◎中国で猛進するポルシェ  2012年も販売記録更新


◎中国で猛進するポルシェ  2012年も販売記録更新

AsiaNet 52069

共同JBN 0138 (2013.2.13)

【上海2013年2月8日PRN=共同JBN】2013年のポルシェ中国(Porsche China)は引き続き過去1年の輝かしい成功を踏まえ、市場をリードする高級スポーツカー・メーカーの地位を一層確固としたものにすると予期している。ポルシェ・ブランドは2012年に販売記録を更新、パナメーラ(Panamera)とカイエン(Cayenne)の顕著な販売実績を動輪に、中国本土、香港、マカオ全域で計3万1205台を納車し、前年比28.2%の成長を達成した。

 (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/02/07/20130207190600901146.html)

ポルシェ中国の最高経営責任者(CEO)、ヘルムート・ブローカー氏は「ポルシェは昨年、またしても中国で新記録を打ち立てた。この成功は、われわれの積極的な戦略、強力なディーラー網と従業員の取り組み、そしてもちろん、顧客の並外れたロイヤルティーのおかげと考えている。今年を展望すれば、スーパーカーの918スパイダー(918 Spyder)、そしてもちろん、新小型車マカン(Macan SUV)のハイブリッド車投入による販売攻勢を推し進める計画だ」と語った。




 *カイエンGTS(Cayenne GTS)、パナメーラ・プラチナエディション(Panamera Platinum Edition)、新型911、パナメーラGTS(Panamera GTS)、ニューボクスター(new generation of the Boxster)など心躍る新車、改良モデルの発売

 *一流自動車メディア、団体から23件の受賞。うち半数近くが新型911(new generation 911)認定による

 *中国CSR(企業の社会的責任)の大幅拡充。ポルシェは3年続けて国連児童基金(ユニセフ)と提携、四川、甘粛、雲南各省の恵まれない学生を支援、計2100万人民元以上と6台のカイエンSUVを寄贈した。ポルシェとユニセフはまた、山西、貴州両省で、新たな総合的幼児教育(Integrated Early Childhood Development=IECD)事業にも着手した。ポルシェは2014年末までIECDを支援するため、カイエンSUV4台と2300万人民元以上を寄贈すると約束している。その時までにポルシェ中国は、2008年四川大地震の災害救援に送った初期資金を含め、総計5000万人民元の現金に加えカイエンSUV10台を中国のユニセフに贈ることになる。

ポルシェ中国は2013年にいくつか新計画がある。1月には新型911カレラが内モンゴルの氷原を疾走、後日、世界的な911シリーズ50周年記念イベントに加わる。2014年初めには独自のポルシェ試乗センター(Porsche Experience Centre)が上海にオープンする予定。



▽ポルシェ中国(Porsche China)について



ソース:Porsche China

China Roars Ahead as Porsche's Fastest-growing Region


SHANGHAI, Feb. 8, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

           Porsche China reported strong growth in 2012

     In 2013, Porsche China expects to continue building upon its spectacular

successes from the past year and further establish its position as the leading

luxury sports car maker in the market. The marque set another sales record in

2012, delivering a total of 31,205 cars across mainland China, Hong Kong and

Macau, realising a growth rate of 28.2 percent year-on-year, driven primarily

by the outstanding sales performance of the Panamera and Cayenne models.

     (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/02/07/20130207190600901146.html)

     "Last year, Porsche once again set a new benchmark for itself in China,"

said Mr. Helmut Broeker, Chief Executive Officer of Porsche China. "We

attribute this success to our proactive strategy, the commitment of our strong

dealership network and workforce, and, of course, the exceptional loyalty of

our customers...¦ As we look ahead this year, we plan to continue carrying

forward our product offensive with the launch of new hybrid vehicles, such as

the 918 Spyder, and, of course, our new Macan SUV."

     Key achievements of 2012 included:

     -  An unbroken record of 11 consecutive years of growth.

     -  The establishment of new Porsche Centres nationwide.

     -  Premieres of exciting new cars and upgraded models, including the

        Cayenne GTS, the Panamera Platinum Edition, the new 911, the Panamera

        GTS and the new generation of the Boxster.

     -  Receiving 23 industry honours from top auto media and organisations,

        nearly half in recognition of the new generation 911.

     -  Vast expansion of its China CSR programme. For the third year, Porsche

        partnered with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to aid  

        disadvantaged students across Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan Provinces,

        contributing over 21 million RMB and 6 Cayenne SUVs in total. The  

        marque and UNICEF also initiated their new Integrated Early Childhood  

        Development IECD project across Shanxi and Guizhou. Porsche has

        pledged to support IECD with a donation of four Cayenne SUVs and a

        contribution of more than 23 million RMB to last until the end of

        2014. By then, including the initial funds sent for disaster relief

        after the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, Porsche China will have committed a

        total donation of more than 50 million RMB in cash plus 10 Cayenne

        SUVs to UNICEF in China.

     Porsche China has several new plans for 2013. In January, it launched its

new 911 Carrera 4 on ice in Inner Mongolia; later it will join worldwide

celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the 911 series. A unique Porsche

Experience Centre in Shanghai is due to open in early 2014.

     Outstanding Network Development

     Porsche opened 10 new centres in 2012 in Wuxi, Chongqing, Hohhot,

Tangshan, Lanzhou, Jinan, Beijing, Hefei, Dalian and Ordos in 2012. A centre

established in Nantong this January increased the total to 49. Porsche

spearheaded the development of emerging local markets within China by opening

centres in second and third-tier cities.

     About Porsche China

     Porsche has been known as one of the most prestigious automobile brands

worldwide for decades. Since 2001, Porsche China has been importing the full

range of iconic Porsche sports cars imbued with the sporting spirit of the

marque. Porsche China currently operates 49 Porsche Centres in Mainland China,

Hong Kong and Macau.

     For more information please visit:


     SOURCE: Porsche China  




