◎韓国の伝統食品5品目が絶滅の危機に リストに登録


◎韓国の伝統食品5品目が絶滅の危機に リストに登録

AsiaNet 54193

共同JBN 1031 (2013.9.10)

【南揚州(韓国)2013年9月9 日PRN=共同JBN】韓国の伝統食品5品目が、絶滅の危機にあるとして国際的な伝統食品保護運動団体が主宰している味の箱舟(Ark of Taste)リストに登録された。韓国で開かれているスローフード展の組織委員会が6日、明らかにした。

 (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/09/09/20130909124012552601.html



南揚州国際スローフード会議委員会(Namyangju International Slow Food Conference Committe)は、絶滅の危機にあることに人々の注意を喚起し、保護を進めるよう促すために5品目のリストを味の箱舟委員会に提出したと述べた。

Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversityが8月30日にリストに登録した。



現在食品遺産1211品目がリストに登録されている。 果物、野菜、動物、乳製品などが含まれている。

ソース:2013 Namyangju International Slow Food Conference Committee

Five Korean Foods in Danger of Extinction Join Speciality Catalog


NAMYANGJU, South Korea, Sept. 9, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   Five traditional Korean foods have been listed in the Ark of Taste, an

international catalog of heritage foods that are in danger of extinction, the

Korean slow food exhibition organizer said Friday.

   (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/09/09/20130909124012552601.html )

   It is the first time that Korean foods have been registered in the

international slow food catalog. It was launched in 1996 as part of the

international slow food movement that began in Turin, Italy.

   The selected foods include seasoned beans from the southern resort island of

Jeju, dwarf wheat from the southeastern city of Jinju, wild duck from South

Chungcheong Province, and Hanson Lily and beef from cows raised on medicinal

herbs from the eastern island of Ulleung.

   The Namyangju International Slow Food Conference Committee said it submitted

the list of five products to the Ark commission to draw attention to the risk

of their extinctions and encourage people to protect them.

   The Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity listed them in the Ark list on

Aug. 30.

   The Ark of Taste project features small-scale quality products that belong

to the cultures and traditions around the world.

   The listed foods must have distinctive flavors, connection to a specific

area and identity of local traditions. They must be produced in limited

quantities that are at risk of extinction, the foundation's website said.

   Currently, 1,211 kinds of heritage foods, including fruits, vegetables,

animals and cheeses, are registered on the list, according to the foundation.

SOURCE:  2013 Namyangju International Slow Food Conference Committee




