World Hepatitis Alliance Welcomes New Global Framework Aimed at Saving the Lives of Millions Living With Hepatitis

World Hepatitis Alliance

World Hepatitis Alliance Welcomes New Global Framework Aimed at Saving the Lives of Millions Living With Hepatitis

AsiaNet 50139

GENEVA, July 25, 2012/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


             Alliance calls on governments to support the WHO strategy by

               setting regional targets to eradicate this killer disease

    The World Hepatitis Alliance have today welcomed the launch of the World

Health Organization (WHO) framework for hepatitis as the global patient

community marks World Hepatitis Day. 'Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis

Infection: Framework for Global Action'[1], provides a global vision for the

prevention and control of viral hepatitis and outlines four axes for action for

regions and countries to develop effective strategies and plans according to

their specific hepatitis burden and challenges.

    "Hepatitis is closer than you think, with approximately 1 in 12 people

living with either hepatitis B or C globally," said Charles Gore, President of

the Alliance. "The launch of the WHO Framework is an essential step in the

fight against this global epidemic."

    The launch of the Framework comes two years after the agreement of a

historic World Health Assembly (WHA) resolution on viral hepatitis (WHA63.18)

which for the first time described what is expected of governments to deliver

improvements in awareness, surveillance, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of

viral hepatitis. In line with this resolution, the WHO Secretariat established

a Global Hepatitis Programme within its Department of Pandemic and Epidemic

Diseases, with focal points in the six Regional Offices, to implement the

resolution and attain the goals outlined in the new Framework.

    Continues Mr. Gore: "With the WHA resolution, and now the WHO Framework for

Action, we are gaining momentum in the fight against hepatitis but more must be

done to raise awareness of this killer disease. The challenge for governments

now is to action this new Framework. It is critical that specific targets are

set at a regional level to ensure measurable results."

    World Hepatitis Day provides an opportunity for communities all around the

world to join together to raise awareness of hepatitis and importantly promote

actions to confront it. To mark World Hepatitis Day 2012 the Alliance has

launched a global effort to attempt a Guinness World Record highlighting the

huge under-diagnosis of hepatitis. The aim is to have the most people

performing the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" actions in 24 hours

at multiple venues around the world. Countries currently participating in the

record attempt include: Germany, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom,

Bangladesh, Nigeria, Malaysia, India, Romania, China, Ukraine, Canada and

Japan. There is also a See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil twitter

campaign (#seehearspeakno) which encourages people to tweet a picture of

themselves performing one of the three gestures (or a group of three people

performing all three), with the photo being added to a growing online

photography album.

    Approximately 500 million people are living with either hepatitis B or

hepatitis C worldwide. If left untreated and unmanaged, hepatitis B or C can

lead to advanced liver scarring (cirrhosis) and other complications, including

liver cancer or liver failure. Together, hepatitis B and C kill approximately

one million people every year.

    World Hepatitis Alliance

    The World Hepatitis Alliance provides global leadership and supports action

that will halt the death toll and improve the lives of people living with

chronic viral hepatitis B and C. Through better awareness, prevention, care,

support and access to treatment, our ultimate goal is to work with governments

to eradicate these diseases from the planet.

    The World Hepatitis Alliance is a Non-Governmental Organisation with over

140 member patient organisations in more than 60 countries. The World Hepatitis

Alliance is governed by a board consisting entirely of hepatitis B or C

patients and elected by patient groups from the six WHO world regions: Africa,

the Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia and Western

Pacific. For further information visit:

    World Hepatitis Alliance - Seeking a world without viral hepatitis B and C.

    World Hepatitis Day

    On 28 July 2012, the World Hepatitis Alliance will coordinate the fifth

global World Hepatitis Day. World Hepatitis Day is one of only four official

world disease awareness days endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO)

and its 194 member states. The aim for 2012 is to continue to raise awareness

of chronic hepatitis B and C around the globe and to drive policy change for

improvements in health outcomes for patients through the campaign 'This is

hepatitis... it's closer than you think'. The theme builds on the previous

year's campaign theme 'This is hepatitis... Know it. Confront it. Hepatitis

affects everyone, everywhere.'


    1. World Health Organization. Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis

Infection: Framework for Global Action. Published July 2012. Available at:

    Source: World Hepatitis Alliance




