◎チベット仏教の最高位導師に永遠の別れ 信徒が世界中からドイツに

Buddhistischer Dachverband Diamantweg e.V.

◎チベット仏教の最高位導師に永遠の別れ 信徒が世界中からドイツに

AsiaNet 57133

共同JBN 0691 (2014.6.23)

【レンヘン(ドイツ)2014年6月20日PRN=共同JBN】ドイツ・シュバルツバルト(黒森)地方の小都市、レンヘンでの葬儀が挙行された。チベット仏教カルマ・カギュ派の教主、カルマパ・タエ・ドルジェ(Karmapa Thaye Dorje)17世は自らの師の遺骸をインドに伴うためにドイツを訪れた。


世界中から数千人に上る仏教信徒がドイツのレンヘンに集い、第14代紅帽化身ラマ、クンズィン・シャマル・リンポチェ(Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche)に最後の別れをした。タエ・ドルジェ17世が師に当たる人の感動的な葬儀を主宰した。同教主はこれからシャマル・リンポチェのこの世で最後の旅に随行し、インドをはじめアジア諸国を歴訪することになる。それらの国々では万を超える仏教徒が化身ラマに別れを告げる。シャマル・リンポチェその人は死を恐れなかった。晩年の講話の1つで、彼は「死にあっても(瞑想の)行の方法を知っていれば、死を怖がる必要はない」と語っている。

シャマル・リンポチェは6月11日、レンヘンウルム地区にある自らの教団組織、ボディパス(Bodhi Path)の瞑想センターで心停止のため遷化した。享年61歳。シャマル・リンポチェはカルマパ・タエ・ドルジュ教主に次ぐカルマ・カギュ派の最高位導師であり、チベット仏教の最も重要かつ影響力のある代表者の1人であった。世界中で教えを説き、欧州、米国、そしてアジアに多くの人道主義的教団を設立した。











Bodhi Path - Buddhistisches Zentrum e.V., Kaierstr. 18, 77871 Renchen-Ulm,


Phone: +49-7843-7232, info@bodhipath-renchen-ulm.de



Bodhi Path - Buddhistisches Zentrum e.V., Sabine Teuber


Tel. +49-(0)173-3409751

Buddhistischer Dachverband Diamantweg e.V., Presseburo Hamburg

Thadenstr. +49-79-22767 Hamburg

Holm Ay, Tel: +49-(0)177-8009008, presse@diamantweg.de

ソース:Buddhistischer Dachverband Diamantweg e.V.

Buddhists from all Over the World Bid Farewell in Germany to One of the Highest Teachers of Tibetan Buddhism


RENCHEN, Germany, June 20 /PRN=KYODO JBN/--

Farewell ceremony in the village of Renchen in the Black Forest / 17th Karmapa

Thaye Dorje, head of the Karma Kagyu tradition, comes to Germany in order to

accompany the body of his teacher to India

Cross reference: Picture is available via epa european pressphoto agency and

can be downloaded free of charge at:

http://www.presseportal.de/story.htx?firmaid=52714 -

Several thousand Buddhists from all over the world met at Renchen in Germany to

pay their last respects to His Holiness the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche. His

Holiness the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje led the impressive farewell ceremony for

his teacher. He will accompany Shamar Rinpoche on his last journey to India and

several other Asian countries. Tens of thousands of Buddhists will bid him

farewell there. Shamar Rinpoche himself did not fear death. In one of his last

teachings he said: "You don't need to be afraid of death if you know how to

practice [meditation] in death."

Shamar Rinpoche died of a cardiac arrest on 11th June, at the age of 61 in the

meditation center of his Bodhi Path organization in Renchen-Ulm. Shamar

Rinpoche was, after Karmapa Thaye Dorje, the highest-ranking teacher in the

Karma Kagyu tradition and one of the most important and influential

representatives of Tibetan Buddhism. He taught worldwide and established

various humanitarian foundations in Europe, the USA and Asia.

After his death, letters of condolence were received from many high masters of

Tibetan Buddhism as well as the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Bhutan. "I have

known Rinpoche for many years and my family and I will always remember Shamar

Rinpoche as a close and dear friend," His Majesty Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye

Wangchuck, the 4th King of Bhutan, wrote.

Since the death of the 16th Karmapa in the year 1981, Shamar Rinpoche had

continued the centuries-old Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Today's

spiritual leader of that school, the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje, was recognized,

brought out of Tibet and enthroned by Shamar Rinpoche in 1994.

With its more than 180 meditation and study centers, the Karma Kagyu is the

most widespread Buddhist school in Germany. It is worldwide represented by more

than 900 monasteries as well as meditation centers under the guidance of

Karmapa Thaye Dorje.

More information and press photos:


http://www.bodhipath.org - http://www.diamondway-buddhism.org -

http://www.shamarpa.org - http://www.karmapa.org


Bodhi Path - Buddhistisches Zentrum e.V., Kaierstr. 18, 77871 Renchen-Ulm,


Phone: +49-7843-7232, info@bodhipath-renchen-ulm.de


Press contact:

Bodhi Path - Buddhistisches Zentrum e.V., Sabine Teuber


Tel. +49-(0)173-3409751

Buddhistischer Dachverband Diamantweg e.V., Presseburo Hamburg

Thadenstr. +49-79-22767 Hamburg

Holm Ay, Tel: +49-(0)177-8009008, presse@diamantweg.de

SOURCE: Buddhistischer Dachverband Diamantweg e.V.




