Citizens of Tokyo Wishes Upon Balloons in Hopes to Host 2020 Olympics & Paralympics

TOKYO, May 31 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Sports no Chikara Project Executive Committee

Citizens of Tokyo Wishes Upon Balloons in Hopes to Host 2020 Olympics & Paralympics

Sports no Chikara Project Executive Committee held a special event on May 30, 100 days prior to the election of the city to host the 2020 Summer Olympics & Paralympics. 1,000 runners gathered at a countdown running event held at Tokyo Tower, one of the icon of Tokyo.

With the tower beautifully lit up in Olympics colors in the sky, a total of 2020 balloons were released, each balloon carrying hope for Tokyo to host the 2020 Olympic Games. The number, "2020" was lit up atop the Tokyo Tower's deck and the participants burst into cheers.

After the event, runners wearing T-Shirts with five colors of the Olympics ran around the Tokyo Tower. And ther desire to host the 2020 Olympic & Paralympic Games was made stronger.



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