◎アフガニスタン美化戦略イニシアチブを開始 Bayat Foundation

Bayat Foundation

◎アフガニスタン美化戦略イニシアチブを開始 Bayat Foundation

AsiaNet 51123

共同JBN 1355(2012.10.23)

◎アフガニスタン美化戦略イニシアチブを開始 Bayat Foundation

【カブール2012年10月23日PRN=共同JBN】アフガニスタンの若者、女性、貧困層、高齢者の生活向上に取り組んでいる米内国歳入法501条c(3)適用非営利慈善団体であるBayat Foundation(バヤト基金)のファテマ・バヤト事務局長は、12日に開かれた基金の年次夕食会の席上、同基金の2013年の戦略的イニシアチブ事業としてアフガニスタン美化運動、Beautify Afghanistanを進めると公式に発表した。




▽Bayat Foundationについて

米国に本拠を置く501c(3)適用慈善団体であるBayat Foundationは、2005年からアフガニスタンの人々の福利厚生を促進してきた。設立・運営に当たっているのはイーサン・バヤトとファテマ・バヤトで、アフガニスタンの若者、女性、貧困層、高齢者の生活向上のため、これまで200件以上のプロジェクトに貢献してきた。プロジェクトは貧しい地域における新しい施設の建設や持続可能な社会資本整備、健康促進、教育、経済、文化プログラムが含まれる。慈善事業のほか、イーサン・バヤトは2002年にTelephone Systems International, Inc. (TSI)および通信省との合弁でAfghan Wireless(AWCC)を設立。同社はアフガニスタンで最初のGSMワイヤレス通信業者、インターネットサービス・プロバイダーである。その後Ariana Radio and Television Network (ATN)を設立。同社はAriana Radio(FM 93.5)を傘下に置いている。




Montgomery Simus



ソース: Bayat Foundation

Streams Into Stability: Bayat Foundation Launches Beautify Afghanistan Strategic Initiative To Combat Water, Sanitation, and Health Issues; Initial Fo


Streams Into Stability: Bayat Foundation Launches Beautify Afghanistan Strategic Initiative To Combat Water, Sanitation, and Health Issues; Initial Focus On Restoration Of The Kabul River

KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 23, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Fatema Bayat, Executive Director of the Bayat Foundation, a 501 c(3) charitable

organization committed to improving the quality of life for the youth, women,

poor, and elderly of Afghanistan, took advantage of the Foundation's annual

dinner on 12 October to announce the official launch of Beautify Afghanistan, a

new strategic initiative for the Foundation in 2013.  

"Afghanistan is a nation blessed with tremendous natural resources and beauty,"

Mrs. Bayat said.  "Unfortunately, through mismanagement, indifference,

desperation, and ignorance, Afghanistan's bounty of nature has become scarred

by overuse, pollution, and neglect.  Many Afghans today struggle to find

adequate sources of potable water and polluted water has become a major factor

in the spread of diseases such as diphtheria, cholera and malaria.  To help

combat this, we are pleased to announce a new strategic initiative for 2013 and

beyond - Beautify Afghanistan: Education. Empowerment. Environment.  We are

confident that this program will help Afghans to engage with their natural

environment in more productive and sustainable ways than at present, helping to

ensure a lasting legacy of natural beauty and resource for future


The program's mission is to engage, empower, educate, and excite Afghans -

especially those most at-risk citizens - to act on behalf of, and take greater

responsibility for, their community environments in order to restore hope,

pride, honor, beauty, and economic security to Afghanistan.  It is designed as

an "umbrella" initiative which will initiate, manage, provide catalyst funding,

administer, and develop support for multiple environmental programs that will

change behaviors and improve communities.  It will be focused on programs that

are developed for Afghans, by Afghans, and recognize the inherent interaction

between people & nature.  Projects will be about managing people and providing

incentives to change behavior as much as managing environmental issues.  

Championing principles such as education, individual responsibility,

public-private partnerships, and sustainable economic support focused on

Afghanistan's at-risk women and youth, Beautify Afghanistan's initial focus

will be on the restoration of the Kabul River.  The Foundation will turn

Streams Into Stability by organizing cleanups of rubbish, promoting new - more

sanitary - ways of handling wastewater and sewage, restoring a sense of

national pride in the waterway as a symbol of Afghanistan's vibrancy and

natural health, and creating economically sustainable initiatives for at-risk

Afghans that revolve around the river.

About the Bayat Foundation

Since 2005, the US-based Bayat Foundation, a 501 c(3) charitable organization,

has promoted the well-being of the Afghan people. Founded and directed by Ehsan

Bayat and Fatema Bayat, the Foundation has contributed to more than 200

projects dedicated to improving the quality of life for the youth, women, poor,

and elderly of Afghanistan.  Projects have included the construction of new

facilities and sustainable infrastructure in needy regions, and the promotion

of health, education, economic, and cultural programs. In addition to his

charitable initiatives, Ehsanollah Bayat founded Afghan Wireless (AWCC) in 2002

- a joint venture between Telephone Systems International, Inc. (TSI) and the

Ministry of Communications - which was the first GSM wireless and Internet

Service Provider in Afghanistan, and later established Ariana Radio and

Television Network (ATN), which includes Ariana Radio (FM 93.5). For more

information, please email info@bayatfoundation.org.

CONTACT: Montgomery Simus



SOURCE:  Bayat Foundation




