◎ウインマジックとPonemon Institute、ディスク暗号化はその導入コストを大きく上回る メリットをもたらす


AsiaNet 50060



ウインマジックとPonemon Institute、ディスク暗号化はその導入コストを大きく上回る



2012年7月18日(水)東京発 - ディスク暗号化ソフトウェアの先進企業、WinMagic Inc. の日本法人であるウインマジック・ジャパン株式会社(以下ウインマジック)(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:石山 勉)は本日、Ponemon Instituteと共同で実施した、ディスク暗号化の総所有コストに関する初めての調査の結果を発表しました。「ディスク暗号化の実際のコスト(The True Cost for Full Disk Encryption)」と題したこの調査で明らかになった重要なポイントとしては、データ漏洩が原因で生じる潜在的な損害を考えた場合、暗号化に要するコストは、その導入によって世界中の企業が回避できる膨大な損害額と比べ、ほんのわずかな金額に過ぎないことが挙げられます。

「ウインマジックは、革新的なテクノロジによってディスク暗号化の展開と運用のコストを大幅に削減すると同時に、法規制の順守と最適なユーザ満足度が必ず達成できるという確固とした信念のもと、長年に渡って製品の開発と改良を続けています」と、ウインマジックのテクノロジパートナー担当副社長、Garry McCrackenは述べています。「今回の調査では、オペレーティングシステムに付属のソフトウェアやアンチマルウェア製品はITの予算やユーザの満足度に悪影響を及ぼしかねないことが判明した一方で、SecureDocに代表される優れた暗号化ソリューションへの投資コストは、わずか1年足らずで回収できることが明確に示されています。」  



・企業規模の違いによってTCOには差が生じており、 TCOが最大の399米ドル(US$1=80円換算で31,920円)となったのは社員50名未満の企業で、25,000名以上の社員を抱える大企業では313米ドル(同25,040円)となりました。ライセンスやメンテナンスなど純粋なソフトウェアのコストがFDE暗号化ソリューションの総コストに占める割合は、ほんのわずかなものでした。



「今回の調査は、暗号化の最適な活用と総所有コストの把握に関わるものだったため、Ponemon Instituteでは非常に細かな点まで綿密な調査を行なう必要がありました。その結果、暗号化によってもたらされるメリットには極めて説得力があることが立証されました」と、Ponemon Instituteの会長兼創設者、Larry Ponemon博士は述べています。







本調査の概要は、ウインマジックのWebサイト www.winmagic.com/ponemonstudy で無償ダウンロードできますので、是非ご参照ください。

【Ponemon Instituteについて】

Ponemon Institute(C)は、企業や政府機関における信頼性の高い情報管理およびプライバシー管理の実践を推進しています。この目的を達成するため、Ponemon Instituteは独自調査の実施、民間企業および公共機関のリーダーの教育活動、そして幅広い業界における企業のプライバシーおよび情報保護の実践検証に従事しています。


ウインマジックのSecureDocは、デスクトップPC、ノートPC、タブレットデバイス、そしてUSBメモリやCD/DVD、SDカードをはじめとするリムーバブルメディアに保存されているデータすべての保護を容易に実現するディスク暗号化ソリューションです。Microsoft Windows、Mac OS、Android、そしてLinuxの各プラットフォームをサポートするSecureDocでは、標準的なドライブとシーゲートなどのOpal仕様準拠ドライブをはじめとする自己暗号ドライブの両方を容易に一元管理し、使用することができます。ウインマジックは、ビジネスのリスク軽減、プライバシーや法的規制のコンプライアンス要件への対応、さらに不正アクセスからの大切な情報資産の保護を実現する同社の高度なテクノロジによって、世界中の何千もの企業や政府機関から高い信頼を得ています。充実したプロフェッショナルサービスとカスタマサービスを誇るウインマジックは、今日、80を超える国々で300万以上におよぶSecureDocのユーザを支援しています。ウインマジックの詳細は、http://www.winmagic.com/jp をご覧ください。

WinMagic、SecureDoc、SecureDoc Enterprise Server、Compartmental SecureDoc、SecureDoc PDA、SecureDoc Personal Edition、SecureDoc RME、SecureDoc Removable Media Encryption、SecureDoc Media Viewer、SecureDoc Express、SecureDoc for Mac、SecureDoc Central Database は、米国およびその他の国におけるWinMagic Inc.の商標です。本文中のその他の社名、製品名等は、各社の商標、または登録商標です。

(C)2012 WinMagic Inc. All rights reserved.







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Full Disk Encryption Benefits far Exceed Cost According to Study by Ponemon Institute - WinMagic-sponsored study examined Total Cost of Ownership for full disk encryption for businesses around the world


    WinMagic Inc., the global innovator in full disk encryption, along with the

Ponemon Institute today announced the results of the first ever survey looking

into the total cost of ownership of full disk encryption. Key findings in the

study (The True Cost for Full Disk Encryption) revealed that when compared to

the potential damage caused by data disclosure, the cost of encryption is a

fraction of the value it provides to businesses around the world.

    The purpose of the study was to learn how organizations are deploying

software and hardware full disk encryption solutions for desktop and laptop

computers as well as the determination of total cost and benefits for

organizations. The Ponemon Institute surveyed 1,335 individuals in IT and IT

security in four separate country samples: the United States (US), United

Kingdom (UK), Germany (DE) and Japan (JP) representing a variety of industry


    "WinMagic has long held the belief that innovative features can help to

significantly reduce the cost of deploying and operating full disk encryption,

while optimizing compliance and user satisfaction," said Garry McCracken, VP

Technology Parnerships at WinMagic Inc. "The study clearly shows that the

investment into a leading encryption solution such as SecureDoc will pay back

in less than a year whereas software that is bundled with operating systems or

Anti-Malware products might negatively impact the IT budget and user


    Key findings from the study include:

    - Expected benefits of full disk encryption exceed cost in all four

countries by a factor ranging from 4 to 20. In the context of the research, the

primary benefit of full disk encryption is a reduction in the probability of

having a data breach as a result of a lost or stolen desktop or laptop


    - TCO varies by organizational size: The highest TCO is for organizations

with fewer than 50 employees ($399) and more than 25,000 employees ($313). The

pure software cost (license and maintenance) only represents a small fraction

of the total cost of FDE encryption solution.

    - Organizations report that more than one-third of their stolen desktops

and laptop computers contained unencrypted sensitive information.

    - The most expensive component of TCO concerns the value of user and IT

department time incurred operating encrypted desktops or laptops.

    "This study really allowed us to get very granular as it relates to the

optimum use of encryption and understanding the total cost of ownership. The

results clearly show that the benefits for encryption are extremely compelling"

said Dr. Larry Ponemon, Chairman and Founder of the Ponemon Institute.

    Overall, the results demonstrate that the user and IT cost of deploying and

running a full disk encryption solution is much higher than the pure software

cost. This sheds a new light on allegedly "free" encryption solutions that come

with operating systems. These may have significantly higher TCO compared to

commercial full disk encryption solutions that have a minimal impact on IT

processes and end-user productivity.

    By using WinMagic's industry leading full-disk encryption solution,

SecureDoc, customers are able to reduce the total cost of ownership of

encryption while increasing user satisfaction and data security:

    - With PBConnex the process for resetting passwords is the same as with an

unencrypted machine (for example via Active Directory), not requiring complex

additional steps as with many other solutions.

    - With SecureDoc PBConnex staging is as simple as having the user logon

while online with their AD credentials. There is no need to define which user

will be using which device upfront.

    - With WinMagic's SecureDoc, encryption TCO can be reduced by at least

$226,163 per organization per year (based on a business sample size of 7,788


    - Savings are based on time reduced on device staging and password reset

only! It's only the beginning of what SecureDoc can offer.

    The full study summary can be found on WinMagic's web site at

www.winmagic.com/ponemonstudy and is free to download.

    About the Ponemon Institute

    The Ponemon Institute(C) is dedicated to advancing responsible information

and privacy management practices in business and government. To achieve this

objective, the Institute conducts independent research, educates leaders from

the private and public sectors, and verifies the privacy and data protection

practices of organizations in a variety of industries.

    About WinMagic Inc.

    WinMagic Inc. provides the world's most secure, manageable and easy-to-use

data security solutions. WinMagic's SecureDoc is a comprehensive encryption and

security management product that can manage data security across the

enterprise. By encrypting entire disks, specific files or folders locally or on

the network as well as mobile devices and removable media, SecureDoc secures

your data wherever it is stored, providing enterprise grade data security

policy and key management across all operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS,

Android and Linux. SecureDoc is trusted by thousands of enterprises and

government organizations worldwide. Our solutions help organizations to

minimize business risks, meet privacy/regulatory compliance requirements, and

protect valuable information assets against unauthorized access. With a full

complement of professional and customer services, WinMagic supports over three

million SecureDoc users in more than 80 countries.

    For more information, please visit www.winmagic.com, call 1-888-879-5879 or

e-mail us at info@winmagic.com.

    WinMagic, SecureDoc, SecureDoc Enterprise Server, Compartmental SecureDoc,

SecureDoc PDA, SecureDoc Personal Edition, SecureDoc RME, SecureDoc Removable

Media Encryption, SecureDoc Media Viewer, SecureDoc Express, SecureDoc for Mac

and SecureDoc Central Database are trademarks and registered trademarks of

WinMagic Inc., registered in the US and other countries. All other registered

and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective

owners. (C) 2011 WinMagic Inc. All rights reserved.

    SOURCE: WinMagic Inc.

    For further information:

    Press Contacts:

    Liz Scott

    VP, Marketing

    WinMagic Inc.

    +1 (905) 502-7000 x221





