◎2種のシミュレーターを開発  シンビオニクスがDDRで公開へ


◎2種のシミュレーターを開発  シンビオニクスがDDRで公開へ

AsiaNet 49374

☆共JBN 外0668(産業、医療)(12・5・18)




【クリーブランド(米オハイオ州)18日PRN=共同JBN】医療シミュレーション、訓練、教育製品の世界大手プロバイダーであるシンビオニクスUSA社(Simbionix USA Corporation)は18日、新しいシミュレーターのGIメンター(Mentor)、商標)・エクスプレス(http://simbionix.com/simulators/gi-bronch-gi-mentor/platforms)およびUROメンター(同、http://simbionix.com/simulators/uro-mentor)向け強化ハードウエアをリリースしたと発表した。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120502/529202-a)

  (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120517/533112)












 Rebecca Levy

  Manager of Marketing Communications


  Tel: +1-216-229-2040 ext. 128


Simbionix Releases Two New Platforms at the Upcoming DDW and AUA Events


CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 18, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Simbionix USA Corporation, the world's leading provider of medical

simulation, training and education products, is proud to announce the release

two new platform designs this week: the new GI Mentor(TM) Express

[http://simbionix.com/simulators/gi-bronch-gi-mentor/platforms ] simulator and

the enhanced hardware for the URO Mentor(TM)

[http://simbionix.com/simulators/uro-mentor ].

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120502/529202-a )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120517/533112 )

    The GI Mentor Express is an elegant portable platform offering the most

advanced hands-on training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. This high end virtual

reality trainer offers over 60 tasks and virtual patient cases for endoscopy

skill enhancement, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy and gastric

bleeding. Just as in the full sized GI Mentor, training on this portable

solution is done utilizing an actual scope, realistic tactile sensation and

true to life anatomy, physiology and pathologies. All of the mentioned

features, together with performance metrics validated in more than 40 studies

[http://simbionix.com/simulators/clinical-validations/gi-mentor ], contribute

to preparing the trainee for performing actual cases on live patients. The GI

Mentor Express is offered in several configurations for enhanced flexible

pricing. Simbionix will unveil the new GI Express at the DDW in San Diego, CA,

May 20-22, booth #3025.

    The newly enhanced URO Mentor being launched this week by the company was

designed to enable future simulation content on the same platform. Currently

the system combines training for both endourology and percutaneous access

procedures. The unique cost effective design utilizes the latest technology,

and is ready to be upgraded with female urologic anatomy, for future modules

and training procedures. The new system will be unveiled at the upcoming AUA in

Atlanta, GA, May 19-22, at booth #2761.

    Ran Bronstein, Simbionix President and COO, commented that "Simbionix

continues to enhance existing products and develop new products in order to

provide the best value for our clients. Work on a specific trainer is on-going

even after the simulator is released, as we keep on developing new modules and

working on the existing configurations and platforms to improve the products

and keep them updated with the latest technologies."

    About Simbionix USA Corporation [http://simbionix.com/company ]

    Simbionix is the world's leading provider of medical simulation training

and education

    products for medical professionals and the healthcare industry. The company

is committed to delivering high quality products, advancing clinical

performance and optimizing procedural outcomes.

    Visit: http://www.simbionix.com

    Follow us on Facebook

[https://www.facebook.com/pages/Simbionix/328515966636 ], Twitter

[http://twitter.com/#!/SimbionixUSA ] and LinkedIn


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    CONTACT: Rebecca Levy, Manager of Marketing Communications,

rebecca@simbionix.com; +1-216-229-2070 #128

    SOURCE: Simbionix USA Corporation




