Yokohama Tourism Site for Muslims Gaining Favorable Response, Rich in Information on Restaurants and
YOKOHAMA, Japan, Mar. 28 /Kyodo JBN/ --
Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau
Yokohama Tourism Site for Muslims Gaining Favorable Response, Rich in Information on Restaurants and Mosques
The Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau (YCVB) announced on March 28 that the Muslim Tourist Information site within the English version of the official Yokohama Visitors' Guide website is gaining favorable responses from Muslims in Southeast Asia.
The Muslim Tourist Information website ( ) was set up in December 2013 to enable Muslims to enjoy their tour and stay in Yokohama without worries despite differences in culture and practices. It introduces places such as tourist facilities, restaurants, halal shops and mosques based on recommendations by Muslims living in Yokohama.
In a questionnaire concerning this website conducted on Muslims in Southeast Asia, more than 90% said they find the information on "restaurants," "mosques," and "suggested itineraries" to be useful.
In 2013, the number of foreigners who visited Japan surpassed 10 million people. In response to the recent increase in tourists from other Asian countries, YCVB has highlighted the charms of Yokohama through its websites and brochures in the English, Chinese and Korean languages.
From 2013, YCVB reinforced its activities to attract tourists from Southeast Asia. It has been widely publicizing Yokohama as a sightseeing city through means such as setting up booths at tourism fairs in countries like Thailand and Malaysia as well as receiving media organization representatives from Southeast Asian countries to show them around Yokohama.
As part of efforts to attract Muslim tourists, YCVB has been working on ways to help Muslims feel more comfortable during their stay in Yokohama, including organizing a training session for people involved in tourism in the city on how to receive Muslim travelers and distributing brochures for Muslim travelers at tourist information centers.
Yokohama is Japan's second biggest city after Tokyo, located near the capital with a population of 3.7 million. Since opening its port to the world 155 years ago, the city and the port have been developing as a sightseeing destination with an exotic air. Keeping an eye on the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the city is working on enhancing its support for foreign tourists so that many such people will be able to feel comfortable in enjoying Yokohama. The city hopes people around the world will take note of its continued efforts.
Source: Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau

- 名称 公益財団法人横浜観光コンベンション・ビューロー
- 所在地 神奈川県
- 業種 観光