◎Charleston LaboratoriesがCL-108試験の患者募集開始

Charleston Laboratories, Inc.

◎Charleston LaboratoriesがCL-108試験の患者募集開始

AsiaNet 51941

共同JBN 0087(2013.1.29)

【チャールストン(米サウスカロライナ州)2013年1月29日PRN=共同JBN】オピオイド系鎮痛剤に伴う吐き気や嘔吐(おうと)などペイン関連病状を予防し大幅に改善する新しいペイン製品の研究、開発に集中している新興の特殊医薬品会社Charleston Laboratories, Inc.は29日、同社初の製品である中程度から強度の痛みを治療するCL-108について極めて重要な第3相臨床試験の患者募集を開始したと発表した。




▽Charleston Laboratories, Inc.について

Charleston Laboratories, Inc.は、オピオイド鎮痛剤に伴う2つのやっかいな副作用である吐き気と嘔吐や痛み関連の病状を予防ないし大幅に減らす新しいペイン製品の研究、開発に集中している特殊医薬品会社である。Charlestonの新製品は、オピオイド誘引の吐き気と嘔吐(OINV)、手術後の吐き気と嘔吐(PONV)、化学療法誘引の吐き気と嘔吐(CINV)、放射線誘引の吐き気と嘔吐(RINV)に対応する。さらに、Charlestonは肝臓損傷の可能性を減らすためにアセトミノフェンのない製品と誤用、乱用を防ぐように設計された乱用抑止技術を含む組成の製品を開発している。Charleston Laboratoriesは吐き気と嘔吐をなくすか大幅に減らす新しい痛み治療薬を導入することに関心を持つパートナーとの間で発見と商業化提携関係を結ぶ用意がある。


ソース: Charleston Laboratories, Inc.


Charleston Laboratories, Inc., Business Development,


Charleston Laboratories, Inc. Begins Enrollment for CL-108 Phase 3 Clinical Trial


CHARLESTON, S.C., Jan. 29, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     -- "A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multiple-Dose

   Multi-Center Phase 3 Study of the Safety and Efficacy of CL-108 in the

                  Treatment of Moderate to Severe Pain"

    Charleston Laboratories, Inc, an emerging specialty pharmaceutical company

focused on the research and development of novel pain products that prevent or

significantly reduce nausea and vomiting related to opioid analgesics and other

pain associated disease states, announced today that patient enrollment has

begun for the company's pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial for its first product,

CL-108, for the treatment of moderate to severe pain.

    "The initiation of this study marks the culmination of work by many

people," said Dr. Bernard P. Schachtel, Chief Scientific Officer of

Charleston.  "In addition to input by our scientific, clinical and regulatory

advisors, the investigators at the research centers where this study is being

conducted also contributed to the protocol."  Dr. Schachtel noted in particular

the advice of Dr. Elliot V. Hersh, Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

and Pharmacology at the University of Pennsylvania, where Dr. Hersh is

Principal Investigator for the trial.  "As exemplified by the enthusiasm and

dedication of the many doctors, nurses, study coordinators, and other

researchers at our recent Investigators Meeting," Dr. Schachtel continued,

"this study offers the rare and exciting opportunity to research a truly novel

indication, the treatment of both moderate to severe pain and the nausea and

vomiting commonly associated with its treatment."  

    "This day represents a major milestone for Charleston in our quest to

develop differentiated and innovative pain products," said Paul Bosse,

President and Chief Executive Officer of Charleston.  "I am proud of the

Charleston team, specifically the critical roles they played in drug

manufacturing, regulatory affairs and project management, and Dr. Schachtel's

team of world-renowned scientific advisors and clinical investigators,

including the new study instruments which Dr. Schachtel developed for the

measurement of nausea.  CL-108 is unique," Mr. Bosse added, "in that it will be

the only commercial product that combines an anti-emetic with an opioid to

treat moderate to severe pain while significantly reducing and in many cases

eliminating opioid induced nausea and vomiting (OINV).  Nausea and vomiting are

the most common and burdensome side effects of opioid medications and have a

significant impact on patients' lives and the physicians treating these

patients.  Demonstrating the many values of an opioid medication with less OINV

in this Phase 3 study will not only advance the entry of CL-108 into the

marketplace but further our development of other Charleston products now in the

lab.  With our extensive pipeline, Charleston intends to produce different

medicines for patients in pain without the distressing symptoms of nausea and

vomiting caused by currently available strong analgesics."     

    About Charleston Laboratories, Inc.

    Charleston Laboratories, Inc is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused

on the research and development of novel pain products that prevent or

significantly reduce nausea and vomiting, the two most burdensome side effects

related to opioid analgesics and other pain associated disease states.

Charleston's new products will address Opioid Induced Nausea and Vomiting

(OINV), Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV), Chemotherapy Induced Nausea

and Vomiting (CINV), Radiation Induced Nausea and Vomiting (RINV), and Migraine

Induced Nausea and Vomiting (MINV).  In addition, Charleston is developing

other products without acetaminophen to reduce the potential for liver injury

and formulations with abuse deterrent technologies designed to curb misuse and

abuse. Charleston Laboratories intends to enter into discovery and

commercialization alliances with partners motivated to introduce novel pain

therapies that eliminate or significantly reduce nausea and vomiting.


    SOURCE: Charleston Laboratories, Inc.

CONTACT: Charleston Laboratories, Inc., Business Development, +1-843-577-2626




