◎韓国麗水世界博で水と光の競演を演出  WET社


◎韓国麗水世界博で水と光の競演を演出  WET社

AsiaNet 49306

☆共JBN 外0636(産業、水の芸術)(12・5・11)


◎韓国麗水世界博で水と光の競演を演出  WET社

【麗水(韓国)11日PRN=共同JBN】米カリフォルニア州に本拠を置き、自然の力を利用して観衆に水の魅力を経験させる呼び物を創造しているWET社(WET)は、2012麗水世界博覧会(International Exposition Yeosu Korea 2012)で世界最先端の技術を使った海に浮かぶ噴水をデビューさせる。この呼び物は自然なままの沿岸に設置され、ほかにはないもので、世界中から訪れた観衆の前で、今まで見たことがないセンセーショナルな水の作品として、言葉の壁や文化の違いを超越した水と光の祭典になる。


太陽が沈み始め、1日の公演が終わりに近づく頃、WETが商標を持つリビング・スクリーン(Living Screen、商標)が始まり、観客はまったく新しい夜空の水の花火を楽しむことになる。クラゲの群れが奔流のように形を変え、回転し、美しい動きを見せ、海藻が潮の動きに合わせてダンスを踊る。これらすべてが海や空と切れ目なく混じり合い、先進技術と芸術表現を合体した息を飲むショーを構成している。

2012麗水博覧会は海と沿岸の価値や機能に対する認識を高め、国際協力の必要性を認識してもらうことを使命としている。麗水博覧会会場は海に隣接している地理的な利点を持っており、博覧会のテーマである「生きている海と沿岸(The Living Ocean and Coast)」を実現するためには最適である。同会場は閑麗水道海上国立公園や梧桐島を見下ろし、317にもおよぶ宝石のような小島に囲まれており、博覧会のテーマを生き生きと表すための完璧な自然環境を持っている。






Jonie Souvannarith


T: +1-818-769-6200

E: press@wetdesign.com

WET(R) Pushes The Boundaries of Water and Light at Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea


YEOSU, Korea, May 11, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

        - Creators of the World Famous Fountains of Bellagio in Las Vegas

     Once Again Eclipse our Imaginations, Delivering an Iconic Centerpiece

                 for the International Exposition Yeosu Korea 2012

     WET, the California-based creator of magical water features and community

experiences through nature's elements, debuts the world's most technologically

advanced floating water fountain in the ocean at the International Exposition

Yeosu Korea 2012. This is a one-of-a-kind feature set in a natural coastal

basin that will provide a never before seen water sensation for international

audiences - a unique celebration of water and light that transcends language

barriers and cultural differences.

     From the engineering innovation to the design versatility that allows

choreographed performances to create multiple experiences for different times

of day and different contexts - the cumulative effect allows the Expo's

hundreds of thousands of visitors from 100 countries to experience the ocean in

new and profound ways. After a day's performances draw to an end with the

setting of the sun, audiences will experience an entirely new thrill as WET's

proprietary Living Screen(TM) sets off aquatic fireworks in the night sky.

Riptides of jellyfish morph and spin in kinetic abstraction and seaweed dances

with the tides, all seamlessly blending ocean and sky in a breathtaking display

of technological achievement and artistic expression.

     Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea's mission is to raise awareness for the value and

function of the ocean and coast and to recognize the need for global

cooperation in the marine sector. The Yeosu Expo site has the geographical edge

that comes from being adjacent to the ocean, and thus, is ideal for realizing

the Expo theme, "The Living Ocean and Coast." The site overlooks Hallyeosudo

Marine National Park and Odong Island, and is surrounded by 317 jewel-like

islets, having the perfect natural conditions to make the Expo's theme come


     After serving as the iconic centerpiece of the Expo, the feature will

remain open to the public, continuing to attract visitors and tenants by

providing remarkable, emotional, and magical experiences, which will make Yeosu

the must-visit destination in Korea.

     About WET

     In an increasingly digital world we more than ever crave the authenticity

of real human connection. WET unleashes the magic of water and nature's other

elements to create shared experiences of movement, light, and emotion that

reconnect us with our world, with our senses, and with each other. WET's

expansive features are context driven, responsive to their environments and the

needs and desires of their clients, patrons and visitors. They imagine each

project as if it were WET's first, shaping it to its specific environment and

community. When you are seeking a people magnet, attraction that will pull

people into your project and pull your project into the spotlight, then seek


     CONTACT: Jonie Souvannarith


              T: +1-818-769-6200

              E: press@wetdesign.com





