◎オープン・ディーザーを発表  ストリーミング・サービスのディーザー


◎オープン・ディーザーを発表  ストリーミング・サービスのディーザー

AsiaNet 49212

☆共JBN 外0597(産業、音楽)(12・5・7)


◎オープン・ディーザーを発表  ストリーミング・サービスのディーザー

【パリ3日PRN=共同JBN】大手音楽ストリーミング・サービスのディーザー(Deezer)は3日、世界のあらゆるプラットフォームで革新的な音楽ストリーミング・サービスを創りだす最も簡単で幅広いAPI(アプリケーション・プログラミング・インターフェース)アクセスの「オープン・ディーザー(OPEN DEEZER)」を発表した。




最も才能に恵まれた世界のデベロッパーを一堂に集めるため、ディーザーは第1回「ディーザー・ハッカソン(Deezer Hackaton)」選手権をパリとベルリンで開催する。



優勝者には限定版「日産JUKE DEEZER」車が贈呈される。




    ベルリン:deezerberlin.eventbrite.com (http://deezerberlin.eventbrite.com









Deezer Launches "OPEN DEEZER"

PR 49212



            For Worldwide Developers, to Enhance the Music Experience

    Deezer today announces "OPEN DEEZER", the easiest and broadest API access

for developers to create innovative music streaming services, across all

platforms, worldwide.

    Deezer is eager to share, not only access to 15 million tracks and their

metadata, but also to its user data and its full music streaming technology: no

downloads required, ready-to-use plugins, and cross-platform compatibility. All

platforms will be addressed via three SDKs: for Android, iOS and Web apps in


    Daniel Marhely, Founder and CTO of Deezer, said: "The Deezer Team has

constantly been looking to stay ahead technologically: making the product

browser-based rather than client-based, going straight for HTML5 and being

first to market with streaming apps for Blackberry, iPhone, iPad and Sonos. But

we know we don't have a monopoly on great ideas, and we are thrilled to enable

developers worldwide to innovate with us. There is still so much we can create

to enhance people's music experience."

    The access to OPEN DEEZER has already been made available to Deezer's early

partners, including social networks (Facebook, Twitter, last.fm...), mobile

telephony services (Orange, Belgacom, T-Mobile), high-end hi-fi systems

manufacturers (Sonos, Logitech...), automotive industry manufacturers (Nissan,

Parrot...). Independent developers have already started developing apps on the

API including the mixing desk, etc. To share its success, Deezer will reward

developers with EUR9,99* for any new subscribers coming from their

applications. (* One month Premium+ subscription).

    In order to gather together the most talented developers worldwide, Deezer

launches the first "Deezer Hackathon" Battles in Paris and Berlin.

    Developers with great ideas and the skills to execute them will have a

weekend to make fundamental changes in the way people interact with Music. The

Deezer Hackathons will take place in Paris on May 25th - 27th, and Berlin on

July 6th - 8th.

    The best project will be selected by a world class Committee and awarded

for their contribution to the enhancement of the music experience.

    The winners will have the chance to win a limited edition "Nissan JUKE

DEEZER" car.

    Axel Dauchez, CEO of Deezer, said: "There are no longer any geographical

limits or technological barriers for innovation in Music."

    To participate in the DEEZER Hackathons, please follow the links:

    Paris: http://bemyapp.com/deezer

    Berlin : deezerberlin.eventbrite.com [http://deezerberlin.eventbrite.com ]

    To get more information, please follow these links:




    About Deezer:

    Created by Daniel Marhely in 2006, Deezer is a market leader in music

streaming; 20 million people worldwide use the service in 49 territories.

Deezer's users can enjoy new music discoveries every day via unlimited

streaming from a great catalogue of over 15 million tracks. Deezer's music

services do not rely on software downloads and are available on PC/Mac, all

smartphones and many connected devices.






