◎Catalyst Paperが売却と投資家勧誘を通知

Catalyst Paper Corporation

◎Catalyst Paperが売却と投資家勧誘を通知

AsiaNet 49533


◎Catalyst Paperが売却と投資家勧誘を通知

【リッチモンド(カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア州)2012年5月31日CNW=共同JBN】Catalyst Paper Corporationは31日、売却および投資家勧誘の手続きを許可したブリティッシュコロンビア州最高裁判所の命令に基づき、グローブ・アンド・メール紙、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙に以下の通知が掲載されたことを通知する。

Catalyst Paper Corporationおよび関連事業体(集合的にCatalyst Paper)に関してカナダ企業債権者調整法、カナダ事業会社法、およびブリティッシュコロンビア事業会社法に関する事由につき、Catalyst Paperはブリティッシュコロンビア州最高裁判所(裁判所)の裁判所命令に従って売却および投資家勧誘の手続き(SISP)を行うための裁判所の許可を得たことに注意を喚起する。SISPの規定に従い、Catalyst Paperは同社の財務アドバイザーを務めるPerella Weinberg Partners LP (Perella)の助力を得てCatalyst Paperの所有権、財産、事業の買収または投資をする戦略的または財務的見込み関係者からの提案を勧誘している。

Catalyst Paperは多様な特殊メカニカル印刷用紙、新聞用紙、パルプを製造している。同社顧客には北米、中南米、環太平洋地域、欧州の小売業者、出版社、商業印刷業者が含まれる。Catalyst Paperはカナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア州、米アリゾナ州に4工場を持ち、年間生産能力は合計180万トンになる。Catalyst Paperはカナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア州リッチモンドに本社を置き、Corporate Knights誌のカナダの50 Best Corporate Citizens(優良企業市民ベスト50社)に選ばれている。



Nancy Turner, Managing Director


One California Street, Suite 2250

San Francisco, CA 94111

Tel: 415.671.4550


裁判所はプライスウォーターハウスクーパース(PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.)をCatalyst Paperの監督(Monitor)に任命した。SISPを承認した裁判所命令のコピーおよびSISP、関連書類のコピーは監督のウェブサイト(www.pwc.com/car-catalystpaper)で閲覧できる。

ソース: Catalyst Paper Corporation



Brian Baarda

Vice President

Finance & CFO

+1 (604) 247-4710

Catalyst Paper Publishes Notice of Sale and Investor Solicitation Process


RICHMOND, British Columbia, Canada, May 31, 2012 /CNW=KYODO JBN/ --

Catalyst Paper Corporation advises that under order of the Supreme Court of

British Columbia authorizing procedures for a sale and investor solicitation

process, the following notice was published today in The Globe & Mail and The

Wall Street Journal:

           TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to certain Court Orders of the Supreme

Court of British Columbia (the "Court") in respect of Catalyst Paper

Corporation and related entities (collectively "Catalyst Paper") in the matter

of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Canada Business Corporations

Act, and the British Columbia Business Corporations Act, Catalyst Paper

obtained Court approval to conduct a sale and investor solicitation process

(the "SISP"). Pursuant to the SISP, Catalyst Paper, with the assistance of its

financial advisor Perella Weinberg Partners LP ("Perella"), is soliciting

proposals from prospective strategic and financial parties to acquire the

property, assets and business of, or to invest in, Catalyst Paper.


         Catalyst Paper manufactures diverse specialty mechanical printing papers,

newsprint and pulp. Its customers include retailers, publishers and commercial

printers in North America, Latin America, the Pacific Rim and Europe. With four

mills, located in British Columbia and Arizona, Catalyst Paper has a combined

annual production capacity of 1.8 million tonnes. Catalyst Paper is

headquartered in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada and is ranked by Corporate

Knights magazine as one of the 50 Best Corporate Citizens in Canada.


         The SISP contains certain timelines that are required to be met including a

requirement that parties who are interested in participating deliver certain

information and take certain steps no later than June 6, 2012.


        Interested parties should make inquiries as soon as possible and can obtain

additional information by contacting:


Nancy Turner, Managing Director


One California Street, Suite 2250

San Francisco, CA 94111

Tel: 415.671.4550



            The Court appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. as the Monitor (the

"Monitor") of Catalyst Paper.  A copy of the Court Order approving the SISP, as

well as a copy of the SISP and related documents, can be found on the Monitor's

website at the following link: www.pwc.com/car-catalystpaper

SOURCE:  Catalyst Paper Corporation

CONTACT: Investors:

         Brian Baarda

         Vice President

         Finance & CFO

         +1 (604) 247-4710




