◎世界各地で風力促進のイベント開催 15日の「世界風の日」に

EWEA European Wind energy Association

◎世界各地で風力促進のイベント開催 15日の「世界風の日」に

AsiaNet 49540

共同JBN 0741(2012.6.4)

◎世界各地で風力促進のイベント開催 15日の「世界風の日」に


国連持続可能な開発会議(リオ +20、6月20-22日)開催のほんの数日前、世界で多数の市民が風力エネルギーの力を発見することになる。6月15日、50を超える組織が「世界風の日(Global Wind Day)」に参加し、市民は風力をサポートすることに加わる。昨年は世界40カ国で230以上のイベントが開催された。イベンでは風力発電所見学や野外コンサート、公開討論などが行われた。




Global Wind Day website:


European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)


Global Wind Energy Council


ソース:EWEA European Wind energy Association

The World's Choice: Burn 40% More Fossil Fuel or Boost Global Wind Power by 2030


BRUSSELS, June 1, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Global Wind Day on 15 June -

    By 2030 the world's primary energy consumption is expected to grow by 40%.

The global population will rise from 7 billion people now to over 8 billion

people in 20 years. More than half of the growing fossil fuel consumption would

be used to generate power unless the world leaders boost wind power and other

renewable energies. Without much more wind and renewable power production, CO2

emission would explode: plus 30%.

    Just days before the 'Rio +20' global conference, thousands of citizens all

over the world will discover the power of wind energy. On 15 June, over 50

organisations are joining together to present 'Global Wind Day', while citizens

engage to support wind power. Last year more than 230 events were organised in

40 countries, including wind farm visits, open air concerts and public debates.

    This year, ahead of Global Wind Day, 2,300 people from 65 countries

participated in a wind power photo competition, including one sender from a

scientific station in Antarctica. 16 Global Wind Day ambassadors, including

Adnan Amin, the Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency

(IRENA), support this year's events: In Hamburg a charity run, In Wembley,

London, a Football tournament, in New Zealand, painting competitions in

schools, in Boston, USA, the "Energy Week 2012", and spectacular "Abseiling"

from wind turbines in Austria...

    For more information:

    Global Wind Day website:


    European Wind Energy Association (EWEA):


    Global Wind Energy Council:


    SOURCE: EWEA European Wind Energy Association




