◎清掃・衛生製品に環境製品認証を提供  ULエンバイロンメント社発表


◎清掃・衛生製品に環境製品認証を提供  ULエンバイロンメント社発表

AsiaNet 49254

☆共JBN 外0617(産業、環境)(12・5・9)


◎清掃・衛生製品に環境製品認証を提供  ULエンバイロンメント社発表

【ノースブルック(米イリノイ州)9日PRN=共同JBN】米アンダーライターズ・ラボラトリーズ社(UL)の事業部門であるULエンバイロンメント社(UL Environment)は9日、清掃・衛生製品に関し世界で通用するライフサイクルベースの環境製品認証を開始すると発表した。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120209/MM50987LOGO


ULエンバイロンメント社の運用責任者であるアンジェラ・グリフィス氏は「当社は清掃・衛生製品における『グリーン』のグローバリゼーション促進にコミットしており、当社のISO 14024準拠の環境認証がこれを可能にすると確信している。清掃・衛生製品に含有される化学物質とその使用法の性格から見て、清掃製品製造企業は環境とエンドユーザー双方の健康について本物の、永続的でプラスの影響を与えることができるという独自の機会を備えている。ULエンバイロンメント社は、これら企業がそうできるように援助する用意ができている」と語った。


*カーペット/室内装飾品クリーナー(Carpet/Upholstery Cleaners)


*床清掃製品(Floor Care Products)

*硬表面クリーナー(Hard Surface Cleaners)

*衛生紙製品(Sanitary Paper Products)

*ハンドクリーナー(Hand Cleaners)



オランダ・アムステルダムで5月8日から11日まで開催されているISSA INTERCLEAN(国際廃棄物処理見本市)でULエンバイロンメント社のブース#1.02.323Cを訪れてみてほしい。




UL は100年以上の実績のある歴史を持つ世界トップクラスの安全科学機関である。46カ国に約9000人の専門家を雇用しており、製品安全 (Product Safety)、環境(Environment)、ライフ&ヘルス(Life and Health)、検証(Verification)、ナレッジ・サービス(knowledge Services)の5つの事業部門を設置して消費者と世界の人々の拡大する必要性に対応している。ULの企業ファミリー、95のラボラトリー・ネットワーク、テスト・認証施設 に関する詳細はウェブサイトwww.UL.comを参照。



Rachel Belew, UL Enviroment



Kate Rusnak, UL Environment

+1-613-247-0440, ext. 250


UL Announces Global Certification for Environmentally Preferable Cleaning Products at ISSA INTERCLEAN(R)


NORTHBROOK, Ill., May 9, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

  Internationally Recognized Environmental Leadership Standards to Facilitate

     the Manufacture and Use of Greener, More Sustainable Cleaning Products

    UL Environment, a business unit of UL (Underwriters Laboratories),

announced today the launch of a globally applicable, lifecycle-based

environmental product certification for janitorial and sanitation products.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120209/MM50987LOGO)

    Formerly available only as EcoLogo(R), a North American certification

recognized mainly in Canada and the U.S., this new, worldwide UL certification

service for environmentally preferable cleaning products will enable

manufacturers to leverage UL's trusted brand and technical expertise to

showcase their environmental stewardship and marketplace leadership.

    "We are committed to advancing the globalization of 'green' in the

janitorial and sanitation industry, and we believe our ISO 14024-compliant

environmental certification will help make that possible," says Angela

Griffiths, director of operations for UL Environment. "Because of the chemical

composition of 'jan-san' products, and because of the nature of their use,

cleaning product manufacturers have a unique opportunity to make a real,

lasting, and positive impact on the health of both the environment and the

end-user. UL Environment is poised to help them do so."

    Manufacturers around the world may pursue UL Environmental Product

Certification to one (or more) of approximately 20 multi-attribute leadership

standards, including those for:

    -- Carpet/Upholstery Cleaners

    -- Disinfectants

    -- Floor Care Products

    -- Hard Surface Cleaners

    -- Sanitary Paper Products

    -- Hand Cleaners

    Developed in a consensus-based manner, these voluntary standards are

rigorous, ensuring that only the top-performing products in the global

marketplace can comply.

    "This is why they are considered 'leadership' standards," says Griffiths.

"Not just any product can make the cut. But those that do make the cut and earn

the UL Environmental Product Certification mark can prove to the world that

they are bona fide environmental leaders."

    Visit UL Environment at booth #1.02.323C at ISSA INTERCLEAN, May 8-11 in

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    About UL Environment

    UL Environment, a business unit of UL, works to advance global

sustainability, environmental health, and safety by supporting the growth and

development of environmentally preferable products, services, and

organizations. We help companies achieve their sustainability goals-and help

purchasers, specifiers, retailers, governments, and consumers find products

they can trust. UL Environment offers environmental claim validations,

multi-attribute product certifications, environmental product declarations,

indoor air quality certification, product emissions testing, organizational

sustainability certification, and consulting. For more information, visit


    About UL

    UL is a premier global safety science company with more than 100 years of

proven history. Employing nearly 9,000 professionals in 46 countries, UL is

evolving the future of safety with five distinct business units - Product

Safety, Environment, Life & Health, Verification and Knowledge Services - to

meet the expanding needs of customers and the global public. For more

information on UL's family of companies and network of 95 laboratory, testing,

and certification facilities, go to http://www.UL.com.

    SOURCE: UL Environment

    CONTACT: Rachel Belew, UL Environment, +1-678-444-4047,

rachel.belew@ul.com, Kate Rusnak, UL Environment, +1-613-247-0440, ext. 250,





