◎カザフスタンは再生可能エネルギー開発を当面は否定 Kazenergyフォーラム


◎カザフスタンは再生可能エネルギー開発を当面は否定 Kazenergyフォーラム

AsiaNet 50946

共同JBN 1295 (2012.10.9)

◎カザフスタンは再生可能エネルギー開発を当面は否定 Kazenergyフォーラム


第7回KazEnergy Eurasian Forumの終幕後、KAZENERGY Associationのティムール・クリバエフ会長は記者団に対して、カザフスタンはエネルギー需要の10% を代替エネルギーで充当することを目指していると語った。


KAZENERGYが出したプレスリリースによると、カザフスタンの総発電量の 80%は石炭火力によるもので、同国は世界最大の石炭埋蔵国の一つである。また独立国家共同体(CIS)構成諸国の中では、ロシアに次ぐ2番目の産油国として、長期的な環境上の目標よりは当面の財政目標を注視している。




















Kazakhstan Says no to Green Energy


ASTANA, Kazakhstan, Oct. 9, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Oil-rich Kazakhstan has ruled out adopting alternative energy methods for

now saying that it will continue to exploit its vast natural resources for

economical reasons.

    Speaking to reporters after the VII KazEnergy Eurasian Forum, the chief of

KAZENERGY Association, Timur Kulibayev said that the country was aiming to meet

10% of its energy demand through alternative energy.

    "It's very fashionable these days to talk about alternative energy,"

Kulibayev said adding that "We would look for alternative energy once its cost

of production becomes lower and feasible."

    A news release issued by KAZENERGY said that Kazakhstan's 80% of power

generation is generated by coal. The nation is home to one of the largest coal

reserves the world. The second largest oil producer in the CIS after Russia is

looking at immediate financial goals than long term environment goals.

    The landlocked nation's topography and terrain is perfect to become a major

producer of wind and solar energy but Kulibayev said the country would wait for

this sector becoming more financially affordable. It not only has gorges acting

as wind tunnels but the southeast part of country also gets over 300 sunny days

in a year.

    Kulibayev is at the forefront of the development of oil and energy sector

of the central Asian nation since last over 15 years.

    His statement was a boon for the foreign investors that are lining up to

pump money in the oil, gas and coal sector.

    The two-day annual event attracted over 900 delegates including political

leaders, diplomats, oil and gas industry leaders and chief executives of

leading petroleum companies from across the world. The World Petroleum Council

also held its three-day meet on the sidelines of the forum.

    Kazakh government officials also said they will not be able to supply any

extra oil to its giant neighbor China in case there is a conflict in the

Persian Gulf that may lead to fall in the global oil supply. India and China

will be badly affected by oil supplies if there is any conflict in the Persian


    Vice-Minister for oil and gas, Berik Tolumbayev said that Kazakhstan cannot

be China's main oil supplier let alone be sole supplier. He said that a large

number of Chinese companies have recently set up their offices in the country

and Chinese investment is very important for Kazakhstan however, the supply

lines to China were choked to its peak capacity.

    Kulibayev added that the supply to China can only be increased from 10

million tonnes of crude oil a year to 20 million tonnes once the pipeline to

China is upgraded. He said the government was currently focussed in

gasification of all the major cities and small towns.

    Kazakhstan's current production is dominated by two giant fields: Tengiz

and Karachaganak, which produce about half of Kazakhstan's total output of over

1.6 million barrels per day.

    Kulibayev attributed the success of oil production to the conducive climate

for foreign investment in oil and gas sector. "Foreign investors find it safe

to invest money in our country because they can repatriate money in any

currency at anytime as the national currency Tenge is fully convertible."

    Kulibayev was upbeat about the upcoming inauguration of production at

Kashagan oil field, which was discovered in 2000 and is described as the

world's largest every discovery of a field in the last 30 years.

    The field is currently being developed by a group of partners including

Shell, Exxon Mobil, Total, ConocoPhillips, Kazakh state-run oil company

KazMunaiGas, INPEX and Eni. Eni is responsible for phase I of the field's

development, while Shell is responsible for production operations. The total

cost of project is not yet clear due to uncertainty about financial

requirements of the second phase whereas the phase one will cost $46 billion.

    Meanwhile, the World Petroleum Council also held its three-day meet on the

sidelines of the forum.

    The World Petroleum Council President Roberto Bartini said that more than

20 trillion dollars would be invested in the oil and gas industry field in the

next two decades.

    According to International Energy Association, another $38 trillion would

be required for the development of infrastructure for the future needs of

energy by 2035. IEA official Ulrich Benterbusch said the dependence of oil for

energy needs would reduce to 27 from percent from the current 35% in the next

few years.

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