20120423/527005-b )

    He joins a bill that already features multi-platinum selling band Snow

Patrol - whose fee for the festival is being donated in full to the Oh Yeah

Music Centre in Belfast - and award winning artists Iain Archer and Foy Vance.

    Wood, along with his friend Zach Cowie, will take to the stage under the

name Wooden Wisdom. The duo has DJ'd at Bushmills launch events in the past,

but this will be the first time that they will have performed at an event

together outside of the United States.

    Widely regarded as one of the most gifted actors of his generation, Wood

has recently completed production for Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit," where he

will be reprising his role as Frodo Baggins. Wood made an indelible mark in the

trilogy of films based on J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" in the lead

role of the hobbit, Frodo. Directed by Jackson, the films; "The Fellowship of

the Ring," "The Two Towers," and "Return of the King" were all critically

lauded as well as being box office record setters. In addition, "Return of the

King" won the Academy Award* for Best Picture as well as 11 Academy Awards in

all, tying "Titanic" for the record. Wood is also the founder of record label



    Fans of Bushmills Irish Whiskey can win the chance to attend the festival

by entering a competition on the Bushmills Facebook page -


    To stand a chance of winning they will have to submit a photo of themselves

and a friend and explain why they and their friend should be in the audience

for Bushmills Live.

    As well as listening to great music, those fortunate to win a ticket to the

festival will also have the opportunity to make their own blend of Bushmills

Irish Whiskey.

    Colum Egan, Master Distiller at the Old Bushmills Distillery said: "I am

really looking forward to welcoming Elijah to the Old Bushmills Distillery. He

is a great actor and DJ and I have already seen him perform at a fantastic

Bushmills party in Los Angeles. The line up for Bushmills Live just keeps

getting better and I now can't wait for 20th June!"

    To win tickets to Bushmills Live or to find out more, visit

facebook.com/bushmills1608. Entry closes at 23:59 GMT on 27th April 2012. Terms

and conditions apply.

    *OSCAR(R) and ACADEMY AWARDS(R) are registered trademarks and service marks

of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Share Bushmills Responsibly


    The BUSHMILLS words, 1608, the Pot Still device and associated logos are

trade marks. The 'Old Bushmills Distillery' Co. Limited 2012.


    For further information contact:

    E: neil.brittain@smarts.co.uk

    T: +44(0)7779-789-639

    Source: Bushmills Irish Whiskey




