◎Artpriceが2012年版年次報告を発表 西と東の対話


◎Artpriceが2012年版年次報告を発表 西と東の対話

AsiaNet 52332

共同JBN 0247 (2013.3.7)


▽ 編集について


何年も前から、Artpriceはアジア圏、特に中国の美術品市場のデータ収集に、できる限りの関心を払ってきた。しかし、Artpriceの創業者で最高経営責任者(CEO)であるティエリ・エールマンによると、Artpriceには重要な要素が欠けていた。文化的、社会学的分析であり、それは主役とも言うべきArt Market Monitor of Artron(AMMA)だけが提供できるものだった。美術品市場が2極化し、東と西との対話が進んだことで、これまではできなかった市場の異文化分析が可能になった。





過去10年間、Artprice は年次美術品市場報告を6言語で発行してきた。報告は毎年6300以上のメディア組織や国際機関に配布している。世界各国4500のオークションで売買された630万件のデータに基づいた報告はマクロおよびミクロ経済分析を含み、世界のオークション市場で起きている年ごとの進化を理解する鍵となっている。市場の大きなトレンドについて論じ、年間を通じてウェブサイトArtMarketInsight上で、Artprice通信社やArt Market Monitor of Artron Econometrics Departmentと協力して分析している。年間を通じた世界のオークション結果に基づいた客観的な評価を補完するため、ArtpriceおよびArt Market Monitor of Artronはオークション収入トップ500アーティストや年間多額オークショントップ100などの数多くのオリジナルランキングも公表している。

英文の完全ドキュメントはPDF フォーマットで以下のサイトからダウンロードできる(無料)。




▽GROUPE Artronの子会社AMMAについて

AMMA(Art Market Monitor of Artron)はGROUPE Artronの子会社。AMMAは中国アート市場の総合的なモニターと詳細分析に注力するリサーチセンターである。リサーチとアドバイザリー・サービスはArtronのデータベースに基づいている。これは中国アート市場に関する最大で最も信頼性があるデータベースで、250万以上の芸術作品リストと中国全土のオークション結果が集められている。データベースに納められた作品はそれぞれ高解像度写真が付いており、China Guardianが1993年に中国でオークションを開始して以来、500以上のオークションハウスからの情報で補足されている。AMMAは統計学、計量経済学手法を用いて中国アート市場の価格傾向のほか、同時に特定の市場、カテゴリー、アーティストなどを観察している。AMMAはまた、データ分析、技術的な見積価格、値付けのアドバイスも提供している。さらにAMMAは個人、企業顧客向けセミナーを組織している。


Artpriceは権威あるSBF 120指数に加わっている。SBF 120指数はCAC 40企業とフランスの最も流動性が高い80株式が含まれるフランス最大の上場企業120社で構成されている。現時点のArtprice株式の流動性は、過去440日間の取引日で算出すると1日平均383万ユーロである(総計16億7000万ユーロ)。

Artpriceは50万人以上の美術家を対象とし、2700万件以上の索引、オークション結果を含んだ美術品市場データバンクの世界的なリーダーである。Artprice Images(登録商標)は1700年から現在に至る美術作品の画像、彫版印刷物1億800万点のライブラリーである世界最大の美術品市場リソースと、Artpriceの美術史家のコメントに対する無制限のアクセスを提供している。Artpriceは4500の国際的オークションハウスからの情報で永続的にデータベースを更新しており、美術品市場の傾向に関する日々の情報を主要通信社と6300の国際的報道機関に提供している。Artpriceは207万2000人の会員(ログイン会員)に向けて、今や世界の主流になったStandardised Marketplace(登録商標)にフランス関連法(alineas 2 et 3 de l’article L 321.3 du code du commerce)の規制に基づき個人契約、またはオークションによる美術品売買用に標準化された広告を掲載している。

Artpriceは、ユーロネクスト・パリ(SDR long only)のユーロリストB SBF 120に上場されている:





Artpriceの本部は有名な現代美術館the Abode of Chaos http://goo.gl/Tz6lyにある。


Josette Mey

tel: +33(0)478-220-000,

e-mail: ir@artprice.com


Artprice : The Art Market 2012 - a Dialogue Between East and West


PARIS, Mar. 7, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ -- -


    For this study of the global art market in 2012, Artprice has formed an

alliance with Artron, the leading information service on the art market in

China within the Greater Asia region, in order to provide the best possible

overview of the art auction market.

    For years, Artprice has taken the utmost interest in collecting the data of

the Asian art market and more especially the Chinese market. However, Artprice

was missing a key element: the cultural and sociologic analysis that key actor

Art Market Monitor of Artron (AMMA) only could provide, according to Thierry

Ehrmann, the founder and CEO of Artprice. With the art market now bipolar,

entering into a dialogue between East and West has enabled us to come to an

unprecedented cross-cultural analysis of the market.

    In fact, we are analysing a bipolar art market that has grown in China and

the West and at different speeds in different cultural terrains and according

to different standards. In comparison with 2011 figures, released by Artprice

in its annual report, those of 2012, co-released by Artprice and Artron, show

an increase by 6.1%.

    There has of course been a globalisation effect due to the

dematerialisation of the art market through the Internet and the nomadic nature

of collectors. And of course it is clear that bridges have been built between

East and West and that the creation, supply and demand of art sometimes overlap

at certain points. But we cannot say that art has become totally homogeneous.

On the contrary, the art market exacerbates cultural differences by reflecting

the gamut of artistic choices. Chinese collectors are not inclined to buy a

Western piece of art that they find is too far removed from their cultural

parameters. Instead, they prefer traditional styles, ancient calligraphy and,

more recently, contemporary "experimental" ink art. Likewise, Western

collectors mainly buy the works of artists who speak their language, including

some Asian artists who have assimilated Western art history.

    So the idea of a globalised art market should be taken with a pinch of

salt. In any case, it is a little premature for Western and Chinese readers to

be finding their bearings in an analysis of the global art market that is bent

on combining information from East and West at all costs. In order to provide a

clear and transparent analysis for our entire global readership, this year our

report is made up of an introduction that covers the results of art sales

around the world in 2012, followed by two distinct chapters. The first of these

concentrates exclusively on the art market in the West and Artprice data, while

the second focuses on art in China and Artron data. This fertile relationship

between Artprice and Artron has led us both to examine our areas of overlap and

divergence and to look at the way a new geopolitics is evolving in the art

market of the 21st century.

    Thierry Ehrmann

    For the past ten year, Artprice has published its exclusive annual art

market report - available in 6 languages -, which is distributed to over 6,300

media organisations and international institutions every year. Based on 6.3

million auction results from 4,500 auction houses around the world, the report

contains macro- and micro-economic analyses providing the keys to    

understanding the annual evolution of the global auction market. It discusses

the major trends in the market, analysed throughout the year on the

ArtMarketInsight page of our website, by the Artprice press agency and jointly

by the Artprice and the Art Market Monitor of Artron Econometrics Department.

To complement this objective appreciation of the art market based on a year of

global auction results, Artprice and the Art Market Monitor of Artron also

offer numerous original rankings such as the Top 500 artists by auction revenue

and the Top 100 auction results of the year.

    Download the complete document in English - PDF format (Free download)


    Download the complete document in Chinese - PDF format (Free download)


    About AMMA, a subsidiary of GROUPE Artron

    AMMA -Art Market Monitor of Artron- is a subsidiary of GROUPE Artron. AMMA

is a research center committed to comprehensive monitoring and in-depth

analysis of the Chinese Art Market. The research and advisory services are

sourced from Artron's database, recognized as the largest and most credible

database on the Chinese art market with more than 2.5 million artworks listed

and auction results from all over China. For each artwork listed the database

contains high definition images and is supplemented with information from more

than 500 auction houses ever since China Guardian commenced auction activities

in China in 1993. Using statistical and econometric methodology, AMMA observes

the price trends of the Chinese art market as well as the specific movements

regarding particular specialty markets, categories or artists. AMMA also

provides data analysis, technical valuations and pricing advice. It also

organizes seminars for individual and institutional customers

    About Artprice.com:

    ARTPRICE has joined the prestigious SBF 120 index. The SBF 120 index is

composed of the 120 largest French listed companies, including the CAC 40

companies and the country's 80 most liquid stocks.The current liquidity of the

Artprice share is 3.83 million euros per day calculated over 440 trading days

(amounting to a total of EUR1.670 billion).

    Artprice is the global leader in databank on Artprices and indices with

more than 27 million indices and auction results covering more than 500,000

artists. Artprice Images(R) offers unlimited access to the largest Art Market

resource in the world, a library of 108 million images or engravings of

artworks from 1700 to the present day along with comments by Artprice's art

historians. Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from

4,500 international auction houses and auctioneers and publishes a constant

flow of art market trends for the main news agencies and 6,300 international

written media. For its 2.072 million members (member log in), Artprice posts

standardized adverts in what is today the world's leading Standardised

Marketplace(R) for buying and selling works of art by private contract or at

auctions -regulated by French law alineas 2 et 3 de l'article L 321.3 du code

du commerce.

    Artprice is listed on Eurolist B SBF 120 by Euronext Paris (SRD long only):

Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF


    Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice

http://web.artprice.com/video, which headquarters are the famous Museum of

Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos http://goo.gl/Tz6ly

    CONTACT: Josette Mey

             Tel: +33-(0)-478-220-000

             e-mail: ir@artprice.com

     SOURCE: Artprice.com




