◎不況に強いトップブランド  ミルワード・ブラウンが調査


◎不況に強いトップブランド  ミルワード・ブラウンが調査

AsiaNet 49384

☆共JBN 外0675(産業、知名度)(12・5・22)


◎不況に強いトップブランド  ミルワード・ブラウンが調査

【ニューヨーク22日PRN=共同JBN】WPPグループ企業のミルワード・ブラウン社(Millward Brown)が毎年行う「BrandZ(商標)世界トップ100ブランド」調査によれば、現在の経済不安のなかでも世界のトップブランドは引き続きブランド価値を増大させている。







2011年順位  変化  2012年順位 分野             ブランド名            2012年価値


1             0         1      ハイテク             アップル              182,951

3             1         2      ハイテク             アイ・ビー・エム        115,985

2           -1         3      ハイテク             グーグル            107,857

4             0         4           ファーストフード   マクドナルド        95,188

5            0         5     ハイテク              マイクロソフト           76,651

6             0         6         ソフトドリンク        コカ・コーラ             74,286

8              1        7      タバコ                マルボロ             73,612

7            -1        8      通信                AT&T                 68,870

13             4        9          通信                  ベライゾン             49,151

9             -1      10           通信                  中国移動通信       47,041













「BrandZ世界トップ100ブランド」ランキングはミルワード・ブラウンOptimor がWPPグループの事業会社のために開発したもので、使われ出してから7年目になる。世界で200万人を越える消費者とインタビューを行い、何千もの「消費者向き」ならびに、企業向け(B-to-B)ブランドについて聞いたことに基づいたブランド評価と、ブルームバーグやカンタール・ワールドパネル(Kantar Worldpanel)のデータを使って各社の財務、事業面の業績を徹底して分析したものとを組み合わせ、ブランドがビジネスの収入、株式時価総額を上げる上で果たした価値を調べるのはこの調査だけである。ブランドは営業実績、製品出荷、ポジショニングの明確性、リーダーシップなどの組合せであるため、消費者の見方というのはブランド価値を決定する上で重要な要素になる。同ランキングは地域的な差異を考慮するが、その理由は真にグローバルなブランドでさえ、国によってブランドの貢献は大きく代わる可能性があるからである。







Delyth Hughes     

Associate Director, Global Communications and Marketing,

Millward Brown

Tel: +44(0)1926-826179

Email: Delyth.Hughes@millwardbrown.com


Teresa Horscroft

Eureka Communications

Tel: +44(0)1420-564346

Mobile: +44(0)7990-520390

Email: teresa@eurekacomms.co.uk

Top Brands Thrive Despite Economy According to Millward Brown's Latest BrandZ[TM]top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands Study


NEW YORK, May 22, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - No1 Brand Apple Grows 19% to $182.9 Billion While IBM Eases Past Google

to Take No.2 Spot

    - First African brand enters ranking

    The world's biggest brands have continued to grow in value during the

current economic uncertainty, according to WPP company Millward Brown's annual

BrandZ[TM]Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands study. The No1 brand for the

second year, Apple, rose 19% in value and is now worth $182.9 billion. IBM grew

15% in value to $115.9 billion and overtook Google, which dropped to third

place in the ranking and is now worth $107.8 billion. In advance of its IPO,

eight year old Facebook rose 74% in value, making it the fastest brand value

riser in the ranking. Worth $33.2 billion the social network moved up to No.19

from No.35.

    The study, commissioned by WPP and conducted by Millward Brown Optimor and

now in its seventh year, identifies and ranks the world's most valuable brands

by their dollar value, an analysis based on financial data, market intelligence

and consumer measures of brand equity.

    The 2012 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking demonstrates

the power of strong brands as both a driver of new business growth and a

critical support in hard times. Between 2006 and 2012, the total value of the

BrandZ Top 100 rose 66% and is now worth $2.4 trillion.

    "Brands are an insurance policy for businesses," said Eileen Campbell,

Global CEO of brand research company Millward Brown. "Despite a prolonged

period of economic stress, political uncertainty and natural disasters that

buffeted brands across many categories, the value of the world's leading brands

keeps rising across many categories, sustaining and nurturing businesses."

                         The Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands 2012



    Rank   Rank  Rank                                                            Value

    2011 change  2012           Category              Brand         2012 ($M)

       1        0        1               Tech                   Apple             182,951

       3        1        2               Tech                   IBM                115,985

       2       -1       3               Tech                   Google           107,857

       4        0        4              Fast Food            McDonald's       95,188

       5        0        5               Tech                   Microsoft          76,651

       6        0        6             Soft drinks            Coca-Cola        74,286

       8        1        7             Tobacco                Marlboro          73,612

       7       -1       8     Communication Provider AT&T              68,870

      13       4        9     Communication Provider Verizon            49,151

       9       -1     10     Communication Provider China Mobile     47,041    

    David Roth for WPP said "Brands help businesses create competitive

differentiation, command a price premium and become more resilient to crises or

economic turbulence. This year, those businesses that leveraged technology,

focused on the customer experience or boosted control of their brands thrived".

    Apple continues to innovate and maintain its 'luxury' brand status, but

faces future competition from Samsung. Now worth more than $14.1 billion,

thanks in part to the success of its Galaxy handsets, Samsung is successfully

outpacing Apple in a significant number of markets by positioning as a cool,

well-priced alternative to the ubiquitous iPhone."

    Key findings highlighted in this year's research report include:

    - Technology Prevails: Technology has become ubiquitous in all areas of our

lives. Seven of the top 10 brands are technology or telecoms brands. However,

the power of smart, simple-to-use technology can also be seen beyond these two

sectors. In other categories - cars, financial services, luxury and retail for

example - we can also see that brands are gaining significant advantages by

using smart technology to enhance their customer experience. For example,

Burberry - up 21% to $4 billion - created a virtual world where younger brand

followers can view fashion shows and more.


    - The Rise of Africa:  This year's ranking highlights the progress of

Africa's economic development with the arrival of the first African brand in

the Top 100 - South African mobile company MTN - No 88 at $9.2 billion. But

it's not just African brands that are thriving south of the Sahara. Around 40%

of Guinness's sales come from Africa, Airtel's third quarter results showed a

16% increase in revenue in Africa. Similarly, Orange enjoyed rapid growth in

Africa in 2011, while Walmart invested there with the acquisition of Massmart.

    - The Future is Mobile: The future of the internet will be predominantly

mobile rather than computer based. Mobile, to some extent, has been shielded

from the recession as one of the few items consumers don't want to give up or

cut back on. The most valuable telecoms brand is AT&T worth $68.8 billion.

Whilst the USA's largest mobile service provider, Verizon, increased its brand

value by 15% in the last year and is now worth $49.1 billion.

    - Retail: Constructing an Omni-Channel Business: The customer experience is

a new focus for many retailers as they recognise its importance in keeping

customers loyal and the need to be present anywhere and everywhere on the path

to purchase. Walmart knocked Amazon from the top position and its brand is now

worth $34.4 billion whilst Amazon is now worth $34 billion.

    - Brands with Women on the Board Outperform: As the number of women on

corporate boards continues to rise,the BrandZ Top100 study this year reveals

the success that women bring to brands. 77% of the brands appearing in the

BrandZ[TM]Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands have women in the boardroom. The

average value of brands with women on the boards is $27 billion, double that of

those companies without female directors. Not only that, these brands also show

an average five-year growth of 66% compared to an average growth of only 6% for

those BrandZ Top100 brands that don't have a woman on the board.   

    - Strong Brands Provide Better Shareholder Value: An analysis of BrandZ Top

100 Most Valuable Global Brands as a 'stock portfolio' over the last seven

years shows a highly favourable performance compared to a current stock market

index, the S&P500. While the total return on investment (ROI) for all companies

in the S&P500 index was just 2.3%, the BrandZ Portfolio provided a 36.3% ROI,

proving that companies with strong brands are able to deliver better value to

their shareholders. A graphic is available here.


-Graph ]

    The BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands study is the only valuation

in the world that takes into account what people think about the brands they

buy alongside rigorous analysis of financial data, market valuations, analyst

reports and risk profiles. The research report, which is available online,

includes a ranking and analysis of the most valuable brands for key regions of

the world and 13 market sectors. Download the complete BrandZ ranking here


port ], including regional and category breakdowns. The rankings and a great

deal more are also available as a free interactive mobile app for Apple and

Android and as an iPad magazine


ad-Magazine ] .


    About the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands Ranking

    Developed for WPP's operating companies by Millward Brown Optimor, the

BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking is now in its seventh year.

It is the only study to combine

    measures of brand equity based on interviews with over 2 million consumers

globally about thousands of global "consumer facing" and business-to-business

brands with a rigorous analysis of the financial and business performance of

each company (using data from Bloomberg and Kantar Worldpanel) to separate the

value that brand plays in driving business revenue and market capitalization.

Consumer perception of a brand is a key input in determining brand value

because brands are a combination of business performance, product delivery,

clarity of positioning, and leadership. The ranking takes into account regional

variations since, even for truly global brands, measures of brand contribution

might differ substantially across countries.

    About Millward Brown

    Millward Brown is one of the world's leading research agencies and is

expert in effective advertising, marketing communications, media and brand

equity research. Through the use of an integrated suite of validated research

solutions - both qualitative and quantitative - Millward Brown helps clients

build strong brands and services. Millward Brown has 82 offices in 52

countries. Additional practices include Millward Brown's Global Media Practice

(media effectiveness unit), The Neuroscience Practice (using neuroscience to

enhance traditional research techniques), Millward Brown Optimor (focused on

helping clients maximize the returns on their brand and marketing investments),

Dynamic Logic (the world leader in digital marketing effectiveness) and Firefly

Millward Brown (a global qualitative research business). Millward Brown is part

of Kantar, WPP's insight, information and consultancy group.

    About WPP

    WPP [http://www.wpp.com ] is the world's largest communications services

group. Through its operating companies, the Group provides a comprehensive

range of advertising and marketing services including advertising; media

investment management; consumer insight; public relations and public affairs;

branding and identity; healthcare communications; direct, digital, promotion

and relationship marketing and specialist communications. The company employs

over 158,000 people (including associates) in 2,500 offices in 107 countries.

    For further information please contact:

    Delyth Hughes     

    Associate Director, Global Communications and Marketing,

    Millward Brown     

    Tel: +44(0)1926-826179     

    Email: Delyth.Hughes@millwardbrown.com


    Teresa Horscroft     

    Eureka Communications     

    Tel: +44(0)1420-564346     

    Mobile: +44(0)7990-520390     

    Email: teresa@eurekacomms.co.uk

    SOURCE: Millward Brown




