


AsiaNet 56743

共同JBN 0527 (2014.5.14)

【グレンサイド(米ペンシルベニア州)2014年5月14日PRN=共同JBN】アルカディア大学(Arcadia University)グローバル研究校(College of Global Studies)で常勤研究員を務めるローランド・アジョビ(Roland Adjovi)氏がこのほど「国連恣意的拘禁に関するワーキンググループ(WG)」のメンバーに選出された。任期は2014年から16年までの3年間で直ちに発効する。

アジョビ氏は幅広い教職経験を持つ法律専門家で、2009年から2013年までアルカディア大学グローバル研究校を通じてタンザニアのアルカディア・センターでアカデミック・ディレクターを勤めた。同氏はアルカディア大学で国際人権法の教科を担当しており、同大学で年間を通じてアフリカおよびそのディアスポラについての講義やプレゼンテーションを後援している同校の「Pan African Studies Collective(汎アフリカ研究コレクティブ)」のメンバーになっている。







アルカディア大学はフィラデルフィア近郊にある一流私立大学で、海外留学と国際教育は全米でもトップクラスである。国際教育交流に関する「2013年オープンドア報告(2013 Open Doors report)」はアルカディア大学を海外に留学した学部生の全米1位に選定、U Sニューズ&ワールド・リポート誌はアルカディアを北部地域大学のトップクラスに格付けし、その海外留学プログラムを称賛している。アルカディア大学は独特のグローバルで統合的な、さらに、多様性があり活力に満ちた世界を主導し、貢献できる学生を育てる個人学習体験を約束する。


ソース:Arcadia University


Dan DiPrinzio,



Roland Adjovi, Resident Scholar at Arcadia University, Elected to United Nations Working Group


GLENSIDE, Pennsylvania, May 14, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    Roland Adjovi, resident scholar at The College of Global Studies at Arcadia

University, has been elected to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary

Detention. The three-year mandate (2014-16) begins immediately.

    A jurist with extensive teaching experience, Adjovi served as academic

director at the Arcadia Center in Tanzania from 2009 to 2013 through The

College of Global Studies at Arcadia University. At Arcadia, he teaches a

course on international human rights law and is a member of the University's

Pan African Studies Collective, which sponsors lectures and presentations at

Arcadia throughout the year on Africa and its Diaspora.

    "With an impressive background in education and international law, Roland

Adjovi brings with him qualities and strengths that will make him an invaluable

member of the Working Group," said Dr. Nicolette DeVille Christensen, president

of Arcadia University. "I am sure that this experience will deepen and enrich

his scholarship, teaching, and service to the international community. We

applaud him on this appointment."  

    The United Nations Working Group was established in 1991 as a subsidiary of

the Human Rights Council with a focus on arbitrary detention. The Working Group

investigates complaints and conducts field missions in regard to arbitrary

detention worldwide and works with individuals, governments, and civil

organizations to address the violations. The Working Group recently has

addressed complaints from Guantanamo Bay, Egypt, Algeria, Israel, Iran, China,

Thailand, Iraq, and Uzbekistan.

    Adjovi is an expert in human rights and international law, publishing and

lecturing on both topics. In 2010, he was the keynote speaker at a briefing

session at the U.N. Office in Nairobi, presenting on U.N. administrative law,

and last year he published a paper in the African Yearbook of International Law

that criticized the seemingly unjust acquittal and lenient sentence in the

Gumisiriza et al. case (2008, 2009), in which General Wilson Gumisiriza and

military subordinates associated with Rwandan President Paul Kagame's rebellion

army were accused of crimes committed in 1994.

    Mr. Adjovi's appointment will be most welcome to all those whose lives and

welfare are affected by arbitrary detention," said Lorna Stern, vice president

and executive director of The College of Global Studies at Arcadia University.

"Mr. Adjovi combines a rigorous intellectual and legal acuity with a deep

understanding of the global context of detention. His sterling reputation for

integrity and knowledge of the rights of the state and the individual will

serve him well in this important post.

    Adjovi has served as senior legal officer with the Registry of the

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, as legal assistant for the

Organization for African Unity, and as lead counsel in a successful case

against Tanzania before the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights in the

matter of Rev. Christopher R. Mtikila v. the United Republic of Tanzania.

    Adjovi earned a bachelor's degree in law and public administration, a

master's degree in political science, and a Master of Laws in Human Rights at

the University of Paris. He is the fourth African to sit on the working group

since its establishment.

    About Arcadia University

    Arcadia University is a top-ranked private university in metropolitan

Philadelphia and a national leader in study abroad and international education.

The 2013 Open Doors report named Arcadia University #1 in the nation in

undergraduate students studying abroad, while U.S. News & World Report ranks

Arcadia among the top regional universities in the north and lauds Arcadia's

study abroad programs. Arcadia University promises a distinctively global,

integrative, and personal learning experience that prepares students to

contribute and lead in a diverse and dynamic world. Visit


SOURCE  Arcadia University

CONTACT: Dan DiPrinzio, +1-610-731-3871, diprinziod@arcadia.edu




