Realista Begins Online Tryout Campaign for Foreign Firms


NAGOYA, Japan, Mar. 10 / Kyodo JBN/--

Realista Inc.

Realista Begins Online Tryout Campaign for Foreign Firms

- Opportunity to Sell Products on Japan's No. 1 Rakuten Market and Local amazon; Applications for "Enter Japan Tryout Campaign" Being Accepted -

Realista Inc. will hold the second in a series of events to celebrate the opening of its China office in November 2013, providing prospective foreign customers with an opportunity to participate in an "Enter Japan Tryout Campaign" to sell their products at cut rates at the company's online store on Rakuten Market, Japan's No. 1 Internet shopping mall, and local amazon. For details of the campaign, please visit our website (

* Enter Japan Tryout Campaign

This campaign is aimed at selling foreign marketers' products at online stores Realista Inc. manages on Rakuten Market and amazon. Participants can choose from our shops on Rakuten and amazon.

* The outline of the campaign

Duration: 6 months starting March 1, 2014

Participants: 10 customers signing up for the Enter Japan Tryout Campaign on a first-come-first-served basis.

Campaign: Realista will sell a maximum 20 items of your products for six months on our company's online shop on either Rakuten Market or amazon through webpages we will prepare in the Japanese language.

Costs (tax excluded): 100,000 yen (1 mall), 200,000 yen (2 malls)

     Monthly fee: 30% sales commission. *Running costs will also be chargeable.

Duration: 6 months

* About Realista Inc.

Company name: Realista Inc.

Representative Director: Daisuke Wada

Office: 38F Yueyangguang, 1601 Nanjing Xilu, Jingan District, Shanghai, China

Japan: 2-2-24, Shinsakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture

Establishment: May 2007

Lines of business: Planning, production and management support of Internet shops

Capitalization: 3 million yen



Miao Lee

Sales Department

Realista Inc.

China: 021-6171-3709

Japan: +81-50-5539-1973







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