
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations

AsiaNet 54351







2013年9月24日、ニューヨーク - 今週、国連ミレニアム開発目標(MDG)の達成状況の評価と、2015年以降の世界の発展のための新たな計画立案を行うため各国首脳がニューヨークに集まります。その会議の場で研究開発型製薬業界のリーダーたちは、すべてのステークホルダーを関与させる継続的な対話と建設的なコミットメントを呼びかけます。


IFPMA理事長のEduardo Pisaniは、「国連では『責任あるビジネスと市民社会の関与』を呼びかけ、『かつてないほどの努力の蓄積の必要性』を認識しています。この行動を求める声に、研究開発型の製薬業界は力強く共鳴しており、今後更に拡大する医療アクセスと、未対応の医療ニーズに対応することは、まさに我々の日常業務の中核をなしているといえます 」と述べています。

世界は現在の保健分野MDGにおける未達成の課題を注視する一方、今後15年間では、 糖尿病、がん、呼吸・心臓疾患などが世界の医療システムにとって、ますます大きな課題となりつつあります。これらの「非伝染性」疾患を原因とする死亡率の80%は低・中所得国で発生しており、これらの疾患予防・治療するためのコスト効率の高い方法を発見することが緊急の課題となっています。

Eduardo Pisaniは、「地球規模の保健目標に対する民間企業の影響を最大限に発揮するには、次の開発目標設定において、プロアクティブに、部門を問わず関与していくことが我々には必要です」と述べています。「元来のMDGには、民間企業がどのように貢献できるかについての明確な計画がありませんでした。製薬企業の重要性は高まっており、どの企業も独自の貢献が必須であることを認識しています。しかし最も解決が困難な医療の課題に対処するには、システム全体での変化を起こすことが必要であり、政府、市民社会、業界、どのセクターも、これを単独では推進できません。


OpEd: Meeting global development goals requires more cross-sector partnerships(http://www.ifpma.org/、Eduardo Pisani, IFPMA Director General and Aron Cramer, CEO, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)

IFPMA 出版物: Sustainable Health and Multi-stakeholder Action - Lessons Learned from the MDGs) (http://www.ifpma.org/resources/publications.html


Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Calls for Public-Private Sector Engagement to Accelerate Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and in Planning New Development Agenda

NEW YORK, Sept. 24, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   - Since the MDGs' launch, many notable health successes resulted from

     coordinated actions by many contributors from public and private sectors

     and civil society.

   - Pharmaceutical companies lead over 220 partnerships to strengthen health

     systems and improve peoples' health in low- and middle-income countries.

   - Research-based pharmaceutical industry's contributions to improving

     health demonstrate its unique role as partner in post-2015 development


   As governments gather in New York this week to review the world's efforts

for the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

and chart the new pathway for global development beyond 2015, leaders of the

research-based pharmaceutical industry call for continued dialogue and

constructive engagement involving all stakeholders.

   With more than 220 global partnerships addressing a wide range of diseases

and focusing on prevention, improvements in health system infrastructures,

training, pharmaceutical R&D, and medicine and vaccine donations, the industry

plays an important role in advancing progress toward the health-related MDGs. A

new publication launched today by IFPMA shows that transformative partnerships

and accountability frameworks between civil society, the private sector, and

governments can promote more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development.

   Eduardo Pisani, IFPMA Director General, says, "The United Nations calls for

the 'engagement of responsible business and civil society' and recognizes the

'need to pool efforts as never before.'[1] This call for action resonates

strongly with the research-based pharmaceutical industry - where expanding

access to healthcare and meeting unmet medical needs are at the very core of

our daily operations."

   While the world should not lose sight of the unfinished business in the

current health-related MDGs, emerging issues such as diabetes, cancer,

respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, will increasingly challenge health

systems worldwide in the next fifteen years. Eighty (80) percent of deaths due

to these 'non-communicable' diseases occur in low- and middle-income countries

and will inevitably increase pressure to find cost-effective interventions to

prevent or treat diseases.

   "To maximize the impact of private sector action on global health goals, we

need proactive, cross-sector engagement in framing the next set of development

goals," says Eduardo Pisani. "The original MDGs were conceived without a clear

map as to how the private sector could contribute. Pharmaceutical companies

came to the fore anyway-recognizing the criticality of their unique

contributions. But we know that there is no sector-not government, not civil

society, not industry-that can alone drive the system-wide change that is

required to address the most intractable health challenges."

   Related materials:

   OpEd: Meeting global development goals requires more cross-sector

partnerships, [http://www.ifpma.org/ ] by Eduardo Pisani, IFPMA Director General

and Aron Cramer, CEO, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)

  1. United Nations, A life of dignity for all: accelerating progress towards

the Millennium Development Goals and advancing the United Nations development

agenda beyond 2015, Report of the Secretary-General.

   IFPMA publication: Sustainable Health and Multi-stakeholder Action - Lessons

Learned from the MDGs) [http://www.ifpma.org/resources/publications.html ]

   SOURCE: International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers &





