
Uniting to Combat NTDs


AsiaNet 51826

共同JBN 0034 (2013.1.16)

【ニューヨーク2013年1月16日PRN=共同JBN】「顧みられない熱帯病(Neglected Tropical Diseases、NTD)」と戦っている世界のパートナーたちは過去1年間に大きな進歩を成し遂げ、40カ国以上がこれらの病気を抑制、絶滅するための詳細な計画を提供し、大手の医薬品会社が10億件以上の治療を無償提供して熱帯病流行諸国の医薬品の必要を100%満たしている。これらの成功の概略は、2020年までに10種のNTDを抑制、絶滅させるという共通の目標の下に官民のパートナーを集めた記念碑的なロンドン宣言 (http://www.unitingtocombatntds.org/downloads/press/london_declaration_on_ntds.pdf)から1周年を前に18日に発表された新たなリポート「約束から進展へ」(http://www.unitingtocombatntds.org/reports/promises-to-progress-EN.pdf)で説明されている。













Sightsavers InternationalのNTD担当ディレクターでNTDに関する非政府組織NTD NGDO Network(http://ntd-ngdonetwork.org)の元会長であるサイモン・ブッシュ氏は「NTDに対する画期的な成功は、政府、ドナー、業界、非政府組織(NGO)などすべての部門のコラボレーションによって初めて実現する。NTDコミュニティーが必要な治療充実を実現するための協力にこのような大きな努力を払っているのを目撃すれば、われわれが世界から最悪の病気の一部をなくすことができるという希望を私に与えてくれる」と語った。

NTDとの戦いを前進することに加えて、「From Promises to Progress」はいくつかのギャップを確認している。予備的な分析は、NTDプログラムを実行するためには2020年にかけて約3億ドルの年間資金額のギャップがあることを示している。この資金は重要な活動の拡大を阻み、数億人の人々を危険に陥れる。パートナーはNTDにまん延している諸国における計画実行能力を強化する必要がある。それら努力は疾患マッピング作成への資金投下、疾患を診断、治療、防止するための新たな優先的手段の研究・開発強化などである。持続的変化を生みだし、これら疾患の原因に対応するため、NTDコミュニティーはまた水、公衆衛生、教育など部門を超越して協力する必要がある。



「From Promises to Progress」は、NTDを制御・撲滅する世界的コミットメントに関する年次リポートとなる初のリリースである。このリポート全文およびスコアカード、NTDとの戦いに関する詳しい情報は、www.unitingtocombatntds.org  を参照。

▽Uniting to Combat NTD(Neglected Tropical Diseases)について

Uniting to Combat NTD(Neglected Tropical Diseases)は、10種のNTDを制御・撲滅するとのWHOの2020年目標実現にコミットしている団体(http://www.unitingtocombatntds.org/endorsers)の集まりである。Uniting to Combat NTDは協力し合って、世界最貧国の間の健康と持続を目指す新しい進路を作成することを目的としている。協賛組織はNTDに関するロンドン宣言に調印し、2012年1月30日に発足した(http://www.unitingtocombatntds.org/jan-30-event )。


Dan Pawson,



ソース:Uniting to Combat NTDs

Global Partners Making Progress Against Neglected Tropical Diseases, New Report and Scorecard Show


NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   -- From Promises to Progress, released on first anniversary of historic

      London Declaration on NTDs, outlines major successes, existing gaps

               and a path toward reaching ambitious 2020 goals

Global partners in the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have

made substantial progress over the past year, with more than 40 countries

delivering detailed plans to control and eliminate these diseases and major

pharmaceutical companies donating more than one billion treatments to meet 100

percent of drug requests by endemic countries. These successes are outlined in

a new report, From Promises to Progress [

http://www.unitingtocombatntds.org/reports/promises-to-progress-EN.pdf ] ,

released today in advance of the first anniversary of the landmark London

Declaration [


], which brought public and private partners together under the shared goal of

controlling and eliminating 10 NTDs by 2020.

"The prospects for success have never been so strong," said Dr. Margaret Chan,

Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). "Many millions of

people are being freed from the misery and disability that have kept

populations mired in poverty for centuries. Nevertheless, recent progress has

revealed unprecedented needs: more nuanced control strategies and new technical


Collaborative efforts among public and private sector organizations have

produced major successes in their work to combat NTDs, a group of diseases that

disproportionately affect those living in poverty and sicken, disable and

disfigure more than one billion people in 149 countries and territories.

Notable achievements in 2012 include:    

-- The world's leading pharmaceutical companies provided 1.12 billion

treatments for NTDs, an increase of 150 million treatments from 2011. These

commitments fully met the increased requests from endemic country partners and

removed a key bottleneck to the successful treatment and prevention of NTDs.

-- Twenty-nine countries began receiving albendazole or mebendazole to treat or

prevent soil-transmitted helminthiasis, increasing treatments provided with

those drugs from 46 million in 2011 to 238 million in 2012.

-- The United Kingdom increased its spending on NTDs from US$24.7 million in

2011 to $42.5 million in 2012, while the U.S. Agency for International

Development has steadily increased its donations over the past several years,

reaching $89 million in 2012. These donors and others committed funds to

support integrated programs, scale up and expand existing programs, increase

funding available for disease mapping, improve program strategies through

research and develop new tools.

-- More than 40 countries developed multi-year integrated NTD plans, and

Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon and Honduras launched their plans.

-- Oman became the first previously endemic country verified as trachoma-free,

with more expected later in 2013.  

-- Two NTD diagnostic tests received regulatory approval: the first ever

lateral flow test for sleeping sickness was commercially launched in December

2012, and a new rapid diagnostic test for lymphatic filariasis will become

commercially available in the first half of 2013.

"These numbers are more than just drugs delivered or funds committed. They

ultimately mean that millions of people have been spared pain and suffering

from these debilitating diseases," said Christopher A. Viehbacher, CEO of

Sanofi. "Through new and innovative partnerships, we can continue to help break

the cycle of poverty and overcome the burden of NTDs."

Today, WHO also launched its second NTD report, Sustaining the Drive to

Overcome the Global Impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases, which discusses the

path to achieving 2020 goals, identifies challenges and proposes plans to

address each disease. Together, these reports offer a united way forward for

the NTD community.

To coordinate efforts and monitor progress, partners developed a scorecard to

track the London Declaration pledges. Released today with the report, the

London Declaration Scorecard captures progress made and where efforts must

improve if partners hope to reach the 2020 goals. In addition, the scorecard

and report set benchmarks for success in 2013 and beyond that would help put

the world on a steady trajectory toward those goals.

"Game-changing success against NTDs can only happen with the collaboration of

all sectors: governments, donors, industry and NGOs," said Simon Bush, Director

of NTDs at Sightsavers International and former Chair of the NTD NGDO Network

[http://ntd-ngdonetwork.org ]. "Seeing the NTD community make this enormous

effort to come together to achieve the scale-up in treatments required gives me

hope that we'll be able to rid the world of some of its worst diseases."

In addition to marking gains against NTDs, From Promises to Progress identifies

several gaps. Preliminary analyses suggest an annual funding gap of

approximately $300 million through 2020 for the implementation of NTD programs,

which would prevent the scale-up of critical initiatives and endanger hundreds

of millions of people. Partners will need to strengthen implementation capacity

in NTD-endemic countries, including investments in disease mapping, and ramp up

research and development for prioritized new tools to detect, treat and prevent

the diseases. To create sustainable change and address the causes of these

diseases, the NTD community will also need to collaborate across sectors,

including water, sanitation and education.

As a sign of their commitment to addressing these gaps, nearly 500 stakeholders

from diverse backgrounds met in November 2012 at the World Bank to discuss how

to tackle challenges and replicate best practices across disease areas and


"By supporting the London Declaration last year, a wide group of partners

committed to redoubling our efforts to control or eliminate NTDs by the end of

this decade. This year, we've seen these words translated into action," said

Trevor Mundel, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates

Foundation. "By working together, we are on our way to protecting millions from

disability, disfigurement and death."

From Promises to Progress is the first release of what will become an annual

report on global commitments to controlling and eliminating NTDs. For the full

text of the report and scorecard, and for more information about the fight

against NTDs, visit www.unitingtocombatntds.org.

Uniting to Combat Neglected Tropical Diseases

Uniting to Combat NTDs is a group of organizations

[http://www.unitingtocombatntds.org/endorsers ]  committed to achieving WHO's

2020 goal to control and eliminate 10 NTDs. By working together, Uniting to

Combat NTDs aims to chart a new course toward health and sustainability among

the world's poorest communities. Affiliated organizations have signed the

London Declaration on NTDs, which was launched on January 30, 2012

[http://www.unitingtocombatntds.org/jan-30-event ].

SOURCE:  Uniting to Combat NTDs

CONTACT: Dan Pawson, +1-718-873-3169, DPawson@globalhealthstrategies.com




