◎バイエル・アニマル・ヘルスが最新の活動計画発表  韓国IPVS総会で


◎バイエル・アニマル・ヘルスが最新の活動計画発表  韓国IPVS総会で

AsiaNet 49635

共同JBN 0785 (2012.6.11)

◎バイエル・アニマル・ヘルスが最新の活動計画発表  韓国IPVS総会で

【済州(韓国)2012年6月10日PRN=共同JBN】バイエル・アニマル・ヘルス(Bayer Animal Health Company)は、韓国・済州市での第22回世界養豚獣医学会(IPVS)総会の機会を利用して、家畜生産の変革を目的とする最新の活動計画を公表した。





シンポジウムはオランダFarmulaOneのキース・スキーペンス博士が新しいPig Signals(登録商標)の基本的コンセプトを紹介して始まり、スペインのバルセロナ自治大学のホアキム・セガレス博士がコストを最低限にして豚ワクチン計画の効果を最大限にするための実際的なヒントを紹介した。韓国の養豚・獣医グループのキム・キョンジン博士からは、これまで子豚の死亡率が最大100%とされた韓国におけるブタ伝染性下痢(PED)の現状に関し最新の報告があった。キム博士によると、韓国に終えるPED感染には新しい傾向が見られ、2011/12年冬には子豚の死亡率(20-30%対80-100%)はより低かった。しかしキム博士はPED抑制の要は予防で、生物学的安全確保のコンセプトを適用することで発症数を減らせると強調した。

最後にデンマークのOdder Veterinary Practiceのアンダース・ホルム博士は、バイエル・アニマル・ヘルスが開発した「lab-on-wheels(移動式ラボ)」を使い、中国におけるコクシシジウム症感染に対する認識を高める取り組みについて紹介した。ホルム博士は中国国内を回って、養豚生産者にこれまで利用できなかったラボ設備を使って、それぞれの農場におけるコクシシジウム症の存在を知ることができるようにした。ホルム博士は「中国の養豚業者は、海外からの同業者と経験を交換することに大変興味を示した。欧州の生産者も、豚舎の経費削減や中国には欧州にはない病気が多いなど、中国の同業者の経験に学べると思う」と指摘している。





ドイツagriExcellence GmbHのマンフレッド・J・カーン博士は、大規模養豚と環境への影響のバランスの必要性を検討した。カーン博士によると、家畜セクターが直面する最大の課題は、地球温暖化ガスの排出を最低限にする方法であり、劇的に二酸化炭素排出を削減した新しい形の「カーボンコンシャス・ポーク(二酸化炭素排出に考慮したポーク)」を開発することであるという。カーン博士は「獣医学は豚の健康を確保し増やすだけでなく、病気や伝染病での損失を最低限にすることによって資源の安全を確保するのと手助けするという重要な役割を果たすことになる」と述べた。


バイヤー・アニマル・ヘルスはまた、豚コレラ(Classical Swine Fever、CSF)に関するバイヤーの新ワクチン開発についてさらなる情報を紹介する機会を得た。台湾の国立中興大学のマウ-シェン博士が紹介したポスターは、CSFに対するプラスの有効性結果と水平伝播予防結果を表していた。



▽バイエル・ヘルスケア(Bayer HealthCare)について

バイエル・グループは、ヘルスケア、栄養物、ハイテク素材の分野に中核的競争能力を持つ世界企業である。バイエル・ヘルスケアはバイエル(Bayer AG)のサブグループ。年間総売上高が172億ユーロ(2011年)で、ヘルスケア、医療品産業における世界大手の革新的企業。本社はドイツのレバークーゼン。同社は、アニマル・ヘルス(Animal Care)、コンシューマー・ケア(Consumer Care)、メディカルケア(Medical Care)、ファーマシューティカルズ(Pharmaceuticals)の4部門を統括している。バイエル・ヘルスケアの目的は、世界の人と動物の健康を改善する製品の発見、開発、製造、販売である。バイエル・ヘルスケアの世界の従業員は5万5700人(2011年12月31日現在)で、世界100カ国以上にいる。詳細はhttp://www.bayerhealthcare.comを参照。


ソース:Bayer HealthCare

Bayer Animal Health Helps Swine Producers Feed the World


JEJU, South Korea, June 10, /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    - Leading animal health company puts future of swine production on top of

                             agenda at pivotal meeting

    Bayer Animal Health used the occasion of the 22nd International Pig

Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress in Jeju, South Korea, to reveal the latest

programme of activities aimed at transforming livestock production.

    As part of their commitment to the advancement of knowledge in the livestock

community, Bayer Animal Health held the 4th International Bayer Pig Symposium

in Jeju on June 10th, giving more than 200 veterinarians and swine producers

from 19 countries access to the latest thinking on practical solutions to the

problems raised by global changes. This was followed by a Satellite Symposium

at the IPVS Congress with leading academic figures debating the future of swine

production in a world of increasing consumption and decreasing natural


    Wolfgang Muller, Head of Global Marketing Farm Animal Products at Bayer

Animal Health said "At Bayer Animal Health, we are acutely aware of the

challenges facing the pig industry in the years to come: the need to deliver

increased productivity in a cost-effective manner while preserving resources

and protecting animal health and welfare are key issues. All parts of livestock

community need to work together to meet these challenges. With these symposia

and other events of their kind, we will continue to bring together local

knowledge, science, innovation and global expertise to help the livestock

community to survive and thrive in these challenging times."

    Sharing local knowledge

    The 4th International Bayer Pig Symposium, chaired by Dr Bent Nielsen,

Representative of the Swine Veterinary Association of Denmark, focused on

sharing local knowledge to deliver practical guidance for swine producers and

vets seeking to improve swine welfare and production now and for the future.

    The Symposium was opened by Dr Kees Scheepens from FarmulaOne in the

Netherlands, who took the audience through the basics of the new Pig Signals(R)

concept whilst Dr Joaquim Segale;s from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona,

Spain presented practical tips for designing swine vaccination programmes that

maximise results while minimizing costs. Dr Kyoungjin Kim of the Pig and Health

Vet Group in South Korea gave an update on the current state of Porcine

Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) in South Korea, showing mortality rates in suckling

pigs were up to 100%. According to Dr Kim, a new trend is being seen in PED

infections in South Korea, with lower rates of mortality (20-30% versus

80-100%) appearing

in suckling piglets in the 2011/12 winter season. However Dr Kim stressed that

prevention is key to controlling PED, with those applying bio-security concepts

seeing reduced numbers of outbreaks.

    Finally, Dr Anders Holm of the Odder Veterinary Practice in Denmark took

the audience through his efforts to raise awareness of coccidiosis infection in

China with a 'lab-on-wheels', developed by Bayer Animal Health. Dr Holm toured

China giving swine producers previously unattainable access to laboratory

facilities to assess the presence of coccidiosis on their farms. According to

Dr Holm, "Pig producers in China are very interested in exchanging experiences

with colleagues from abroad. I also believe that European producers could learn

from Chinese colleagues, as costs of buildings are reduced and diseases not yet

present in Europe are frequent in China."

    'Feeding the world...or saving the planet?

    At the Satellite Symposium on June 11th, the need for practical guidance on

maximising production value was debated by 400 veterinarians and swine

producers from around the world. Entitled 'Feeding the world...or saving the

planet?' the lively debate was chaired by Professor Arlette Laval, Professor of

Food Animal Medicine at Nantes Atlantic College of Veterinary Medicine.

    The debate gave insights into the challenges and opportunities facing swine

production as population growth continues along with meat consumption levels.

Dr Osler Desouzart, owner of OD consulting in Brazil, presented the case for

science and technology delivering a 'Silent Green Revolution' to address the

inequalities in access to quality meat proteins.

    Dr Desouzart said, "The world population is forecast to continue to grow

until at least 2100, but with growth focussed in the least developed areas of

the planet, fair distribution of food availability will become critical."

    Dr Manfred J Kern from agriExcellence GmbH in Germany, examined the need to

balance environmental impact with large-scale pig production. According to Dr

Kern, the greatest challenge being faced by the livestock sector will be in

finding ways to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and develop a new form of

'carbon conscious pork' with a dramatically lower carbon footprint. "Veterinary

medicines will play a key role, not only in ensuring that we can keep pigs

healthy and thriving, but also in helping to safeguard resources by minimising

losses to disease or pandemics" said Dr Kern.

    Vaccine hope for Classical Swine Fever

    Bayer Animal Health also took the opportunity to present further

information on the development of their new vaccine for Classical Swine Fever

(CSF). Posters presented by Dr Maw-Shen of the National Chung Hsing University

of Taiwan, demonstrated positive efficacy results and prevention of horizontal

transmission of CSF.

    Transforming Livestock Production

    "Our activities around IPVS are a great example of our Transforming

Livestock Production commitment in action. We feel that all those who attended

our events have taken away a greater understanding of the future challenges

they will face, but with credible, concrete guidance on what they can do to

step up and meet these challenges: letting them know that we are partners in

this journey" said Wolfgang Muller.

    About Bayer HealthCare

    The Bayer Group is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields

of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. Bayer HealthCare, a subgroup

of Bayer AG with annual sales of EUR 17.2 billion (2011), is one of the world's

leading, innovative companies in the healthcare and medical products industry

and is based in Leverkusen, Germany. The company combines the global activities

of the Animal Health, Consumer Care, Medical Care and Pharmaceuticals

divisions. Bayer HealthCare's aim is to discover, develop, manufacture and

market products that will improve human and animal health worldwide. Bayer

HealthCare has a global workforce of 55,700 employees (Dec 31, 2011) and is

represented in more than 100 countries. Find more information at


    With a turnover of EUR 1.190 million (2011) Bayer HealthCare's Animal

Health Division is one of the world's leading manufacturers of veterinary

drugs. The division manufactures and markets more than 100 different veterinary

drugs and care products for livestock and companion animals.

    Forward-Looking Statements

    This release may contain forward-looking statements based on current

assumptions and forecasts made by Bayer Group or subgroup management. Various

known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material

differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development

or performance of the company and the estimates given here. These factors

include those discussed in Bayer's public reports which are available on the

Bayer website at http://www.bayer.com. The company assumes no liability

whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to

future events or developments.

    SOURCE: Bayer HealthCare




