◎階段も上れるリハビリ機器 REHA Technologyが発売中

REHA Technology AG

◎階段も上れるリハビリ機器 REHA Technologyが発売中

AsiaNet 49688 

共同JBN 0809 (2012.6.14)

◎階段も上れるリハビリ機器 REHA Technologyが発売中

【オルテン(スイス)2012年6月14日JBN=共同JBN】あらゆる歩行動作に加えて階段を上ることを介助する世界でただ一つの神経リハビリテーション機器が、スイスのオルテンにあるREHA Technology AGで「G-EO-System」の製品名で本格生産体制に入った。欧州連合(CEマーク)と米食品医薬品局(FDA)が認証したこの機器は、今年春から世界中で販売されている。




回復重視の治療法をサポートする技術的電子機器に対する需要は、2000年以降に急速に高まった。先進国ではこうした製品の販売が始まった。機器についての知識も日々広がり続けている。REHA Technology AGはG-EO-Systemの特許権を取得し、販売網の拡張に乗り出している。


Benjamin Berger, Tel.  +41-62-2054488

Mail to: benjamin.berger@rehatechnology.com

ソース: REHA Technology AG

Series Production of Innovative Rehabilitation Device Started in Switzerland


OLTEN, Switzerland, June 14, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     - REHA Technology AG Switzerland Manufactures Only Walking Robot in the

World Capable of Simulating Climbing Stairs

    The only neuro-rehabilitation device in the world capable of simulating

climbing stairs in addition to all other types of walking is now manufactured

in series production by REHA Technology AG in Olten, Switzerland, under the

name "G-EO-System". The CE- and FDA-certified device has been sold globally

since spring this year.

    The device is intended to assist patients affected by stroke,

craniocerebral injury, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, or paraplegia,

in a novel and highly effective way to re-learn his/her own motor function. The

product adapts in a completely dynamic and continuously variable way to the

patient's needs and reduces the physical strain on the therapist.

    The first few devices have already been used successfully in some

rehabilitation centres. Prof Esquenazi, M.D., head of one of the most prominent

rehabilitation centres in the United States - the "MossRehab in Philadelphia -

found in his study a significantly faster full recovery in patients using the

"G-EO-System". Further studies from Italy and Germany also support the efficacy

for the patient, the cost saving for the health insurances, and the physical

relief for the therapists.

    The neuro-rehabilitation device "G-EO-System" was developed by an

international team of medical doctors, engineers, therapists, technicians, and

software specialists over a period of five years. These professionals

recognized early on that stroke patients and certain trauma patients require

more support than the traditional treadmills and that electronically controlled

devices help them to utilise a significantly greater potential for a speedy


    The demand for technological electronic devices to support recovery-centred

therapy has increase exponentially since 2000. Product sales have already

started in industrialised countries. The awareness of these devices continues

to increase day by day. REHA Technology AG has secured the patent rights for

the "G-EO-System" and is already taking steps to extend its distributor network.


    Benjamin Berger, Tel.  +41-62-2054488

    Mail to: benjamin.berger@rehatechnology.com

    SOURCE: REHA Technology AG




