


AsiaNet 52011

共同JBN 0113 (2013.2.5)

【ケンブリッジ(米マサチューセッツ州)2013年2月5日PRN=共同JBN】パリに本部を置く「父母教育のための国際連盟(International Federation for Parenting Education 、FIEP)」はこのほど、米コネティカット州ニュータウンの学童大量殺人事件、インド・デリーの若い女性に対する残忍なレイプ殺人など最近起きた悲惨な出来事に対して、普遍的な子育て教育の必要性を訴える呼びかけを行った。主催者は呼びかけの中で「われわれが知りたいのは、凶悪犯罪を起こした若者を育てたのがどんな人間かということだけではない。どのような社会的支援があれば父母は明らかに問題を抱えた子どもに適切な助けを得ることができたのかと言うことだ」と述べている。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130204/NE51589LOGO


この呼びかけを起草し、ビジネス、政府、非営利団体など社会を構成するすべての個人、団体の支持を要請したのはインド・チェンナイにあるSERFACのディレクター、キャサリン・バーナード博士、ロンドンFIEP会長のメアリー・クローリー氏、米マサチューセッツ州・ケンブリッジのParents Forum創始者、イブ・サリバン氏で、それぞれ何十年にもおよぶ子育て、家族支援の経験をもっている。







Eve Sullivan   

Founder, Parents Forum   

+1-617-864-3802 and cell: +1-617-233-7890


Cambridge, Massachusetts USA   


Mary Crowley, OBE

President, IFPE/FIEP   


London, England   


Dr. Catherine Bernard   

Founder Director, SERFAC


Chennai, India   


ソース:International Federation for Parenting Education

FIEP Calls for Universal Parenting Education


CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 5, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Responding to recent horrors - the mass killing of schoolchildren in

Newtown CT and the brutal rape and murder of a young woman in Delhi India - the

International Federation for Parenting Education (FIEP), based in Paris, has

issued a call for universal parenting education. "The questions we ask," say

the authors of the call, "is not only, Who raised the young men who perpetrated

these atrocious crimes? but, What social supports were missing from their

parents' lives that could have led them to seek appropriate help for their

clearly troubled sons?"

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130204/NE51589LOGO )

    According to a TIME/CNN poll January 28, 2013, 37% of respondents put

responsibility for gun violence on 'ways parents raise their children', the

same percentage as those who blame 'influences of pop culture'. Only 23% of

respondents blame 'availability of guns'.

    Dr. Catherine Bernard, director of SERFAC (Chennai), Mary Crowley, OBE,

president of FIEP (London), and Eve Sullivan, founder of Parents Forum

(Cambridge Mass.), with decades of experience in parenting and family support,

wrote this call and invite individuals and organizations in all sectors of

society - business, government and nonprofit - to support it.


    Strong and loving parent-child relationships, appropriate engagement of

parents in their children's school and social lives and family security all

correlate dependably with positive behaviors in young people. "If societies

want to improve parenting, they must examine and improve how they educate and

support parents," Bernard, Crowley and Sullivan assert.

    Call for universal parenting education:

    On behalf of parents and parenting educators around the world, the

International Federation for Parenting Education calls for a new dedication by

individuals, non-for-profit organisations, businesses and governments to

positive support for all parents.

    We renew our own strong commitment to parents and others in parenting roles

on whom the children of the world depend. To counteract commercialisation of

our lives, commodification of individuals and deep-rooted, pervasive violence

in our communities, we must support parents in rebuilding foundations of

positive values, thought and action to uphold family life, in diverse forms and

across generations. Only by doing this in both policy and practice can we

prepare young people for the healthy, happy and productive lives that we all

want them to achieve.


    Eve Sullivan   

    Founder, Parents Forum   

    +1-617-864-3802 and cell: +1-617-233-7890


    Cambridge, Massachusetts USA   


    Mary Crowley, OBE    

    President, IFPE/FIEP   


    London, England   


    Dr. Catherine Bernard   

    Founder Director, SERFAC    


    Chennai, India   


    SOURCE: International Federation for Parenting Education




