
InSightec Ltd.


AsiaNet 51095

共同JBN 1337(12.10.23)


【ティラトカルメル(イスラエル)2012年10月22日PRN=共同JBN】MRI(磁気共鳴画像)ガイド下集束超音波療法のリーダーであるInSightec Ltd.は22日、米食品医薬品局(FDA)がExAblate(登録商標)MRIガイド下集束超音波を放射線治療に効果がない、または受けられない(がん細胞の)骨転移による痛みの治療法として認可したと発表した。これはExAblateに対する2度目のFDA認可である。これまでは子宮筋腫に対する非侵襲、外来患者向け治療法として2004年に認可されて以来広く使われてきた。








InSightec社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のコビ・ボルトマン博士は「痛みを緩和するためExAblate が最近FDAから認可されたことは、大きな骨の痛みがあって疼痛管理の選択肢を求めるがん患者に新しい選択肢を提供する。これはExAblate技術に対するFDAの2番目の認可であり、この革新的で非侵襲治療向けアプリケーションの拡大を目指す当社の探求にとっては大きな一里塚となる。それはまたExAblateによるMRIガイド下集束超音波をより幅広い医療目的に持ち込み、患者の生活の質を高める当社の持続的コミットメントの表れである」と語った。


ExAblateは、子宮筋腫および骨転移関連の疼痛管理向けにFDAが唯一認可したMRIガイド下集束超音波システムである。ExAblateはまた子宮筋腫、骨転移、腺筋症に対して欧州のCEマークを受けている。欧州とアジア太平洋の20の病院は、骨転移の緩和療法として ExAblateを提供している。



InSightec(http://www.insightec.com)Ltd. はElbit Imaging、ゼネラル・エレクトリック、MediTech Advisorsが所有する株式非公開企業である。同社は1999年に設立され、MRIガイド下集束超音波(MRgFUS)を医療目的に利用できる技術に変えるExAblateを開発した。ExAblateはウォールストリートジャーナルのTechnology Innovation Awards、UEのIST大賞など人類を支援するイノベーションとその可能性に対していくつかの賞を受賞している。タイム誌は最近、焦点式超音波を「50の最優秀イノベーションの一つ」として指名した。





Lynn Golumbic



Hollister Hovey



ソース:InSightec Ltd.

FDA Approves New Non-Invasive, Non-Ionizing Radiation Therapy to Treat Pain from Bone Metastases


TIRAT CARMEL, Israel, Oct. 22, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    InSightec Ltd, the leader in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided

Focused Ultrasound therapy, announced that the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) has approved ExAblate(R) MRI-guided focused ultrasound as

a therapy to treat pain from bone metastases in patients who do not respond or

cannot undergo radiation treatment for their pain. This is the second FDA

approval for ExAblate, which has been used widely since it was approved in 2004

as a non-invasive, outpatient, therapy for uterine fibroids.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    Bone metastases occur when cancer cells break away from their primary site

and spread to other parts of the body.

    "Pain is the most common and severe symptom of bone metastases, often

causing significant physical and emotional discomfort with a large impact on

enjoyment of life," says Mark Hurwitz, M.D., principal investigator of the

international, multi-center, randomized study that formed the basis of

InSightec's Pre-Market Approval (PMA) application with the FDA. "Pain

palliation by ExAblate can dramatically improve the quality of life for cancer

patients with bone metastases. Results from the clinical study showed that

ExAblate therapy significantly reduces pain caused by bone metastases. Patients

also reported lasting improvement in wellbeing and function, along with a

decrease in the need for medication."

    Dr. Hurwitz, who is currently Director of Thermal Oncology and Vice Chair

of the Radiation Oncology Department at Thomas Jefferson University in

Philadelphia, led the study during his previous tenure as Director of Regional

Program Development for the Department of Radiation Oncology at Brigham and

Women's Hospital and Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at Harvard

Medical School.

    According to the American Cancer Society, more than two-thirds of breast

and prostate cancers that metastasize spread to the bones and this also occurs

in up to 30% of metastatic lung, bladder and thyroid cancers. Up to 30 percent

of patients with bone metastases either do not respond to radiation therapy or

will be unable to undergo radiation for pain relief.

    ExAblate combines therapeutic acoustic ultrasound waves and continuous

guidance and treatment monitoring with an MRI. Physicians use the MRI to plan

and guide the therapy and monitor treatment outcome. The focused ultrasound

acoustic energy destroys the nerves causing the pain, resulting in rapid

reduction in pain.

    "The recent FDA approval of ExAblate for pain palliation will offer new

options for cancer patients with crippling bone pain who are seeking

pain-management options and are no longer eligible for radiation treatment,"

said Dr. Kobi Vortman, President and CEO of InSightec. "This is the second FDA

approval for the ExAblate technology and represents a significant milestone in

our quest to expand the applications for this innovative, non-invasive therapy.

It also demonstrates our continued commitment to bringing ExAblate MRI-guided

focused ultrasound into broad clinical use and improving our patients' quality

of life."

    The second FDA approval for ExAblate was based on the results of an

international, multi-center, randomized clinical study comparing patients with

painful bone metastases undergoing palliative therapy with ExAblate to a

similar group undergoing a placebo therapy. Patients who underwent the ExAblate

therapy reported clinically significant pain relief and improvement of

quality-of-life during follow-up three months after treatment. Over 15 centers

participated in the clinical trial including Fox Chase Cancer Canter, Stanford

University, UCSD, UVA, Moffitt, and Brigham and Women's Hospital in the US as

well as University of Toronto, La Sapienza University in Rome, Sheba and Rambam

Medical Centers in Israel, Petrov Research Institute of Oncology and Rostov

Medical University in Russia.

    ExAblate is the only FDA-approved MRI-guided focused ultrasound system for

treating uterine fibroids and bone metastases-related pain management. It has

also received European CE marking for uterine fibroids, bone metastases, and

adenomyosis. 20 hospitals in Europe and Asia-Pacific offer ExAblate as a

palliative therapy for bone metastases.

    InSightec will be conducting a multi-center post-marketing study of 75 US

patients who suffer from painful bone metastases and will also be establishing

a commercial registry to collect data about patients undergoing ExAblate

therapy for the palliation of painful bone metastases.

    About InSightec

    InSightec [http://www.insightec.com ] Ltd. is privately held by Elbit

Imaging, General Electric, and MediTech Advisors. Founded in 1999 InSightec

developed ExAblate to transform MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) into a

clinically viable technology. ExAblate has won several awards for innovation

and its potential to help mankind including The Wall Street Journal Technology

Innovation Awards and the European Union's IST grand prize. TIME magazine

recently named Focused Ultrasound as "one of 50 best inventions." For more

information about treatment centers and bone metastases please visit:

http://www.insightec.com [http://http//us.insightec.com ] and


    Media contact:     

    Lynn Golumbic



    Hollister Hovey



    SOURCE: InSightec Ltd




