◎欧州外における看護師教育水準の調和を推進  第6回EORNA総会


◎欧州外における看護師教育水準の調和を推進  第6回EORNA総会

AsiaNet 49135

☆共JBN 外0576(産業、看護師教育)(12・5・1)


◎欧州外における看護師教育水準の調和を推進  第6回EORNA総会









非営利組織である欧州手術室看護師協会(EORNA)は1980年に創立され、現在は6万人の健康管理専門家を代表する24のメンバー協会で構成されている。EORNAは欧州全域で周術期患者ケアを改善し、発展させることを目的としている。同協会は高い水準の周術期患者ケアの推進と維持を行うほか、欧州の周術期看護師を代表する影響力のある団体として、また関連する欧州の組織、国際組織とも協力している。EORNAの最も重要な教育活動の1つにEORNA ACE(教育資格協議会)が挙げられる。





EORNA Spearheads Harmonisation of Nursing Education Standards beyond Europe



          European OR Nurses Accreditation Council promoting Education as WHO

regional healthmap

    At their 6th Annual Conference entitled 'Sailing to the Future' (26th-29th

April 2012) in Lisbon today, the European Operating Room Nurses Association

(EORNA) highlighted the latest progress in the harmonisation of education

standards for operating room (OR) nurses in Europe and beyond.

    In just three years since first launching, the EORNA Accreditation Council

for Education (ACE) has been implemented in the majority of EORNA's 26 European

member countries and 27 member associations. EORNA membership extends beyond

Europe as it follows the guide of the WHO regional health area map. The

Association continues to grow, with Russia having completed their written

submission for membership and Malta, Poland and Luxemburg having lodged their

expressions of interest to join.

    With 60,000 registered nurse members, EORNA has developed a comprehensive

path for the education and continuous professional development for OR nurses in

Europe through their Core Curriculum Document 2012 (A Perioperative nursing

education guide), the EORNA Perioperative Competency framework and the ACE

Accreditation system.

    The only nursing accreditation system of its kind in Europe, EORNA's ACE

system aims to improve and harmonise the quality and standard of perioperative

care in all member countries. Not only will the education framework and

accreditation system facilitate the drive for best practice in OR's, but its

implementation will ensure greater patient safety from the moment of admission,

to leaving the perioperative setting.

    Commenting on the success of the Accreditation Council to date, Caroline

Higgins, President EORNA said, "ACE symbolises our commitment to safe,

high-quality perioperative nursing care on a European level. Ultimately, we are

driving for strong and consistent accreditation standards, to promote quality

improvement and in return, improvements in patient care. In introducing a

standard, we can decrease variation in care which makes the difference in

ensuring we have the highest level of nursing care and the best level of safe

practices in operating rooms."

    As the company which assisted EORNA in developing ACE, Peter Dobbelsteijn,

Senior Vice President Regional Director EMEA for Ansell Ltd. said, "Continuing

education is key to high quality healthcare services and we applaud EORNA's

efforts in providing the OR nursing community with the tools to further

educate, harmonise and improve the quality of surgical care across and beyond


    EORNA Media Relations

    About EORNA:

    A non-for-profit association, the European Operating Room Nurses

Association (EORNA) was founded in 1980, and today consists of 24 member

associations, representing 60,000 Healthcare professionals. EORNA exists to

enhance and develop perioperative patient care across Europe. It does so by

promoting and maintaining a high standard of perioperative patient care; by

being the influential voice of perioperative nurses in Europe; and by linking

and collaborating with relevant European and international organisations. One

of the EORNA's most important educational activities is EORNA ACE, the

Accreditation Council for Education.

    More information on the organisation and the EORNA Congress "Sailing to the

Future" can be found at http://www.eorna.eu and http://www.eornacongress.eu

    About Ansell:

    Ansell is a world leader in providing superior health and safety protection

solutions that enhance human well being. With operations in the North America,

Latin America, EMEA and Asia, Ansell employs more than 10,000 people worldwide

and holds leading positions in the industrial and medical gloves market, as

well as in the sexual health and well being category worldwide. Ansell operates

in four main business segments: Medical Solutions, Industrial Solutions,

Specialty Markets, and Sexual Wellness. Information on Ansell and its products

can be found at http://www.ansell.com.

Source: Ansell Healthcare




