◎好調な2011年決算を発表  マイルストーン・システムズ


◎好調な2011年決算を発表  マイルストーン・システムズ

AsiaNet 49050

☆共JBN 外0527(産業、VMS)(12・4・27)


◎好調な2011年決算を発表  マイルストーン・システムズ

【コペンハーゲン26日PRN=共同JBN】オープンプラットフォーム型IPビデオ管理ソフトウエア(VMS)の企業、マイルストーン・システムズ社(Milestone Systems)は、2011年の好調な決算を発表し、利益を出しつつ研究開発に投資するという目覚しい成長を続けている。










                              2011年         2010年        伸び率

  売上高                     DKK 266 /        DKK 217.2M /

                                USD 46.89M          USD 38.3M         22 %

    EBITDA                 DKK 44,8 M /          DKK 54M /

                                   USD 7.9M            USD 9.5M        -17 %

    純利益                  DKK 10.3M /          DKK 21.5 /

                                   USD 1.8M            USD 3.8M        -52 %

    平均従業員数                310                  246               26 %

▽マイルストーン・システムズ社(Milestone Systems)について



Another Good Year for Milestone Systems




                      Milestone Systems publishes its 2011 Annual Report

    Milestone Systems, the open platform company in IP video management

software, has delivered strong results for 2011 and continues impressive growth

with profitability and investments in research and development.

    Despite the continued slowdown in European markets, Milestone has recorded

revenue growth of 22 percent to DKK 266 M (USD 46.89M) against DKK 217.2M in

2010 (USD 38.3M). Operating income before depreciation (EBITDA) reached DKK

44.8M (USD 7.9M) and net income reached DKK 10.3M (USD 1.8M). The number of

employees grew by 26 percent, from on average 246 in 2010 to 310 employees

globally in 2011.

    "We are proud of what we have achieved in 2011. Especially the US region

has shown very good results in 2011. Milestone also opened offices in Brazil

and Bulgaria," says President & CEO Lars Thinggaard, Milestone Systems.

    Long-term investments and innovative products

    In 2011, Milestone invested DKK 50.2M (USD 8.9M) in product development and

millions in employee development and leadership training.

    "We believe that we will achieve the best results with long-term

investments. Therefore, we have continued to invest in growth in 2011. We want

to develop leading software that improves business performance and increases

security through managing and distributing digital video data regardless of

time or location. This requires world-class research and development and a deep

understanding of our user's needs. We spent DKK 50.2M (USD 8.9M) on R&D in

2011. The investments support our efforts to win an even larger share of the

growing global market and strengthen our position as the world's leading

producer of open platform IP video management software," says Lars Thinggaard.

    Expectations for the future

    Milestone has great expectations for continued growth in the global market

for IP video surveillance. In 2012, Milestone will continue to invest in

expansion of the product portfolio and in employee and management development,

as well as training of the sales channel and opening offices in new markets.

Today Milestone has more than 10,000 certified partners worldwide and in 2012,

Milestone will host more than 20 partner conferences globally.

    Annual results, Milestone Systems: 1 January - 31 December 2011


    Milestone Systems amount    2011               2010          2010 to 2011

    (DKK and USD millions)


    Revenue                       DKK 266 /        DKK 217.2M /

                                   USD 46.89M           USD 38.3M            22 %

    EBITDA                    DKK 44,8 M /           DKK 54M /

                                      USD 7.9M            USD 9.5M            -17 %

    Net income                DKK 10.3M /          DKK 21.5 /

                                      USD 1.8M            USD 3.8M            -52 %

    Average number of

    employees                         310                 246                    26 %

    About Milestone Systems

    Founded in 1998, Milestone Systems is the global industry leader in open

platform IP video management software, according to IMS Research. The

XProtect(R) platform delivers powerful surveillance that is easy to manage,

reliable and proven in thousands of customer installations around the world.

With support for the widest choice in network hardware and integration with

other systems, XProtect provides best-in-class solutions to video enable

organizations - managing risks, protecting people and assets, optimizing

processes and reducing costs. Milestone software is sold through authorized and

certified partners. For more information, visit: http://www.milestonesys.com

    SOURCE: Milestone Systems




