


AsiaNet 49112






2012年4月24日 - コムスコア・ジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長 西谷大蔵、以下コムスコア)は本日、携帯電話の包括調査データベースの「モビレンズ(MobiLens)」を通じて分析した、日本における携帯電話利用者の最新状況に関する2012年3月までの3ヶ月平均のレポートをリリースしました。この調査は携帯電話契約者4000人以上を対象にしており、調査によると現在シャープが端末メーカーではトップの23.5%のシェアを占めています。プラットフォームではGoogle社のアンドロイドがスマートフォンのシェアの61.4%を占めており、その後にアップル社が34.2%と続いております。

(ロゴ:: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20080115/COMSCORELOGO)

コムスコア・ジャパン株式会社、代表取締役社長 西谷大蔵は現在の日本のモバイル市場について次のように話しております。



2月までの3ヶ月平均のデータによると、1億170万 人の13歳以上の携帯電話(スマートフォンと非スマートフォンを含む)使用者が日本にいます。端末シェアの23.5%を保有するシャープが端末メーカートップで、2位のパナソニックが13.8%、3位の富士通が11.8%、4位のNECが9.7%、5位のソニーが7.5%で上位トップ5を占めています。



2012年2月までの3ヶ月平均 対 2011年11月までの3ヶ月平均 





            11年11月   12年2月       変化率

全契約者       100.0%     100.0%        N/A

シャープ         24.6%      23.5%         -1.1

パナソニック       13.7%            13.8%                  0.1

富士通                  11.6%            11.8%                   0.2

NEC                          9.8%              9.7%                   -0.1

ソニー                       7.8%              7.5%                   -0.3




2012年2月までの3ヶ月平均 対 2011年11月までの3ヶ月平均 




                                           11年11月      12年2月        変化率

全スマートフォンユーザー       100.0%          100.0%           N/A

アンドロイド                             61.0%           61.4%            0.3

アップル                                  33.0%           34.2%            1.3

マイクロソフト                            5.7%             3.9%          -1.8

その他                                      0.3%            0.5%            0.2









                                  オーディエンス合計(000)    浸透率(%)

オーディエンス合計            101,700                       100.0%

メール                                 57,616                         56.7%

アプリ                                 56,327                         55.4%

ブラウザー                          53,302                         52.4%

SMS送信                            46,184                         45.4%

天気情報                            34,652                        34.1%

サーチ                                30,464                        30.0%

ニュース                             23,732                         23.3%

SNS、ブログ                        19,793                         19.5%

地図                                   19,316                        19.0%

テレビ・動画視聴                 19,157                        18.8%



モビレンズについての詳細は、 http://www.comscore.com/jpn/Products_Services/Product_Index/MobiLens



コ ムスコア・ジャパン株式会社は、デジタル・ワールドの利用動向調査における分野で世界をリードするグローバル・カンパニーである、米コムスコア (comScore, Inc. NASDAQ: SCOR) の日本法人として、携帯電話からPCまで世界中のデジタル・マーケティングの可視化情報をご提供しています。詳しい情報は www.comscore.com/jpn


Contact: Sarah Radwanick  

comScore, Inc.

+1 206-268-6310


In Japan, Smartphones Surpass Feature Phones among Newly Acquired Devices for First Time Ever


TOKYO, Apr. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

           1 in 5 Mobile Phone Users in Japan Now Owns a Smartphone

        Android Accounts for Majority of Japan's Smartphone Market,

                        Apple Shows Strong Gains

comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today

released data from the comScore MobiLens

[http://www.comscore.com/Products_Services/Product_Index/MobiLens ] service,

reporting key trends in the Japan mobile phone industry during the three month

average period ending February 2012. The study surveyed more than 4,000

Japanese mobile subscribers and found Sharp to be the top mobile handset

manufacturer overall with 23.5 percent market share. Google's Android platform

accounted for the majority of the smartphone market at 61.4 percent, followed

by Apple with 34.2 percent of the market.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20080115/COMSCORELOGO)

"Smartphones surpassed feature phones as the most acquired device type in

February 2012, signaling an important shift in Japan's mobile market," said

Daizo Nishitani, vice president of comScore Japan KK. "The rise in smartphone

adoption opens the door to tremendous opportunity for publishers and

advertisers to expand their reach and increase engagement with key consumer

segments through this channel. Japanese mobile phone users were already highly

engaged with their devices, but with the added functionality and higher levels

of mobile media consumption we should expect to see significant changes in

behavior among the Japanese mobile population in 2012."

Sharp Accounts for 1 in 4 Mobile Devices in Japan

For the three-month average period ending in February, 101.7 million people age

13 and older used mobile devices in Japan (feature phone and smartphone

devices). Device manufacturer Sharp ranked as the top OEM with 23.5 percent of

Japanese mobile subscribers, followed by Panasonic with 13.8 percent share.

Fujitsu captured the #3 ranking in February with 11.8 percent of mobile

subscribers, followed by NEC at 9.7 percent and Sony at 7.5 percent to round

out the top five.

Apple, which ranked as the 8th largest OEM in Japan with 6.5 percent market

share, experienced the strongest gain among device manufacturers increasing 1.6

percentage points since November 2011.

Top Mobile OEMs

3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2012 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Nov. 2011

Total Japan Mobile Subscribers (Smartphone & Non-Smartphone) Ages 13+

Source: comScore MobiLens


                        Share (%) of Mobile Subscribers


                      Nov-11       Feb-12   Point Change

                      ------       ------   ------------

Total Mobile

Subscribers          100.0%       100.0%           N/A

Sharp                    24.6%        23.5%             -1.1

Panasonic              13.7%        13.8%              0.1

Fujitsu                   11.6%        11.8%              0.2

NEC                        9.8%         9.7%             -0.1

Sony                       7.8%         7.5%             -0.3

Android Accounts for Majority of Japan's Smartphone Market, Apple Sees

Strongest Growth

More than 19.3 million people in Japan owned smartphones during the three

months ending in February, up 28 percent versus November. Android's share of

the smartphone market reached 61.4 percent, while Apple ranked second with 34.2

percent of the smartphone market (up 1.3 percentage points versus November

2011), followed by Microsoft, which accounted for 3.9 percent in February 2012.

Top Smartphone* Platforms

3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2012 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Nov. 2011

Total Japan Smartphone Subscribers Ages 13+

Source: comScore MobiLens


                       Share (%) of Smartphone Subscribers


                     Nov-11       Feb-12    Point Change

                     ------       ------    ------------

Total Smartphone

Subscribers          100.0%      100.0%             N/A

Android                   61.0%       61.4%             0.3

Apple                      33.0%       34.2%             1.3

Microsoft                   5.7%        3.9%            -1.8

Other                        0.3%        0.5%             0.2

*Smartphones are defined as those phones that use the Android, Apple,

Microsoft, RIM and Symbian platforms.

Mobile Content Usage

Analysis of selected activities consumers performed on their mobile phones

found that 57.6 million users accessed email on their phone, representing more

than half of all mobile phone users. Japanese mobile owners were more likely to

use an application (55.4 percent) than a mobile browser (52.4 percent), while

45.4 percent sent a text message to another phone during the month. Nearly 1 in

5 mobile users accessed social networking or blog sites on their phone, while

slightly less (18.8 percent) watched TV or video.

Selected Mobile Content Usage

3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2012

Total Japan Mobile Subscribers (Smartphone & Non-Smartphone) Ages 13+

Source: comScore MobiLens


                                    Total Audience   % of Total Mobile

                                         (000)           Audience

                                           -----           --------

Total Mobile Audience            101,700           100.0%

Used email                              57,616            56.7%

Used application                      56,327            55.4%

Used browser                          53,302            52.4%

Sent text message                   46,184            45.4%

Accessed weather                   34,652            34.1%

Accessed search                     30,464            30.0%

Accessed news                       23,732            23.3%

Accessed social

networking site or blog             19,793            19.5%

Accessed maps                        19,316            19.0%

Watched TV and/or video

on mobile phone                     19,157            18.8%

About MobiLens

MobiLens data is derived from an intelligent online survey of a nationally

representative sample of mobile subscribers age 13 and older. Data on mobile

phone usage refers to a respondent's primary mobile phone and does not include

data related to a respondent's secondary device.

About comScore

comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world

and preferred source of digital business analytics. For more information,

please visit www.comscore.com/companyinfo.

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SOURCE: comScore, Inc.

CONTACT: Sarah Radwanick, comScore, Inc.,






