◎食料の浪費を減らせとアピール 世界水週間が開幕


◎食料の浪費を減らせとアピール 世界水週間が開幕

AsiaNet 50443

共同JBN 1088(2012.8.28)

◎食料の浪費を減らせとアピール 世界水週間が開幕




「世界中でわれわれが利用している水の4分の1以上が、誰にも食べられないままに捨てられる食料10億トンを生産するために無駄に使われている。この水は、食料を栽培し、運搬し、包装し、購入するために使われる数10億ドルの金と一緒にどぶに棄てられているのだ」と、会議を主催するストックホルム国際水協会(Stockholm International Water Institute、SIWI)のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターであるトルグニー・ホルムグレン氏は指摘した。


水週間の期間中開かれる100を超える分科会では、参加する専門家が地球上の限りある水資源をどうやって成長する経済と人々の健康な生活を支えられるか、解決方法のモデルについて討論する。会期中、スウェーデンのカール16世グスタフ国王が、国際水管理協会(International Water Management Institute、IWMI)に対して農業における水管理の改善や食料安全保障の強化、環境保護、途上国における貧困の解消などに貢献があったとしてストックホルム水大賞を授与する。このほかに授与される賞は、ストックホルム・ジュニア・ウォーター・プライズがあり、参加27カ国チームのなかから1チームが選ばれる。またストックホルム産業水大賞には、事業活動において水利用を削減し、幅広く水問題の解決に取り組んだペプシコが選ばれた。


またプレスキットやバックグラウンド資料、写真、ビデオなどは http://www.worldwaterweek.org/mediaから入手できる。

ソース: Stockholm International Water Institute

World Water Week Opens With Call for Global Action to Reduce Food Waste



     Global leaders assembled today at the opening session of the 2012 World

Water Week in Stockholm called for substantial increases in public and private

sector investment to reduce losses of food in the supply chain, enhance water

efficiency in agriculture and curb consumer waste.

    Over two thousand politicians, CEOs, scientists and leaders of

international organisations from more than 100 nations are gathering in

Stockholm, Sweden, for the annual World Water Week, which this year focuses on

"Water and Food Security".

    Today, over 900 million people suffer from hunger and two billion more

people face serious health risks from undernourishment. At the same time, 1.5

billion people overeat and over one-third of all food is lost or wasted.

    "More than one-fourth of all the water we use worldwide is taken to grow

over one billion tons of food that nobody eats. That water, together with the

billions of dollars spent to grow, ship, package and purchase the food, is sent

down the drain." said Mr. Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of the Stockholm

International Water Institute (SIWI), the organiser of the World Water Week in


    "Reducing the waste of food is the smartest and most direct route to

relieve pressure on water and land resources. It's an opportunity we cannot

afford to overlook," he added.

    In the over 100 sessions set to take place throughout the week, the

convening experts will debate and showcase solutions to ensure that the planets

limited water resources can meet the needs of growing economies and support a

healthy global population. During the week, H.M. King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden

will present the Stockholm Water Prize to the International Water Management

Institute, IWMI, for their work to improve agriculture water management,

enhance food security, protect environmental health and alleviate poverty in

developing countries. Other prizes that will be presented during the week are

the Stockholm Junior Water Prize - which is given to one national team from 27

competing nations, and the Stockholm Industry Water Award, which will be

presented this year to PepsiCo for their efforts to reduce water consumption in

their operations and to help solve water challenges on a broad scale.

    Read the full press release at http://www.worldwaterweek.org/pressreleases.

For press kit, background facts, photos and video, visit:


    Source: Stockholm International Water Institute




